Piz Fess (Chli Fess), Oberhorn, Piz Riein

Publiziert von Stijn , 20. Oktober 2016 um 19:42.

Region: Welt » Schweiz » Graubünden » Safiental
Tour Datum:16 Oktober 2016
Wandern Schwierigkeit: T4 - Alpinwandern
Klettern Schwierigkeit: I (UIAA-Skala)
Geo-Tags: Signina   CH-GR 
Zeitbedarf: 7:00
Aufstieg: 1450 m
Abstieg: 1450 m

The path from Tenna onto the Piz Fess is marked white-red-white. The markings are rather sparse, and often only there where the path is obvious anyway... Still, in good visibility, it's hard to go wrong. We had not expected many other hikers on the mountain. The ascent of 1250m is considerable and there is a crispy layer of snow above 2700m (though less than expected; campons and ice axe remain in our rucksacks). However, the hike turns out to be surprisingly popular, with at least 15 people reaching the summit today. Who can blame them, with such fabulous autumn weather? The views are incredibly clear, ranging from Dufourspitze to Hoher Riffler and from Finsteraarhorn to Ortler. Not bad for a mountain that is itself still clearly below the 3000m mark! The biggest eye-catcher however is the immediate neighbour, the Bös Fess, the highest of the Piz Fess twin summits. The Bös Fess pinnacle is unfortunately not accessible to hikers.

After Piz Fess, we head for the Oberhorn. When traversing from the Piz Fess, you see the chimney that provides access to the summit crag directly ahead of you. After the chimney, a short traverse on an exposed path (a little bit of snow requires extra care here) and a short, pleasant scramble bring us to the summit. (T4 and I; easier than it looks from the distance.)

Our final summit is the Piz Riein, reached along the south ridge. From a distance, there seem to be some rocks just below the summit that might pose an obstacle, but the unmarked path in fact cuts straight through them without any issues (T3). madu also explores the north summit (P. 2752), while I for once am lazy and stay on the south summit (P. 2762). For the north summit, stay along the ridge, only making small diversions into the west face where absolutely necessary. (T5 on brittle rock, according to madu.)

Tourengänger: madu, Stijn
Communities: English

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