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Bike & Hike » Tourenberichte (mit Geodaten) (183)

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Okt 11
Sottoceneri   T2 S  
7 Okt 19
Monte Tamaro (1962 m) – Bike & Hike
Da ben dodici anni non salivo più sulla cima del Monte Tamaro, oggi l’ho raggiunto avvalendomi della cabinovia fino all’Alpe Foppa (1527 m), della mtb fino alla Bocchetta del Motto Rotondo (1842 m) e infine a piedi fino alla croce di vetta. Il toponimo “Tamaro” ha il significato di “recinto a stanghe, stecconata...
Publiziert von siso 11. Oktober 2019 um 19:50 (Fotos:51 | Kommentare:6 | Geodaten:1)
Sep 29
Bellinzonese   T2 ZS  
19 Sep 19
Pizzo Rossetto (2097 m) e Ӧr Dangiasch (1806 m) – Bike & Hike
Fantastica escursione nella magnifica Valle di Blenio, che anche oggi non mi ha deluso. Inizio dell’escursione: ore 7.40 Fine dell’escursione: ore 15.45 Pressione atmosferica, ore 9.00: 1023 hPa Temperatura alla partenza: 12°C Isoterma di 0°C, ore 9.00: 3700 m Temperatura al rientro: 22,5°C...
Publiziert von siso 29. September 2019 um 20:55 (Fotos:64 | Kommentare:2 | Geodaten:2)
Aug 25
Surselva   T3 L  
24 Aug 19
Fil de Cassons (2694 m) - bike & hike from Flims
Cassonsgrat/Fil de Cassons is the highest area of Crap da Flem aka Flimserstein. The aerial cablecar to Cassons stopped operating a few years back, so now you either have to hike from Naraus or Bargis to get up there. I started off with the mountain bike around 10:15 AM in Flims, heading up towards Fidaz and then Bargis. At the...
Publiziert von Roald 25. August 2019 um 09:21 (Fotos:38 | Geodaten:1)
Aug 24
Surselva   T3+ L L  
23 Aug 19
Vorab 3000 - bike & hike in the ski area of Flims Laax
For a long time I had planned to do a bike & hike from Laax to Bündner Vorab and Glarner Vorab, but due to other projects, it did not happen until today. When I last week saw photos from a friend's bike tour in the area, it again reminded me of my dormant plan. I started off around 7:30 AM from Laax. At the start, the...
Publiziert von Roald 24. August 2019 um 09:34 (Fotos:32 | Geodaten:1)
Aug 16
Oberhalbstein   T5 I L  
16 Aug 19
Piz Forcellina (2938 m) - bike & hike from Bivio
Piz Forcellina (2938 m) is a mountain peak close to the Septimer pass. It is probably not visited very often, especially when compared to the neighboring peak Piz Turba. Start of the hike shortly after 9:00 in Bivio. I brought my mountain bike along. Going uphill, I partially biked, and partially walked the bike. The road to...
Publiziert von Roald 16. August 2019 um 22:07 (Fotos:33 | Geodaten:1)
Aug 9
Misox   T2 L  
8 Aug 19
Rifugio Alp di Fora (1844 m) – Bike & Hike
Gita Bike & Hike sul versante orografico sinistro della Valle Calanca, nel comune di Calanca, costituito nel 2015 grazie alla fusione di Arvigo, Braggio, Cauco e Selma. Malgrado la giornata di piena estate sia serena e calda (isoterma di 0°C alle nove a 4000 m) su questo versante il sole sorge tardi. Suggerisco quindi...
Publiziert von siso 9. August 2019 um 21:30 (Fotos:45 | Kommentare:2 | Geodaten:1)
Aug 4
Misox   T2 L  
3 Aug 19
Pass Giümela (2117 m) – Bike & Hike
Escursione Bike & Hike in alta Val Calanca, una valle appartata, rimasta isolata per parecchio tempo dai traffici nord-sud. La sua storia è simile a quella di molte comunità montane, caratterizzate dal nomadismo stagionale e dalla migrazione temporanea. Ecco un estratto da “Quaderni Grigioni Italiano” risalente al...
Publiziert von siso 4. August 2019 um 19:01 (Fotos:51 | Kommentare:2 | Geodaten:1)
Aug 2
Bellinzonese   T2 WS  
30 Jul 19
Sasso Guidà (1713 m) – Bike & Hike
Escursione Bike & Hike in Valle d’Arbedo: da ripetere! Il dislivello in salita di 1685 m e la pendenza media del 9,7%, con tratte che sfiorano il 15% rendono questo itinerario impegnativo per gli utenti della mtb muscolare. Con la e-mtb è ovviamente più abbordabile e richiede solo un discreto allenamento....
Publiziert von siso 2. August 2019 um 17:55 (Fotos:43 | Kommentare:4 | Geodaten:1)
Jul 20
Zürich   T3 WS  
16 Jul 19
Mixed vom unteren Tösstal ans Hörnli und zurück
Embrach - Pfungen - Wülflingen - Schlosstal - Töss - Leisental - Sennhof - Kollbrunn - Rikon - Rämismühle - Turbenthal - Wila - Saland - Bauma - Lipperschwändi - Nideltobel – Bärtobel   Zu Fuss weglos 2 km – Singletrail 10 km – Schotter 24 km – Strasse 25 km – Radweg oder ähnlich 29 km Digitale...
Publiziert von KurSal 20. Juli 2019 um 17:49 (Fotos:4 | Geodaten:1)
Jul 6
Oberhalbstein   T4+ I L  
5 Jul 19
Piz Arlos (2697 m) - bike & hike from Savognin
Piz Arlos (2697 m) is a mountain peak just south of Savognin. So far it had only two hikr reports, so it's not that popular I suppose. But according to the summit book, it had actually been visited five times this summer. The peak P.2863, which is nearly 2 km further south, did not have any entries in the summit book for this...
Publiziert von Roald 6. Juli 2019 um 21:39 (Fotos:40 | Geodaten:1)
Jun 19
Berner Voralpen   T4- L  
16 Jun 19
Morgenberghorn : traversée arête S - arête W, vélo-rando de Mülenen à Spiez
Un sommet qui se prête idéalement à une approche à vélo, la petite route du Suldtal est sauvage est de toute beauté, la traversée pédestre arête S - arête W est juste pimentée ce qu'il faut sans jamais devenir anxiogène (les quelques passages exposés sont chainés), la vue sur les lacs de Brienz et de Thun...
Publiziert von Bertrand 19. Juni 2019 um 17:52 (Fotos:12 | Geodaten:1)
Jun 7
Prättigau   T3 L  
7 Jun 19
Chrüz (2195 m) - bike & hike from Schiers
This tour to Chrüz (2195 m) was a bike & hike with start and end in Schiers. Start of the tour at 8:30 AM in Schiers at the train station. I followed the road up to Stelserberg, partially biking and partially walking the bike (10 km distance, 1000 m elevation gain, average slope 10%). Near Stelsersee I parked my bike, and...
Publiziert von Roald 7. Juni 2019 um 22:11 (Fotos:28 | Geodaten:1)
Nov 28
Frutigland   T3  
25 Nov 18
Mäggisserhore : croupe SE depuis Frutigen (vélo-rando)
Pas l'idée du siècle mais trouvé personne pour grimper et pas envie d'aller skier seul dans la foule du Simplon. Je m'attendais à des conditions plus hivernales, au final c'est une jolie combinaison 100% au soleil sur 1600m de D+ même fin novembre...pensant marcher un chouia dans la neige j'ai pédalé en trek-vibram mais...
Publiziert von Bertrand 28. November 2018 um 15:52 (Fotos:6 | Kommentare:4 | Geodaten:1)
Nov 18
Schanfigg   T3 L  
17 Nov 18
Mattjisch Horn (2460 m) - bike & hike from Langwies
Mattjisch Horn (2460 m) has been described here on hikr.org a number of times already, but I think this is the first time as a bike & hike report. Start of the tour in Langwies shortly before 9:00 AM. I followed the forest road from Langwies all the way up to P.2079 (Seta), mostly walking the bike. The first 2.5 km of this...
Publiziert von Roald 18. November 2018 um 00:11 (Fotos:23 | Geodaten:1)
Nov 11
St.Gallen   T2 L  
11 Nov 18
Bike & hike in Flumserberg
This time of the year the Flumserberg area is pretty much deserted. Currently none of the lifts are operating. I only met a few people while biking, and during the hike I didn't meet anyone, even though I mostly followed the white-red-white (wrw) marked trails. I started off with the mountain bike from Tannenbodenalp at 8:30...
Publiziert von Roald 11. November 2018 um 21:20 (Fotos:24 | Geodaten:1)
Okt 18
Prättigau   T4- L  
15 Okt 18
Chirchli (2769 m) - bike & hike from Monbiel
Chirchli (2769 m) is a mountain peak which is probably unknown to most. But I enjoy hiking to peaks that are rather unknown, and where rarely anyone would go. This time it was even more extreme, because Chirchli is kind of far away from any starting point. As a bike & hike from Monbiel it is easily manageable as a day trip...
Publiziert von Roald 18. Oktober 2018 um 09:18 (Fotos:25 | Geodaten:1)
Sep 20
Bellinzonese   ZS  
3 Aug 17
Val Bedretto Val Formazza e ritorno
Un giro classico, molto conosciuto dai biker, allungato un po' con la visita al lago Castel e quella, (poco ciclistica), agli splendidi laghi del Boden.
Publiziert von Nevi Kibo 20. September 2018 um 23:14 (Fotos:54 | Geodaten:1)
Aug 12
Glarus   T3  
12 Aug 18
Sitenhorn (1136 m) - Vieles neu, aber schlechter
Wenn etwas Bestehendes geändert wird, müsste das Neue besser sein. Warum sonst sollte man das Bisherige ändern? Doch im Wandergebiet rings um Filzbach wurde einiges geändert, leider sind es meist "Verschlimm-besserungen". Erst bin ich mit dem Bike über den Kerenzer gefahren. Das ist an einem Wochenende selten eine gute...
Publiziert von PStraub 12. August 2018 um 15:32 (Fotos:14 | Geodaten:1)
Aug 3
Glarus   T4- L  
3 Aug 18
Inner Fürberg (2627 m) - bike & hike from Klöntal
Inner Fürberg (aka Gross Fürberg) is a peak which is rather easy to hike to, but it still offers a great view to the glacier and the highest peaks in the Glärnisch massif. I started off at 7:15 in the morning from Plätz, bringing my mountain bike along. The forest road to Chäseren is quite steep in many places, so I mostly...
Publiziert von Roald 3. August 2018 um 22:10 (Fotos:29 | Geodaten:2)
Jul 29
St.Gallen   T3 ZS  
27 Jul 18
Biwak auf dem Guscha
An diesem Astronomischen Datum sind wohl einige unterwegs gewesen den Blutmond/Mondfinsternis zu sehen. Auch wir waren am Biwakieren in der Fläche beim Guscha oberhalb Flums. Mit noch etwas müden Beinen, aber dank dem e-Bike hoch bis zur Alp Mädems Hintersäss. Ab da zu Fuss zum Guscha. Das Wetter warm und noch ohne Wind. Eine...
Publiziert von tricky 29. Juli 2018 um 10:08 (Fotos:23 | Kommentare:1 | Geodaten:1)