Chrüz (2195 m) - bike & hike from Schiers

Publiziert von Roald , 7. Juni 2019 um 22:11.

Region: Welt » Schweiz » Graubünden » Prättigau
Tour Datum: 7 Juni 2019
Wandern Schwierigkeit: T3 - anspruchsvolles Bergwandern
Mountainbike Schwierigkeit: L - Leicht fahrbar
Geo-Tags: CH-GR 
Zeitbedarf: 6:30
Aufstieg: 1600 m
Abstieg: 1600 m
Strecke:See waypoints and GPS track (28 km)
Zufahrt zum Ausgangspunkt:By car to Schiers. Parking at the train station, fee 8 Fr. for a maximum of 24 h.

This tour to Chrüz (2195 m) was a bike & hike with start and end in Schiers.

Start of the tour at 8:30 AM in Schiers at the train station. I followed the road up to Stelserberg, partially biking and partially walking the bike (10 km distance, 1000 m elevation gain, average slope 10%). Near Stelsersee I parked my bike, and continued to the summit of Chrüz on foot, generally following the wrw marked trail. For the most part it was possible to hike uphill without crossing snowfields, except for the flat area on Gafäll. But the steeper parts of the ascent were largely free of snow.

It was a bit windy at the summit of Chrüz (Föhn), but I could still enjoy my lunch behind a small bush-size tree on the south side of the summit. I did not see or meet any other hikers at the summit.

For the initial descent I chose the snow covered north flank of Chrüz. In the upper part it is quite steep (35°), but with current snow conditions, it was fine. Due to this descent I have rated the hike a T3. If you follow the wrw marked trail it is a T2. For the rest of the hike I generally followed the same route as for the ascent, except that I tried to stay on the snowfields as long as possible.

Before getting on my bike again, I also payed a visit to the small lake Stelsersee. After that, the remainder of the tour was a quick 30 min bike ride down to Schiers. The road is paved all the way, but quite curvy and narrow in some places. Luckily there was hardly any traffic.

- Mountain bike (not an e-bike)
- Gaiters
- Hiking sticks
- Ice axe (not used)

- Please see the attached GPS track for more details on the route.
- I only met one snowshoe hiker and two other hikers on the way, so it was pretty quiet in the area.

Tourengänger: Roald
Communities: Bike & Hike

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