Piz Teri round-trip

Publiziert von olethros , 23. August 2022 um 17:24.

Region: Welt » Schweiz » Graubünden » Surselva
Tour Datum:20 August 2022
Wandern Schwierigkeit: T4 - Alpinwandern
Geo-Tags: CH-GR   CH-TI   Gruppo Piz Terri   Gruppo Pizzo Corói 
Zeitbedarf: 2 Tage
Aufstieg: 1800 m
Abstieg: 1800 m

We planned a two-day round trip to Piz Terri.  Our plan was to follow the ridges from Artg Diesrut to Piz Ner and then CAS Motterascio. The next day, Piz Terri and then another ridge walk. However. the ridge walks were overambitious given the time needed and our speed.

First, we tried to follow Puzzatsch to Artg Diesrrut, and follow the ridge to Piz Ner. Unfortunately, the route was not as easy as it looked on the map. We had to circumvent a couple of peaks on the ridge. For example, we took the flank on the norrth side of Artg Diesrut.  We then uneventfully reached the Motterrascio hut.

The ascent next day was initially easy. At the beginning of the alpine path, there is a short step to overcome. Afterwards, it is mainly scree. There is a short chimney scramble, which is not exposed, has good handholds and a chain, so is without any problems. I was, however, quite unsure on the gravely scree hiking path on the south flank of the ridge and had to go really slowly as I was afraid of slipping. Most of the time the actual ridge seemed better for me. The group leader kept asking me if I was doing OK, so I probably looked really uncomfortable. 

The remaining descent was uneventful, but our route was not optimal and it took us a relatively long time to get back to the cars. We descended over the now extinct glacier to the valley. Alp Benglias was a few hundred meters higher and the grass looked quite steep. Given our experience the previous day, we decided to hurry up and get to Sogn Giusep. We ended up doing a bit of a detour anyway as there was no direct path to the village, but that lost us at most an hour, I think.

All in all, it was a nice trip, with friendly companions.

Tourengänger: olethros

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