Albis ridge "alpine"

Publiziert von 360 Pro , 26. April 2007 um 20:45.

Region: Welt » Schweiz » Zürich
Tour Datum:26 April 2007
Wandern Schwierigkeit: T5 - anspruchsvolles Alpinwandern
Klettern Schwierigkeit: II (UIAA-Skala)
Geo-Tags: Albiskette - Höhronen   CH-ZH 
Zufahrt zum Ausgangspunkt:cff logo Adliswil cff logo Langnau am Albis cff logo Langnau-Gattikon cff logo Uetliberg cff logo Felsenegg

What the "Züri Oberland" is for users like Delta, ossi, Schlumpf and others, the Albis ridge is kind of my playground for short after work adventures or exercise tours for the "real" Alps.

Following are some examples of alpine like tours in the T4-T5 ratings, which I have found so far. I'm sure there are many more. Surprisingly (to me) most of them are actually somehow marked with white markings on trees, rocks or even sticks put in the ground (see picture). I found all these paths "by accident", but maybe there is a list/map of all of these and more?

The first picture shows a 50K map on which I marked some of these alpine like tours in this area. I labeled them T, O, R and F

T: Teehütte
The most interesting path to the Teehütte is probably the one described as an alpine route by Roman Koch on his website romankoch. I would probably rate is as a T4, however the Fallätsche most likely offers paths up the Albis ridge in the T5-6 area, see also Bergnot an Uetliberg

O: Oberleimbach
On the hiking path from Adliswil to Baldern around point 516 (horse farm), follow the Rebbergstrasse to Atelier Rebberg. Continue on the gravel path until you see a little hut with an Aargau/Schwyz flag (see picture). Leave the path after the hut and bear right to the forest. You will get to a minor ridge. Follow this ridge uphill and it will take you all the way up to the path (highway) between Baldern and Felsenegg. The whole minor ridge after the hut is marked white and you find a clear path. About 1/3 up you will get to the crux of this tour sandstone wall 8m II/III (see picture). In case you don't want to climb it you can bypass it to the right, which is probably easier but very steep.

R: Rellsten
From the bottom station of the Felsenegg Luftseilbahn take the hiking path towards the Schützenhaus. Leave the path at Rellsten (Swiss Maps), that minor ridge will take you all the way up close to the TV tower. This tour is marked white, as soon as you get into the forest you will see the markings.

F: Felsenegg diretissima
Take the normal route from Adliswil to Felsenegg, but instead of going up, take the path towards Stig. After a few hundred meters you will find path traces on a ridge, which will take you to point 683 on the regular path. Follow the path for a bit until you see a chance to cross over to the left. Once located more or less directly underneath the Restaurant Felsenegg just climb up (steep forest) and you'll get out right at the viewpoint of the restaurant.

Hochwacht diretissima
This path is actually marked as such on the Swiss maps, however there aren't any markings (any more?). Follow the path from Langnau a. A to Schnabellücken. After Winterhalden as soon as you get into the forest follow the first ridge straight up to the lookout tower on Hochwacht/Schnabel.

Notice: as Roman Koch says on his website as well, all these hikes are: Nur für geländegängige Wanderer!
Also notice the
update here

Tourengänger: 360

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ossi hat gesagt: Hoi 360
Gesendet am 26. April 2007 um 21:23
very nice!

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