Piz Champatsch (2945 m) - hike from Chant Sura

Publiziert von Roald , 9. August 2018 um 22:01.

Region: Welt » Schweiz » Graubünden » Unterengadin
Tour Datum: 9 August 2018
Wandern Schwierigkeit: T4 - Alpinwandern
Geo-Tags: Flüela-Gruppe   CH-GR 
Zeitbedarf: 5:45
Aufstieg: 800 m
Abstieg: 800 m
Strecke:See waypoints and GPS track (8 km)
Zufahrt zum Ausgangspunkt:By car to Chant Sura on the Flüela pass road. Parking available.
Unterkunftmöglichkeiten:Hotel Bünda, Davos

Piz Champatsch (2945 m) is a mountain peak north of Chant Sura on the Flüela pass. There are two other peaks with the same name in Engadin, and of similar heights, so it can easily be mixed up.

When I started my hike at 9:20 am, it was all cloudy, and patches of fog here and there. The weather forecast had predicted mostly sunny weather, so I was confident it would improve. But it didn't look too promising for the first hour of the hike.

At the beginning, I followed an unmarked path up along the west side of the creek (leading up into the valley called "Tantermozza Chant Sura"), and later I went pretty much off trail. The plan was to follow the south ridge to Piz Champatsch, but in the lower part I happened to stay more on the west side of the ridge. In the upper part of the ridge it becomes much steeper, and I ascended through a couloir or gully as described by Ivo66. After that, it's only a short distance over rocks and scree to the summit.

Meanwhile it had become really nice and sunny weather, and I enjoyed a great view from the summit. There is no cross, but a wooden piece of art. Unfortunately, the summit book is all wet and mold is growing on it, despite that the book is kept in a nice and sturdy metal box which should normally keep it dry (if the box is standing upright).

For the descent, I chose a different route. I headed down in direction west, and later a bit more northwest. At the beginning the difficulty does not exceed T3. But further down, I descended in steep scree (T4), and finally an area with rocks and boulders had to be crossed (T3+). The rest of the descent through Tantermozza Chant Sura was easy and relaxing.

Main difficulties:
Ascent through a couloir or gully on the S ridge at elevation 2850 m: T4
Descent in steep scree on the NW side at elevation 2800 m: T4

I refer to the attached GPS track for more details on the route.
The total time indicated for this hike includes about an hour lunch break at the summit.

- hiking sticks

Tourengänger: Roald

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