Mär 8
Oberhalbstein   L  
8 Mär 20
Feil (2440 m) - ski tour from Stierva
Nice ski tour from Stierva to Feil P.2440. Start of the tour at 9:00 AM. It would have been better to start a little bit earlier, both with regards to the snow conditions, but also to get an official parking spot (see above). Currently it is possible to start and end the ski tours right in the village of Stierva, even if there...
Publiziert von Roald 8. März 2020 um 20:39 (Fotos:19 | Geodaten:1)
Feb 8
Oberhalbstein   WS-  
8 Feb 20
Fuorcla d'Agnel & Piz Campagnung - Skitour
Fazit: Super Wetter, und sehr tolle Schneeverhältnisse für die Abfahrt! Das ganze Val d'Agnel hat etwa 25 cm Pulverschnee. Nur an einem sehr kurzen Abschnitt gerade südlich von der Puorcla d'Agnel hatte es abgeblasener Hartschnee. Natürlich gab es bereits einige Skispuren, aber das war kein Problem. Route: Von La Veduta an...
Publiziert von Roald 8. Februar 2020 um 19:49 (Fotos:24 | Geodaten:1)
Feb 7
Oberhalbstein   WS-  
7 Feb 20
Piz Mez (2717 m) - Skitour
Fazit: Tolles Wetter, aber eher mühsame Schneeverhältnisse für die Abfahrt. Der ganze Nordhang von Piz Mez ist ziemlich abgeblasen, und Pulverschnee findet man fast nur in den Mulden. Sonst wechselt es zwischen Hartschnee, Rillen, oder Bruchharst. Im unteren Drittel etwas besser. Route: Mit den Bergbahnen hoch zu Piz...
Publiziert von Roald 7. Februar 2020 um 20:27 (Fotos:18 | Geodaten:1)
Jan 24
Oberhalbstein   WT4  
24 Jan 20
Muntognas digls Lajets (2791 m) - snow shoe hike
Great snow shoe hike to the northern summit of Muntognas digls Lajets, with start and end at the southern end of lake Marmorera. Start of the hike shortly after 9 AM. The temperature was around -3°C. I followed the snow covered forest road up in the direction of Alp la Motta. After a distance of about 600 m, I took a left turn...
Publiziert von Roald 24. Januar 2020 um 21:28 (Fotos:29 | Geodaten:1)
Jan 11
Oberhalbstein   T3 WT4  
11 Jan 20
Curvér Pintg da Taspegn (2730 m) - snow shoe hike from Salouf
Great snow shoe hike to the summit of Curvér Pintg da Taspegn, with start and end in Salouf. Start of the hike in Salouf shortly before 9 AM. The temperature was around -1°C, and it was partially cloudy. I followed the snow covered forest road up towards Sars. There was a snowmobile track all the way to Som igls Mellens at...
Publiziert von Roald 11. Januar 2020 um 23:36 (Fotos:26 | Kommentare:2 | Geodaten:1)
Dez 6
Oberhalbstein   T2 WT3  
6 Dez 19
Feil (2501 m) - snow shoe hike from Stierva
Nice snow shoe hike from Stierva to Feil in perfect weather! Start of the hike in Stierva at 9:00 AM. There was no snow in Stierva, but at elevation 1700 m I finally mounted the snow shoes. Spotted quite a few chamois on the way, but most of them were far away. Barely any wind at P.2501, so I could enjoy my lunch there in...
Publiziert von Roald 6. Dezember 2019 um 21:16 (Fotos:28 | Geodaten:1)
Okt 11
Oberhalbstein   T3 L  
11 Okt 19
Sur al Cant (2716 m) - bike & hike from Bivio
On the way to Engadin, I stopped in Bivio and did a bike & hike to Sur al Cant (2716 m). This mountain is a little bit further south than the Bivio ski area. It was blue skies all day, but quite windy. The view from Sur al Cant was great, even if the summit is not as high as many surrounding mountains. Route: By bike, from...
Publiziert von Roald 11. Oktober 2019 um 20:48 (Fotos:21 | Geodaten:1)
Aug 17
Oberhalbstein   T4  
17 Aug 19
Piz Traunter Ovas (3151 m) - hike from the Julier pass
Piz Traunter Ovas (3151 m) is a colorful mountain north of Piz Surgonda. Like on Tschima da Flix, the rocks often have a reddish, sometimes even orange color. Start of the hike at 8:40 AM at the Julier pass road (La Veduta). I followed the white-red-white marked trail in direction Fuorcla d'Agnel. After the pass, I continued...
Publiziert von Roald 17. August 2019 um 21:58 (Fotos:39 | Geodaten:1)
Aug 16
Oberhalbstein   T5 I L  
16 Aug 19
Piz Forcellina (2938 m) - bike & hike from Bivio
Piz Forcellina (2938 m) is a mountain peak close to the Septimer pass. It is probably not visited very often, especially when compared to the neighboring peak Piz Turba. Start of the hike shortly after 9:00 in Bivio. I brought my mountain bike along. Going uphill, I partially biked, and partially walked the bike. The road to...
Publiziert von Roald 16. August 2019 um 22:07 (Fotos:33 | Geodaten:1)
Aug 10
Oberhalbstein   T5- I  
9 Aug 19
Piz Cagniel (2975 m) - hike from Radons
Piz Cagniel (2975 m) is a rather unknown peak between Usser Wissberg and Piz Forbesch. Until now there was only one single hikr report for this mountain. In the maps from before 2015, the height was shown as 2970 m. However, as noted by ivo66, this is not the highest point. Current online maps show that the summit is 2975 m high...
Publiziert von Roald 10. August 2019 um 15:43 (Fotos:39 | Geodaten:1)
Jul 6
Oberhalbstein   T4+ I L  
5 Jul 19
Piz Arlos (2697 m) - bike & hike from Savognin
Piz Arlos (2697 m) is a mountain peak just south of Savognin. So far it had only two hikr reports, so it's not that popular I suppose. But according to the summit book, it had actually been visited five times this summer. The peak P.2863, which is nearly 2 km further south, did not have any entries in the summit book for this...
Publiziert von Roald 6. Juli 2019 um 21:39 (Fotos:40 | Geodaten:1)
Oberhalbstein   T3+  
6 Jul 19
Piz da las Coluonnas (2961 m) - before the thunderstorm
Piz da las Coluonnas is mountain peak directly south of the Julier pass. The highest point is at 2961 m, but the online maps seem to indicate that P.2802 is the peak with the name Piz da las Coluonnas, so I added it as a waypoint. I started my hike shortly after 9 AM. The weather was nice and sunny, but the weather forecast had...
Publiziert von Roald 6. Juli 2019 um 20:58 (Fotos:32 | Geodaten:1)
Apr 19
Oberhalbstein   WS+  
19 Apr 19
Fuorcla Laviner (3001 m) - ski tour from Tinizong
Start of this ski tour shortly before 6 AM just above the village of Tinizong. Currently you first need to walk on foot up on the forest road about 2.5 km distance and 340 m elevation gain, before you can put on the skis. There is hardly any snow left on the forest road. But I was prepared for that, and I walked up the road...
Publiziert von Roald 19. April 2019 um 21:00 (Fotos:26 | Geodaten:1)
Mär 31
Oberhalbstein   WS+  
30 Mär 19
Piz Surgonda (3195 m) & Tschima da Flix (3301 m) - ski tour from La Veduta
Start of this ski tour near La Veduta at the Julier pass road at 6:15 AM (after first driving for two hours to get there...). On the way to Piz Surgonda, I passed on the east side of Corn Alv. I was briefly considering hiking on foot to the main summit of Corn Alv, but it looked like it would be quite a struggle, so I did not try...
Publiziert von Roald 31. März 2019 um 14:28 (Fotos:26 | Geodaten:1)
Mär 24
Oberhalbstein   ZS  
24 Mär 19
Piz d'Agnel (3204 m) - ski tour from Sur
Start of this ski tour in Sur at 6:30 AM (after first driving for nearly two hours to get to Sur...). First, I followed the snow covered and groomed forest road up to the summer parking lot at elevation 1900 m. Next, I headed for Tigias, and then up towards Giond' Alva, past P.2541, and up to P.2739. Then on the south side of the...
Publiziert von Roald 24. März 2019 um 18:23 (Fotos:24 | Geodaten:1)
Mär 16
Oberhalbstein   L  
16 Mär 19
Falotta (2502 m) - backcountry ski tour from Sur
Start of the ski tour at 9:30 AM in Sur. I mostly followed the snow covered (and freshly groomed) forest road up to the summer parking lot at elevation 1900 m. Next, I traversed across the rather flat area to Tgalucas, and started the ascent in direction Falotta. There was already a track, which looked like it was originally from...
Publiziert von Roald 16. März 2019 um 17:37 (Fotos:16 | Geodaten:1)
Feb 9
Oberhalbstein   WS  
9 Feb 19
Piz dal Sasc (2732 m) and Roccabella (2730 m) - ski tour from Bivio
Combining Piz dal Sasc (2732 m) and Roccabella (2730 m) in one ski tour may seem strange, since the peaks are not that close to each other. But actually, Schneemann has already described such a tour. I started from Bivio by taking the T-bar lifts all the way up to Mot Scalotta P.2560. The ticket for those who go on a ski tour...
Publiziert von Roald 9. Februar 2019 um 20:14 (Fotos:25 | Geodaten:1)
Jan 25
Oberhalbstein   L  
25 Jan 19
2x Sur Carungas (2829 m) instead of Piz Mez
My plan was to go on a ski tour to Piz Mez, but because the access across the bridge at P.1852 seems to be prohibited, and most of the north side of Piz Mez was still in the shade, I chose to instead head for Sur Carungas. I started in Savognin shortly after 9 AM. The temperature was -12°C. I took the chair lifts and aerial...
Publiziert von Roald 25. Januar 2019 um 19:56 (Fotos:16 | Geodaten:1)
Dez 29
Oberhalbstein   WT4  
29 Dez 18
Piz Toissa (2657 m) - snow shoe hike from Salouf
Great snow shoe hike to the summit of Piz Toissa, with start and end in Salouf. Beforehand, I did not find any report online about snow shoe hikes to Piz Toissa, but I wanted to give it a try on the summer route. Start of the hike in Salouf shortly before 9 AM, just before sunrise. The temperature was around -5°C. I followed...
Publiziert von Roald 29. Dezember 2018 um 22:14 (Fotos:26 | Geodaten:1)
Sep 17
Oberhalbstein   T5- I  
17 Sep 18
Piz Settember (2727 m) - in September
Piz Settember (2727 m) is a mountain peak near Radons (Savognin). Possible routes are: east flank (T3), south ridge (T4), or north ridge (T5). On the west side there is a vertical rock wall, nearly 100 m high at the most. My ascent was on the north ridge, with descent in the east flank. I started my hike at 9:15 AM in Radons....
Publiziert von Roald 17. September 2018 um 22:46 (Fotos:29 | Kommentare:1 | Geodaten:1)