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29 Aug 22
Vorder Panärahorn (3057 m) & Chrummhorn (2705 m)
Diese Bike & Hike Tour ging von Ober Kunkels via Grossalp und Sandböden zum Vorder Panärahorn und zum Chrummhorn. Eine sehr eindrückliche Wanderung in einer wilden und einsamen Berglandschaft! Start um 6:45 morgens am Parkplatz kurz vor Unterkunkels. Ich fuhr mit dem Bike (kein e-bike) bis Kunkelspass und weiter hoch zur...
Publiziert von Roald 30. August 2022 um 13:26 (Fotos:34 | Kommentare:2 | Geodaten:1)
Surselva   T4- WS  
24 Jun 24
Crap Mats (2946 m) & Morchopf (2941 m) - bike & hike ab Trin
Start in Trin um 6:20 morgens. Heute ging es erst mit dem E-Bike von Trin die Alpstrasse hoch bis Tegia Culm (14 km, 1350 Hm). Wegen dem Alpaufzug musste ich mich unterwegs kurz gedulden, aber ich war ja eh früh dran. Nach 1 h 40 min habe ich Tegia Culm erreicht. Beim Aufstieg gab es teilweise Nebel, aber oben war es schön...
Publiziert von Roald 24. Juni 2024 um 19:35 (Fotos:24 | Kommentare:4 | Geodaten:3)
Surselva   T4- L  
17 Jul 14
Bike & hike: Piz Dado (2699 m) and Piz Dadens (near the summit)
Piz Dado (2699 m) is probably not visited very often. At the time of writing this report, there were only two other hikr hike reports for this peak. Of course, it takes quite some effort to reach Piz Dado, as there are no chair lifts or cable cars leading up that way. But the peak does offer a magnificent view, and is well...
Publiziert von Roald 8. November 2014 um 22:37 (Fotos:15 | Geodaten:1)
Surselva   T4 I L  
3 Jul 15
5 peaks hike around Crap Mats
Given the hot summer weather I wanted to go for a hike at higher elevations. In the area around Crap Mats there was relatively little snow left, even with an elevation of 2500 - 3000 m. The hike included visits to Crap Mats (2947 m), Morchopf (2943 m), Tschep (2943 m), Tschep Sura (2838 m), and Tschep Sut (2666 m). In addition...
Publiziert von Roald 5. Juli 2015 um 01:39 (Fotos:36 | Geodaten:1)
Surselva   T4 L  
10 Jul 15
Piz da Sterls 3114 m - bike & hike
A wonderful hike in perfect weather - just check the pics if you have any doubt! Start in Fidaz at 8:00 (Fidaz Waldrand). I brought my mountain bike along, but I mostly walked the bike unless the terrain was flat. Left the bike at elevation 1890 m where the road ends. I continued up the red/white marked hiking trail to P.2106,...
Publiziert von Roald 11. Juli 2015 um 12:22 (Fotos:28 | Geodaten:1)
Surselva   T4+ L  
28 Aug 15
Muttenstock (3089 m) - bike & hike from Brigels
Hiking to Muttenstock from Brigels is a lot longer than from the Tierfehd/Muttsee side, but I was in Brigels and wanted to give it a try. The ascent towards the summit is supposedly a bit easier than from the Muttsee side. Start in Brigels at 9:15, which was rather late, but that is when the chairlift starts operating (Brigels...
Publiziert von Roald 31. August 2015 um 20:11 (Fotos:15 | Geodaten:1)
Surselva   T3 L  
29 Aug 15
Unnamed peak P.3096 - bike & hike from Brigels
A peak that that is close to a famous one, and not visible from the village apparently does not get a name assigned. So it seems for P.3096 on the Bifertenstock range. It is the lowest of four peaks leading up to Bifertenstock, but a wonderful viewpoint which is technically quite easy to reach. Of course, conditions may differ,...
Publiziert von Roald 31. August 2015 um 19:49 (Fotos:33 | Geodaten:1)
Surselva   T4+ I L  
9 Sep 16
Piz Avat (2910 m) - bike & hike from Sumvitg
In this area you will hardly meet any other hikers, and at the time of writing there was only one other report describing Piz Avat here on I started this hike at elevation 1380 m above the village of Sumvitg. Basically I drove up by car as far as it is allowed without any special permit. I brought my mountain bike along,...
Publiziert von Roald 11. September 2016 um 14:51 (Fotos:27 | Geodaten:1)
Surselva   T4+ I L  
10 Sep 16
Piz d'Artgas (2787 m)
Piz d'Artgas is a very nice viewpoint close to the mountain lodge Bifertenhütte, and it can be reached within a relatively short time from Brigels. This was important, since the weather forecast predicted scattered thunderstorms for the afternoon. I first took the chair lift from Brigels to Burleun, bringing my mountain bike...
Publiziert von Roald 11. September 2016 um 16:32 (Fotos:30 | Geodaten:1)
Surselva   T4 I L  
5 Aug 18
Klein Glaserhorn (3074 m) - bike & hike from Fidaz
The plan was to hike to Glaserhorn (3128 m), but due to low clouds and patches of fog at noon, I ended up doing only "Klein Glaserhorn". There is no mountain with such a name in the online maps; the peak is just P.3074 (or P.3075 as it seems to have grown by 1 meter recently). But some fellow hikrs have named it Klein Glaserhorn,...
Publiziert von Roald 6. August 2018 um 15:09 (Fotos:23 | Geodaten:1)
Surselva   T3+ L L  
23 Aug 19
Vorab 3000 - bike & hike in the ski area of Flims Laax
For a long time I had planned to do a bike & hike from Laax to Bündner Vorab and Glarner Vorab, but due to other projects, it did not happen until today. When I last week saw photos from a friend's bike tour in the area, it again reminded me of my dormant plan. I started off around 7:30 AM from Laax. At the start, the...
Publiziert von Roald 24. August 2019 um 09:34 (Fotos:32 | Geodaten:1)
Surselva   T3 L  
24 Aug 19
Fil de Cassons (2694 m) - bike & hike from Flims
Cassonsgrat/Fil de Cassons is the highest area of Crap da Flem aka Flimserstein. The aerial cablecar to Cassons stopped operating a few years back, so now you either have to hike from Naraus or Bargis to get up there. I started off with the mountain bike around 10:15 AM in Flims, heading up towards Fidaz and then Bargis. At the...
Publiziert von Roald 25. August 2019 um 09:21 (Fotos:38 | Geodaten:1)
Surselva   T5- I L  
31 Jul 20
Glaserhorn (3127 m) - bike & hike ab Fidaz
Das Glaserhorn (3127 m) ist ist ein relativ unbekannter Gipfel nordwestlich vom Ringelspitz. Der Aufstieg ist lang, steinig und anstrengend, aber die Aussicht vom Gipfel ist grandios. Vor einem Jahr hat Rambo96 ein Gipfelbuch deponiert, vielen Dank dafür! Mit meinem heutigen Eintrag sind es jetzt insgesamt vier Einträge in...
Publiziert von Roald 1. August 2020 um 11:31 (Fotos:28 | Kommentare:2 | Geodaten:1)
Surselva   T2 L  
28 Okt 23
Lago Laghet (2517 m) - bike & hike ab Trin
Start in Trin um 8:30 morgens. Heute ging es mit dem E-Bike von Trin die Alpstrasse hoch bis Tegia Culm, und nachher zu Fuss weiter bis zum Lago Laghet. Für diesen Wegpunkt gab es bisher so viel ich weiss keine Berichte. Im Gebiet zwischen Tegia Culm und Lago Laghet waren viele Gämsen unterwegs. Erst kurz vor Lago Laghet gab es...
Publiziert von Roald 28. Oktober 2023 um 20:26 (Fotos:16 | Geodaten:1)