Unnamed peak P.3096 - bike & hike from Brigels

Publiziert von Roald , 31. August 2015 um 19:49.

Region: Welt » Schweiz » Graubünden » Surselva
Tour Datum:29 August 2015
Wandern Schwierigkeit: T3 - anspruchsvolles Bergwandern
Mountainbike Schwierigkeit: L - Leicht fahrbar
Geo-Tags: CH-GR   CH-GL   Bifertengruppe 
Zeitbedarf: 8:30
Aufstieg: 1550 m
Abstieg: 1300 m
Zufahrt zum Ausgangspunkt:Chairlift from Brigels to Burleun
Zufahrt zum Ankunftspunkt:By bike from Alp Quader down to Brigels
Unterkunftmöglichkeiten:Hotel in Brigels

A peak that that is close to a famous one, and not visible from the village apparently does not get a name assigned. So it seems for P.3096 on the Bifertenstock range. It is the lowest of four peaks leading up to Bifertenstock, but a wonderful viewpoint which is technically quite easy to reach. Of course, conditions may differ, but I rate the hike T3 as I encountered perfect, stable, warm weather and no snow cover at all.

Start in Brigels at 9:15, which was of course late, but that is when the chairlift starts operating (Brigels - Burleun). I brought my bike along (free of charge on the chair lift), and left the bike at Alp Quader. From there to Bifertenhütte (mountain lodge), then to Limmern pass, and up the ridge towards P.3096. There is a visible path from Limmern pass up the ridge. This trail is used by those who have the guts to go for the Bänderweg. I left that trail at elevation 2900 m, and went straight up the ridge to the summit of P.3096.

The view from the summit was magnificent, especially because the weather was absolutely perfect! So I enjoyed my late lunch up there. Surprisingly, I found a "Gipfelbuch" at the top. The last entry was without information about the year, and the second last entry was from 2014. So it seems I was either the first or second person up there this summer?!

The descent followed the same way as the ascent. Back at Alp Quader, I went down to Brigels with the mountain bike. The bike ride is not included in the GPS track, nor in the time/height gain/loss figures.

Hike distance: 20 km

Tourengänger: Roald

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