
Publiziert von olethros , 18. April 2021 um 22:01.

Region: Welt » Schweiz » St.Gallen
Tour Datum:18 April 2021
Wandern Schwierigkeit: T3 - anspruchsvolles Bergwandern
Schneeshuhtouren Schwierigkeit: WT3 - Anspruchsvolle Schneeschuhwanderung
Geo-Tags: CH-SG   Alpstein 
Zeitbedarf: 4:00
Aufstieg: 850 m
Abstieg: 850 m

The snow reports were uncertain, so I took full snow snowshoe gear to get up to Stockberg, starting from Stein. Initially it was mostly mud and fields, but soon I hit some snow. The snow was not quite deep enough to use the snowshoes, at least initially, but still managed to be annoying for boots. Visibility was nearly zero when I hit the snow, which made the wider, flatter parts of the walk completely disorienting.

The going was easy apart from climbing Stockberg, where the snow was quite hard and the steepness was at the limit of the snowshoes I have. Visibility remained quite low: I could not see the cross 10m away from the peak. I went back down via the normal hiking path, for which I discarded the snowshoes. The descent was much easier without them.

Tourengänger: olethros

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