UPDATE3 : Allora, we modified our formula according to the ideas of nadirazur and Alpin_Rise. There are two changes:
- hot photos are cooling faster
- cold photos (1-2 recent favs) are shuffled more than hot ones (many recent favs).
I see that it works rather well! The first page now is much more animated than before and a lot of nice pictures are promoted. That's good.
For Your Information: The formula we use is not really a big secret, probably you studied it in school. It's called "Newton 's law of cooling" (Wikipedia link)
UPDATE2: Such impressive discussion, thanks everyone! There are many interesting ideas, we will try them.
It looks like nobody likes Jemand :-) So, Jemand is gone, now there is nothing shown on the right of the picture.
Seems too that not everybody understood the "2 days" trick. Well, look at this pic. Now, there is nothing on the right side, but tomorrow evening the people who added the pic to favorites will begin to appear.
UPDATE: Wow, so many answers. Awesome!
We noticed that often the list of hot photos is not changing for days. Some "very hot" photos are on the first page for weeks, and during this time other good photos have no chance to appear.
Once a photo hit the first page, there are automatically many new votes, like a chain reaction - this is not natural. Many people just browse the hot photos and add their votes there: this photo is good because 10 other people think so. By hiding the count of people for two days we probably can remove this problem.
So, there is a problem, right? Do you see any better solution?
PS: I don't understand Italian :))
Hi! We did an experience, to have a little bit more of life on the first page ;-) Let's look how it works
1. The hot photos are now sligthly shuffled every 10 minutes, so newer photos have more chance to reach the 1st page.
2. To have more suspense, when someone adds a photo to favorites, the username doesn't appear for 2 days. Instead appears "Someone". After 2 days the name is shown.
Salut, nous avons fait une experience avec les phots "hot", pour avoir un peu plus de vie sur la première page. Voyons comment ça marche :-)
1. Les photos "hot" sont un peu mélangées tous les 10 minutes. Comme ça les photos plus récents ont plus de chance de sortir sur la première page.
2. Pour plus de suspense, les noms des gens qui ont ajouté la photo au favs n'apparait pas tout de suite, mais après 2 jours.
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