Jun 29
Avers   T4 I  
29 Jun 19
On the ridge from Wengahorn (2848 m) to Mingalunhorn (2965 m)
This hike covers the peaks Wengahorn, Schinetahörner, Juferhorn, and Mingalunhorn, and the tour goes on top of the ridge between these peaks. Start of the hike at 9:00 AM in the village of Juf. After a short sightseeing round in Juf, I headed up the NNE flank towards Wengahorn (T3). There was no summit book at the summit of...
Publiziert von Roald 29. Juni 2019 um 21:33 (Fotos:33 | Geodaten:1)
Jun 28
Avers   T4-  
28 Jun 19
Piz della Palù (3177 m) - hike from Lago di Lei
Piz della Palù (3177 m) is the second highest peak around Lago di Lei, only surpassed by the neighboring peak Piz Timun. It lies exactly on the border between Italy and Switzerland. The easiest way to hike there is via the east ridge, so it is best to start at Lago di Lei. Route and difficulties: I crossed the dam, and hiked...
Publiziert von Roald 28. Juni 2019 um 19:16 (Fotos:40 | Kommentare:1 | Geodaten:1)
Jun 23
Hinterrhein   T4  
23 Jun 19
Piz Miez / Cimalmotta (2834 m) - hike from Innerferrera
Piz Miez / Cimalmotta (2834 m) is a rather unknown mountain peak 2.5 km south of Innerferrera. It lies exactly on the border between Italy and Switzerland. So far there was only one hikr report for Cimalmotta (by roko), and that is already 9 years ago. The peak is not mentioned on gipfelbuch.ch. And as expected, between Alpe Motta...
Publiziert von Roald 23. Juni 2019 um 21:41 (Fotos:27)
Dez 29
Oberhalbstein   WT4  
29 Dez 18
Piz Toissa (2657 m) - snow shoe hike from Salouf
Great snow shoe hike to the summit of Piz Toissa, with start and end in Salouf. Beforehand, I did not find any report online about snow shoe hikes to Piz Toissa, but I wanted to give it a try on the summer route. Start of the hike in Salouf shortly before 9 AM, just before sunrise. The temperature was around -5°C. I followed...
Publiziert von Roald 29. Dezember 2018 um 22:14 (Fotos:26 | Geodaten:1)
Okt 18
Unterengadin   T4  
16 Okt 18
Piz Murtera (3043 m) - hike from Röven
Piz Murtera (3043 m) is a mountain peak northwest of Susch. It lies between the valleys Val Fless and Val Sagliains. My route followed the SSW ridge for the ascent, and the west flank for the descent. I started this hike at the Flüela pass road in Röven, following the wrw marked trail up to Alp Fless Dadoura. Next, I...
Publiziert von Roald 18. Oktober 2018 um 10:38 (Fotos:32 | Geodaten:1)
Aug 16
Davos   T5 I L  
16 Aug 18
Bocktenhorn (3043 m) - via the west ridge
Bocktenhorn (3043 m) is a mountain peak between Chüealptal and Dürrboden. It can be accessed from Sertig or Dürrboden. Either way, the usual route is going up on the south ridge, starting from P.2848 between Bocktenhorn and Leidhorn. I wanted to try how it is to hike to Bocktenhorn via the west ridge. The start of the hike...
Publiziert von Roald 16. August 2018 um 22:27 (Fotos:32 | Geodaten:1)
Aug 9
Unterengadin   T4  
9 Aug 18
Piz Champatsch (2945 m) - hike from Chant Sura
Piz Champatsch (2945 m) is a mountain peak north of Chant Sura on the Flüela pass. There are two other peaks with the same name in Engadin, and of similar heights, so it can easily be mixed up. When I started my hike at 9:20 am, it was all cloudy, and patches of fog here and there. The weather forecast had predicted mostly...
Publiziert von Roald 9. August 2018 um 22:01 (Fotos:23 | Geodaten:1)
Jul 13
Oberhalbstein   T4+ I L  
13 Jul 18
Pizza Grossa (2939 m) - Auf neuer Route (Südwestgrat)
---English text below--- Da dies der erste hikr Bericht für die Route auf die Pizza Grossa über den Südwestgrat ist, habe ich mich entschieden den Bericht auch auf Deutsch zu schreiben. Pizza Grossa (2939 m) ist ein formschöner Berg im Val d'Err östlich von Savognin. Bisher wurden die Aufstiege über Nordgrat, Ostgrat und...
Publiziert von Roald 13. Juli 2018 um 21:01 (Fotos:48 | Geodaten:1)
Jun 15
Oberhalbstein   T5- L L  
15 Jun 18
Piz Val Lunga (3077 m) - bike & hike from Tinizong
Piz Val Lunga (3077 m) is a peak which requires quite a long ascent/descent when you start from Tinizong or Savognin. Start of the hike just above the village of Tinizong at elevation 1320 m. I followed the alp road in direction Alp d'Err, mostly walking the bike. The road is paved up to Tgant Pensa. In Val d'Err I spotted...
Publiziert von Roald 15. Juni 2018 um 22:49 (Fotos:24 | Geodaten:1)
Jun 9
Oberhalbstein   T4 L  
9 Jun 18
Castalegns (3021 m) - halfway in the fog
Castalegns (3021 m) is a peak just northwest of Piz d'Err. It is accessible from Alp Flix via Tellers Dafora and the SW flank leading up to P.2968, and then across the SE ridge to the summit. Start of the hike at 07:15 in the morning (after a two hour drive to first get to Alp Flix...). I had indeed planned an early start,...
Publiziert von Roald 9. Juni 2018 um 21:23 (Fotos:36 | Geodaten:1)
Mai 25
Davos   T4- L WT4  
25 Mai 18
Isentällispitz (2985 m) - snowshoe hike
This was a great snow shoe hike to Isentällispitz / Gorihorn (2985 m). The weather was perfect with blue skies! Start of the hike at 07:45 in the morning. The temperature was +5°C with light winds. It felt a bit cold for the first half hour or so. There is hardly any snow left below 2300 m elevation. Higher up I tried to stay...
Publiziert von Roald 25. Mai 2018 um 22:28 (Fotos:34 | Geodaten:1)
Apr 7
Oberhalbstein   T2 WS+  
7 Apr 18
Fuorcla digls Tellers & Piz Colm - ski tour
---English text below--- Da dies der erste hikr Ski Tour Bericht für Fuorcla digls Tellers ist, habe ich mich entschieden den Bericht auch auf Deutsch zu schreiben. Ich bin um 7:15 von oberhalb Tinizong auf etwa 1320 m Höhe gestartet. Allerdings muss man dann zuerst die Alpstrasse etwa 2 km und 250 Höhenmeter hochlaufen,...
Publiziert von Roald 7. April 2018 um 21:08 (Fotos:36 | Geodaten:1)
Okt 19
Davos   T4- L  
18 Okt 17
Tiaun (2704 m) - bike & hike from Davos Wiesen
---English text below--- Da dies der erste hikr Bericht für Tiaun ist, habe ich mich entschieden den Bericht auch auf Deutsch zu schreiben. Tiaun (2704 m) ist ein Gipfel oberhalb von Davos Wiesen, welcher bis heute auf hikr.org nicht beschrieben wurde. Woran das wohl liegen könnte? Der Gipfel sieht von der Wiesner Alp aus...
Publiziert von Roald 19. Oktober 2017 um 10:13 (Fotos:25 | Geodaten:1)
Aug 26
Oberhalbstein   T5-  
25 Aug 17
Piz Calderas (3397 m) - hike from Alp Flix
In this hike to Piz Calderas (3397 m), I ascended through Tellers Davains, and the L-couloir on the west side of the mountain. Later I descended on the southeast side, and then I headed down a couloir towards Plang Lung. I started my hike in Alp Flix at elevation 1915 m. I followed the roads to Tgalucas, and then a trail in...
Publiziert von Roald 26. August 2017 um 20:06 (Fotos:45 | Kommentare:2 | Geodaten:1)
Aug 21
Davos   T4+ I  
21 Aug 17
Mittaghorn (2735 m) - Sertig, Davos
---English text below--- Da dies der erste hikr Bericht für Mittaghorn ist, habe ich mich entschieden den Bericht auch auf Deutsch zu schreiben. Mittaghorn (2735 m) ist ein Gipfel bei Sertig (Davos), welcher bis heute auf hikr.org nicht beschrieben wurde. Woran das wohl liegen könnte? Der Gipfel sieht von Sertig aus doch...
Publiziert von Roald 21. August 2017 um 22:23 (Fotos:28 | Kommentare:1 | Geodaten:1)
Jun 11
Oberhalbstein   T4+ I L  
11 Jun 17
Bike & hike to Pizza Grossa (2939 m)
This hike was inspired by hike reports from ivo66 describing the ascent on the Pizza Grossa south ridge. It ended up being a wonderful hike in picture perfect weather! I started my hike & bike just above the village of Tinizong at elevation 1320 m. I followed the alp road in direction Alp d'Err, mostly walking the bike. At...
Publiziert von Roald 11. Juni 2017 um 23:35 (Fotos:38 | Geodaten:1)
Mai 27
Lenzerheide   T4- L  
27 Mai 17
Bike & hike from Alvaneu to Piz Mulain (2625 m)
Piz Mulain is a peak above the village called Alvaneu Dorf. Until now it had not been described here on hikr.org, so I was rather unsure about the best way to hike there, and about the difficulties. I started my hike just above the village Alvaneu Dorf at elevation 1250 m. There is a small parking lot at the end of the road. To...
Publiziert von Roald 27. Mai 2017 um 23:29 (Fotos:31 | Geodaten:1)
Dez 30
Oberhalbstein   T3+ WT3 L  
30 Dez 16
Bike & hike to Carungas (2622 m) in December
The mountain Carungas with an elevation of "only" 2622 meters is a rather small peak close to Savognin - at least compared to all the other higher and more famous peaks in the area. But Carungas offers a fantastic view to the surrounding mountains, especially on a day like this! Pizza Grossa, Piz Ela, Piz Salteras, Piz Bleis...
Publiziert von Roald 30. Dezember 2016 um 22:46 (Fotos:26 | Geodaten:1)
Aug 31
Surselva   T4+ L  
28 Aug 15
Muttenstock (3089 m) - bike & hike from Brigels
Hiking to Muttenstock from Brigels is a lot longer than from the Tierfehd/Muttsee side, but I was in Brigels and wanted to give it a try. The ascent towards the summit is supposedly a bit easier than from the Muttsee side. Start in Brigels at 9:15, which was rather late, but that is when the chairlift starts operating (Brigels...
Publiziert von Roald 31. August 2015 um 20:11 (Fotos:15 | Geodaten:1)