Bistinepass - Sirwoltesattel

Publiziert von tulika , 4. September 2016 um 17:00.

Region: Welt » Schweiz » Wallis » Oberwallis
Tour Datum: 3 September 2016
Wandern Schwierigkeit: T3 - anspruchsvolles Bergwandern
Geo-Tags: CH-VS 
Zeitbedarf: 5:00
Aufstieg: 800 m
Abstieg: 900 m
Strecke:Simplonpass - Bistinepass - Sirwoltesattel - Engiloch
Zufahrt zum Ausgangspunkt:Simlonpass Monte-Leone
Zufahrt zum Ankunftspunkt:Engiloch

On this summer weekend, we decided to go to Simplonpass. We started the hike at 10:00am from Simplon Hospiz (currently closed), though hotel Monte-Leone would be better start. Follow the sign for Alpenpassenweg (#6). The trail first takes you down to Bielti and then starts the gradual uphill which gains about 300m till you turn and are on a plateauish area. Some nice views from here, and rest of the 250m are gained slowly and easily up to Bistinepass. The long mountain range on other side of the Brig valley comes into view. This view will remain for most of the further traverse, though behind us. Continue to follow #6. The trail is easy, and make for mountain bikers too.

After crossing Magelicke the glacier at end of the valley comes into view. Unfortunately the view is partially hidden by smaller ranges on the side. Then you reach the junction of #6 and trail towards Sirwoltesattel. Decision point - do we want to go down #6 to get better view of the glacier or march on to our destination. At this point we are somewhat tired and the prospect of going down and up just to see a glacier is not very appealing. So we carry on towards Sirwoltesattel and take a lunch break.

The way to sattel is easy, gentle 200m climb to reach the highest point of trail at 2621m. The view from here is somewhat disappointing. Before starting the uphill traverse to sattel, there is a short detour to take you to the edge from where the glacier at end of valley should be clearly visible. We had decided not to take it, but it would have been nice to make that short 30min detour.

From the sattle it is easy trail down to Engiloch. The trail does get steep at few places, and there is a short section with 4 iron rods to go down a big rock, nothing difficult. On the way there is a nice waterfall, good place to take another break and cool off in the water. Then onwards to Engiloch. Total hiking time 5hrs without breaks.
Photos here -

Tourengänger: tulika

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