Snowshoeing from All'Acqua up Val Bedretto

Publiziert von Melanie , 16. Januar 2012 um 15:34. Text und Fotos von den Tourengängern

Region: Welt » Schweiz » Tessin » Bellinzonese
Tour Datum:15 Januar 2012
Schneeshuhtouren Schwierigkeit: WT1 - Leichte Schneeschuhwanderung
Geo-Tags: CH-TI   Gruppo Grieshorn   Gruppo Pizzo Rotondo   Gruppo Pizzo Gallina 
Zeitbedarf: 4:00
Aufstieg: 414 m
Abstieg: 414 m
Zufahrt zum Ausgangspunkt:A2 Gotthard, exit Airolo, follow the Nufenenpassstrasse to All'Acqua. Check conditions in winter.
Unterkunftmöglichkeiten:There's two places in All'Acqua, reservation recommended as they are quite small. More in the other villages in the valley or in Airolo. Check for more info.
Kartennummer:Swiss Ski 265S

Second day of our trip with our friends Lorena & Rodrigo to the Gotthard area, second day of sunshine and best snow for snowshoeing.

I quietly cursed the -9C we measured when parking the car at the end of the road in All'Acqua (1614m), but I was very much looking forward to another tour. 

This is a very easy hike up, basically following the Nufenenpass road up the valley. After nearly 2 hours (4.5km) we finally were out of the shade at the Ciurei di Mezzo (2028m), best time for a Brotzeit in the sun, while admiring the bizarre snow patterns and structures.

Looking around we saw a lot of peaks we'd eventually make at later tours, preferably with skis, like the Nufenenstock and the Pizzo Nero. The panorama was amazing, the only disturbance being the high electricity masts. 

Unfortunately schedule and a complaining knee made us turn around here so we did not reach the pass height, but nevertheless had a great day out there. 

Thanks Rodrigo for the GPS files!

Tourengänger: dominik, Melanie

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