Piz Umbrail, Piz Praveder

Publiziert von Cirrus , 6. August 2007 um 22:26.

Region: Welt » Schweiz » Graubünden » Val Müstair
Tour Datum: 3 August 2007
Wandern Schwierigkeit: T3 - anspruchsvolles Bergwandern
Geo-Tags: Münstertaler Berge   CH-GR   I 
Zeitbedarf: 6:15
Aufstieg: 925 m
Abstieg: 2075 m
Zufahrt zum Ausgangspunkt:öV Pass Umbrail
Zufahrt zum Ankunftspunkt:öV Sta. Maria Val Müstair
Unterkunftmöglichkeiten:Hotel Zernez

Hiking classification: 4 stars (very nice)

With the postbus (only one per dao pass Umbrail, at the border with Italy. After a coffee, along the border up to Piz Umbrail. From 2700m on the first snow, and from 2800 m onwards a closed snow cover. The ascent to Piz Umbrail is well marked and easy (T2+). There was a lot of wind at the summit, and a dense fog, so we continued our hike. The descent is first steep, and with the snow the sticks were helpful. Soon we were again below the cloud base, and the weather started to improve slowly. At the lake Lai da Rims we had a short break. Here there are a lot of "Murmeltiere" and also Edelweiss can be found. Because the cloud base was around 2900 m now (and rising), we decided to go up to Piz Praveder. The last 100 climbing meters to this peak (from the pass) are without path and steep (T3). We descended to Val Döss Grand and saw some Gemsen at a great distance. Instead of following the hiking path, we took a short cut around pt. 2227, 2133 (shortly T4). Afterwars the descent to Sta. Maria Val Müstair was not steep, and therefore long. Altogether a very nice hike with hardly any people (only in the part from Pass Umbrail to Lai da Rims we saw two persons, and in the descent to Sta. Maria Val Müstair mountain bikers are active).

Route: Pass Umbrail- Piz Umbrail- Val dai Lai- Lai da Rims- Pt. 2673- Piz Praveder- Pt. 2673- Val Döss Radond- Pt. 2227, 2133- Praveder- Las Clastras- Pt. 1672- Sta. Maria Val Müstair

 Wetter: Erst viele Wolken und viel Wind. Oberhalb 2800 m Neuschnee. Später langsam etwas Sonne.

Tiere: 3 Gemsen, mehrere Murmeltieren. Edelweiss.

Tour mit Insa und Wolfgang.

Tourengänger: Cirrus

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