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Berner Jura   WT1  
23 Mär 08
Montagne du Droit: Erneut Schneefall und schlechter Sicht
Hiking classification: 2 stars (acceptable)  From Tramelan we followed the border of the wood, and when we hitted the major road, we followed that road until Bise de Cortebert. From there onwards we followed the broad ridge of Montagne du droit and made oure own snowshoe tracks. Unfortunately, later it started again...
Publiziert von Cirrus 25. März 2008 um 23:40 (Fotos:6)
Berner Jura   WT1  
22 Mär 08
Moron: Schneeschuhüberschreitung bei teilweise schlechtem Sicht
Hiking classification: 3 stars (nice) The winter surprise at the end of March took us to the Berner Jura. Already in Perrefitte there was nearly 10 cm snow and soon we could put our snow shoes. On the top of the Moron the snow depth was around 40 cm. While in the lowest parts the snow was heavy and quite wet, often also with an...
Publiziert von Cirrus 25. März 2008 um 23:24 (Fotos:4)
Obwalden   WT3  
16 Mär 08
Schnabelspitz, Rickhubel
Hiking classification: 3 stars (nice) The weather was better than expected. In the morning the strong wind, together with sun shine was very pleasant. We ascended slowly towards the "Sewensee", through a rather open, nice landscape. From the Sewensee onwards the ascent was steeper towards the ridge...
Publiziert von Cirrus 16. März 2008 um 22:48 (Fotos:11)
Obwalden   T2 WT3  
15 Mär 08
Nünalpstock, Haldimattstock, Looegg, Bärenturm
Hiking classification: 3 stars(nice) The northern slopes of the Brienzer Rothorn had snow (almost) to Sörenberg, but the southern slopes had a general lack of snow. We walked until 1700 m without snow shoes. In these lower parts we saw a gemse. It was very mild weather with a lot of sun shine, so altogether not really winter...
Publiziert von Cirrus 16. März 2008 um 22:19 (Fotos:7)
Waadtländer Alpen   WT3  
24 Feb 08
Les Rodomonts
hiking classification: 3 stars (nice) In the morning the snow was better. Despite the high temperatures, the clear night caused that the snow had become quite hard, although not always hard enough not to sink in. After quite a desent, we started to climb to Col de la Forcla, and later the three peaks of Les Rodomonts. For the...
Publiziert von Cirrus 27. Februar 2008 um 00:07 (Fotos:4)
Simmental   WT3  
23 Feb 08
Hundsrügg, Birehubel, Schneitgrat
hiking classification: 3 stars (nice) Nice tour with very sunny but too warm weather. The ascent from Sparemoos first folows ski pisten until Schiltenegg. There we put our snow shoes and followed the not steep ridge up to Hundsrügg. The descent from the second summit (Birehubel) was up to 37 degrees steep and was partly snow...
Publiziert von Cirrus 27. Februar 2008 um 00:04 (Fotos:9)
Appenzell   T2  
10 Feb 08
hiking classification: 2 stars (acceptable) This hike was made without snow shoes. There was a closed snow cover from 1100 m onwards, but the snow cover was always relatively thin and/or hard, so that snow shoes were not needed. As I started in the beginning of the afternoon, it was necessary to hurry up a bit, especially because...
Publiziert von Cirrus 26. Februar 2008 um 23:58 (Fotos:3)
St.Gallen   T2 WT2  
27 Jan 08
Chellenspitz, Alplispitz, Chrüzegg, Habrütispitz, Schindelberg, Schnebelhorn, Roten
Hiking classification: 2 stars (acceptable) This hike offered some surprises today. There was a strong Föhninfluence, and below altostratus clouds there was almost no sun shine and a stormy wind, especially on Chellenspitz and Alplispitz. The very few snow that was left was blowing in the air. From pt. 1193 onwards it...
Publiziert von Cirrus 26. Februar 2008 um 23:37 (Fotos:10)
Jura   T2  
20 Jan 08
Mont Raimeux
Hiking classification: 2 stars (acceptable) January and again very mild. Until the top of Mont Raimeux there were only some minor snow spots. I had a stop in Cab. le Bambos, were I enjoyed some soup and bread. The descent through "Le Gore Virat" was the most demanding, and also the nicest part of this walk. It is a...
Publiziert von Cirrus 26. Februar 2008 um 23:33 (Fotos:5)
St.Gallen   WT2  
2 Jan 08
Schwammegg, Köbelberg, Tönnerenegg: Schneeschuhtour auf drei "neue" ZH Oberland Gipfel
Hiking classification: 2 stars (acceptable) From the busstop Egligen to Schutt along the road (instead of waiting another 30 minutes for the next bus), and from Schutt onwards, first along the street, and from Hind. Altschwand onwards with snow shoes to Hind. Rotstein. Unfortunately there were quite some people on the ridge, and...
Publiziert von Cirrus 6. Januar 2008 um 01:25 (Fotos:10)
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Name Höhe (m.) Schw. Region Tour Datum
 Zumsteinspitze / Punta Zumstein4563 T4 WS II Oberwallis 21 Jul 06
 Signalkuppe / Punta Gnifetti4554 WS II Oberwallis 20 Jul 06
 Parrotspitze / Punta Parrot4432 WS II Oberwallis 20 Jul 06
 Ludwigshöhe4341 WS II Oberwallis 20 Jul 06
 Corno Nero / Schwarzhorn4321 WS II Oberwallis 20 Jul 06
 Piramide Vincent4215 WS II Oberwallis 20 Jul 06
 Breithorn - Westgipfel4164 T4 WS- I Oberwallis 18 Jul 06
 Üssers Barrhorn3610 T3 Oberwallis 15 Jul 06
 Inners Barrhorn3583 T3 Oberwallis 15 Jul 06
 Sphinx3572 L WT4 Jungfraugebiet 14 Apr 06
 Sphinx3572 L Jungfraugebiet 20 Mai 02
 Rheinwaldhorn / Adula3402 T4 L I Bellinzonese 8 Jul 06
 Piz Güglia / Piz Julier3380 T4 I Oberengadin 3 Sep 05
 Oberalpstock / Piz Tgietschen3328 T3 WS- I Uri 10 Aug 05
 Clariden3268 T5 WS II Glarus 12 Aug 05
 Piz Languard3263 T3 Oberengadin 5 Aug 07
 Piz Ot3246 T4 I Oberengadin 3 Sep 05
 Piz da la Margna3159 T4 I Oberengadin 2 Sep 04
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