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Roald » Tourenberichte (588)

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Davos   T4- L  
18 Okt 17
Tiaun (2704 m) - bike & hike from Davos Wiesen
---English text below--- Da dies der erste hikr Bericht für Tiaun ist, habe ich mich entschieden den Bericht auch auf Deutsch zu schreiben. Tiaun (2704 m) ist ein Gipfel oberhalb von Davos Wiesen, welcher bis heute auf hikr.org nicht beschrieben wurde. Woran das wohl liegen könnte? Der Gipfel sieht von der Wiesner Alp aus...
Publiziert von Roald 19. Oktober 2017 um 10:13 (Fotos:25 | Geodaten:1)
Schwyz   T3+  
1 Nov 17
Schiberg (2043 m) - hike from Wägitalersee
This was a very nice hike to Schiberg (2043 m) together with my friend Stephen. We started at the lake Wägitalersee, and followed the white-red-white marked trail to the summit of Schiberg. We spotted quite a few chamois on the way, but they were all pretty far away. The weather was great, and even if we are now in...
Publiziert von Roald 2. November 2017 um 08:39 (Fotos:13 | Geodaten:1)
Oberhalbstein   T3+ L  
3 Nov 17
Corn Alv (2992 m) and Piz Campagnung (2825 m)
This was a really nice hike in picture perfect weather with blue skies and not a single cloud! Amazing weather and mild temperatures given that we are already in November. Start of the hike at 09:15 at the Julier pass road (La Veduta). The temperature was about -2°C, but as soon as I started hiking it felt much warmer in the...
Publiziert von Roald 3. November 2017 um 21:36 (Fotos:28 | Geodaten:1)
Davos   WS-  
18 Nov 17
Pischagrat and Mattjisch Tälli - ski tour
Early season opener ski tour in the Pischa area. Perfect weather with blue skies and light winds. Mixed snow conditions, but quite a lot of powder after all! I started my ski tour at 9:00 in the morning at the parking lot for the Pischa aerial cable car. The temperature was -4°C when I started. I followed the (snow-covered)...
Publiziert von Roald 18. November 2017 um 21:59 (Fotos:21 | Geodaten:1)
Davos   WS-  
25 Dez 17
Büelenhorn (2513 m) - ski tour
Büelenhorn (2513 m) is a peak very close to Davos, between the Dischma and Flüela valleys. I started my ski tour at 9:00 o'clock at the golf course in Davos Dorf (during the winter, this golf course is used for cross country skiing). It was -11° C, so at the beginning it felt quite cold. First I walked along the road passed...
Publiziert von Roald 25. Dezember 2017 um 19:41 (Fotos:15 | Geodaten:1)
Schwyz   T1 WT2  
31 Dez 17
Brüschstockbügel (1488 m) - snowshoe hike
Brüschstockbügel is a hilltop close to Wägitalersee. It offers a great view to Bockmattli and Chöpfenberg. In this snowshoe hike, I followed the road from Innerthal up to Schwarzenegg and then to Schwarzenegghöchi (T1, WT1). However, I only mounted the snowshoes when I was about halfway up at elevation 1150 m. From...
Publiziert von Roald 31. Dezember 2017 um 17:24 (Fotos:10 | Geodaten:1)
Oberhalbstein   WT3  
28 Jan 18
Snowshoe hike around Piz Toissa
The idea with this snowshoe hike was to walk all the way around Piz Toissa, with start and end in Salouf. The weather was really nice and sunny in the morning, but thin clouds moved in around noon. I started this snowshoe hike in Salouf at 08:45 in the morning. The temperature was a mild -3°C. I followed the snow covered...
Publiziert von Roald 28. Januar 2018 um 20:22 (Fotos:20 | Geodaten:1)
Calanda   WT3  
9 Feb 18
Chimmispitz & Zweierspitz - snowshoe hike
This was my first visit to St. Margrethenberg ever. Really nice and scenic area! I started this hike in Furggels at 08:30 in the morning. The temperature was -5° C with a little bit of wind, so it felt rather cold at the beginning. At the start I followed the road in southerly direction to the place called Tal. There I mounted...
Publiziert von Roald 9. Februar 2018 um 22:08 (Fotos:24 | Geodaten:1)
Davos   L  
24 Feb 18
Ski tour from Sertig to Davos Platz
This was a ski tour going from Sertig to Davos Platz, passing Tällifurgga and Rossboden. I started my ski tour at 9:30 in the morning in Sertig, first ascending along the Feelabach creek. Next I headed left and up through the forest where the summer hiking trail goes, passing P.2087 and P.2171. There was a nice ski tour track...
Publiziert von Roald 24. Februar 2018 um 21:06 (Fotos:24 | Geodaten:1)
Davos   L  
24 Mär 18
Fanezfurgga & Ducanfurgga - ski tour
This was a ski tour going from Davos Monstein to Fanezfurgga and Ducanfurgga, and back the same way. I started my ski tour at 8:30 in the morning in Monstein, first walking up through the village of Monstein. (There is a small parking lot for skiers at the upper end of the village, but I didn't know about it, and it was anyway...
Publiziert von Roald 25. März 2018 um 08:55 (Fotos:29 | Geodaten:1)
Calanda   T2 WT2  
2 Apr 18
Stelli - snowshoe hike from St. Margrethenberg
In this snowshoe hike, I went from St. Margretenberg (Furggels) to Stelli and the same way back. At the start of the hike at 08:45 in the morning, the temperature was around freezing. First I hiked along the road to Fürggli (3 km), and then I continued on the forest road to Alp Marola. There was already a good snowshoe track...
Publiziert von Roald 2. April 2018 um 21:47 (Fotos:31 | Geodaten:1)
Oberhalbstein   T2 WS+  
7 Apr 18
Fuorcla digls Tellers & Piz Colm - ski tour
---English text below--- Da dies der erste hikr Ski Tour Bericht für Fuorcla digls Tellers ist, habe ich mich entschieden den Bericht auch auf Deutsch zu schreiben. Ich bin um 7:15 von oberhalb Tinizong auf etwa 1320 m Höhe gestartet. Allerdings muss man dann zuerst die Alpstrasse etwa 2 km und 250 Höhenmeter hochlaufen,...
Publiziert von Roald 7. April 2018 um 21:08 (Fotos:36 | Geodaten:1)
Davos   WS  
14 Apr 18
Pischahorn (2980 m) - ski tour
Pischahorn (2980 m) is a mountain peak very close to Davos, and easily accessible from the Flüela valley. I started my ski tour shortly after 8 AM in the morning at the parking lot for the Pischa aerial cable car. First, I followed the forest road up to the mountain restaurant Mäderbeiz, and then I continued up towards the...
Publiziert von Roald 14. April 2018 um 20:54 (Fotos:31 | Geodaten:1)
Schwyz   T2  
22 Apr 18
Gross Aubrig (1695 m) - the snow is almost gone
Afternoon hike to Gross Aubrig. Yesterday while biking at Wägitalersee, I saw that there was only a little bit of snow left at the top of Gross Aubrig. And today the ascent from Schrä via Bärlaui was nearly possible without having to walk through snow. It was a bit muddy here and there, but actually less than I had expected....
Publiziert von Roald 22. April 2018 um 21:53 (Fotos:27 | Geodaten:1)
Davos   WT4  
27 Apr 18
Bergüner Furgga & Sertigpass - snowshoe hike
Nice snowshoe hike to Bergüner Furgga and Sertigpass. Despite a military exercise in the area from 08:30 - 11:30, I was able to pursue my plan. The ascent from Bim Schära up to Bergüner Furgga is outside of the danger zone. I started my hike at 09:15 in Sertig. The alp road up to Bim Schära is still snow covered....
Publiziert von Roald 27. April 2018 um 21:54 (Fotos:40 | Geodaten:1)
Schwyz   T2  
19 Mai 18
Hike to Brüschstockbügel (1488 m)
Nice hike to the summit of Brüschstockbügel together with OJ. Patches of fog lingered around, especially around the higher mountain peaks in the area. Nice lunch at the restaurant in Innerthal after the hike.
Publiziert von Roald 19. Mai 2018 um 20:26 (Fotos:3)
Davos   WS  
21 Mai 18
Radüner Rothorn (3021 m) - ski tour
Late season ski tour to Radüner Rothorn (3021 m). Start at the Flüela pass road at 07:45 in the morning. Most parking spots along the road were already taken when I arrived. I think there were about 25 cars in total near the start of the (summer) hiking trail to Schwarzhorn. Some skiers were already coming back down as I started...
Publiziert von Roald 21. Mai 2018 um 17:32 (Fotos:28 | Geodaten:1)
Davos   T4- L WT4  
25 Mai 18
Isentällispitz (2985 m) - snowshoe hike
This was a great snow shoe hike to Isentällispitz / Gorihorn (2985 m). The weather was perfect with blue skies! Start of the hike at 07:45 in the morning. The temperature was +5°C with light winds. It felt a bit cold for the first half hour or so. There is hardly any snow left below 2300 m elevation. Higher up I tried to stay...
Publiziert von Roald 25. Mai 2018 um 22:28 (Fotos:34 | Geodaten:1)
Schwyz   T2  
31 Mai 18
Hike to Brüschstockbügel (1488 m)
Nice hike to the summit of Brüschstockbügel together with my wife. The weather was perfect in the morning, but shortly before noon clouds moved in. Great lunch at the restaurant in Innerthal after the hike.
Publiziert von Roald 31. Mai 2018 um 16:09 (Fotos:14)
Schwyz   T3  
2 Jun 18
Hike to Bockmattli (1931 m)
In this hike to Bockmattli, we first followed the road from Innerthal up to Schwarzenegg (T1). Next, we continued on the white-red-white marked trail towards Bockmattlipass and Bockmattli (T2-T3). The ascent up to Bockmattlipass through Chälen was slightly more challenging than normal, because it was all wet after the rain...
Publiziert von Roald 2. Juni 2018 um 16:15 (Fotos:14 | Geodaten:1)