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Roald » Tourenberichte (mit Geodaten) (514)

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Okt 19
St.Gallen   T3  
18 Okt 19
Afternoon hike to Simel (2353 m)
Today I didn't even plan to go hiking, but based on the weather forecast I spontaneously decided to go. I only started the hike near Unterkunkels at 11:30 AM. But I had not studied the map well enough, and the presumed shortcut through the forest west of Caschleira became a detour where I wasted 20 min or so. I don't recommend it....
Publiziert von Roald 18. Oktober 2019 um 21:31 (Fotos:26 | Kommentare:1 | Geodaten:1)
Sep 8
Glarus   T4  
16 Sep 18
Dejenstock & Mättlistock - hike from Klöntalersee
Dejenstock (2021 m) & Mättlistock (1910 m) are two mountain peaks just north of Klöntalersee. They both offer a great view of surrounding mountains and of the lake. Start of the hike at 7:45 AM at Klöntalersee. I followed the wrw marked trail up to Obere Scheiterböden. From there I continued on an unofficial path...
Publiziert von Roald 16. September 2018 um 22:35 (Fotos:21 | Kommentare:1 | Geodaten:1)
Jul 1
Avers   T4-  
28 Jun 19
Piz della Palù (3177 m) - hike from Lago di Lei
Piz della Palù (3177 m) is the second highest peak around Lago di Lei, only surpassed by the neighboring peak Piz Timun. It lies exactly on the border between Italy and Switzerland. The easiest way to hike there is via the east ridge, so it is best to start at Lago di Lei. Route and difficulties: I crossed the dam, and hiked...
Publiziert von Roald 28. Juni 2019 um 19:16 (Fotos:40 | Kommentare:1 | Geodaten:1)
Jun 16
Schwyz   T5  
14 Jun 19
Wändlispitz & Diethelm - via Gross Sienen
Wändlispitz (1970 m) is a mountain peak which looks quite impressive, and it is not that easy to get up there. The routes across Gartenbeetli, Schäferweg, and SE ridge are all rated T6. Then there is the route via Gross Sienen (which is a T5) and that is the one I did today. Many thanks to Nobis for the report which gave me most...
Publiziert von Roald 14. Juni 2019 um 22:05 (Fotos:36 | Kommentare:2 | Geodaten:1)
Mai 25
Schwyz   T3  
24 Mai 19
Roggenstock (1776 m) - spring time in Hoch-Ybrig
Roggenstock (1776 m) is a mountain in the Hoch-Ybrig area. I had actually never been up there before, even though it is a fairly easy and short hike close to home. Start of the hike only at 11:00 AM (cause I had another appointment earlier in the morning). From Weglosen I followed the wrw marked trail all the way up to the top...
Publiziert von Roald 24. Mai 2019 um 21:48 (Fotos:24 | Kommentare:1 | Geodaten:1)
Apr 23
Schwyz   T3 WT3  
22 Apr 19
Schiberg (2044 m) - start of the hiking season!
Yesterday while biking around Wägitalersee, I saw that most of the Schiberg south flank is already free of snow. So I decided to start the hiking season today. I brought my snowshoes for the upper part called Tschingel, but in the end they would not really have been needed. Start of the hike at 9:30 AM. I followed the wrw...
Publiziert von Roald 22. April 2019 um 21:41 (Fotos:24 | Kommentare:1 | Geodaten:1)
Okt 24
Glarus   T3+  
21 Okt 18
Gufelstock & Schwarzstöckli - hike from Bärenboden
Nice hike to Gufelstock & Schwarzstöckli. It was partially cloudy in the early morning, but it became nice and sunny before noon. Generally, I followed the wrw marked trails. Exception: The trail from Gufelstock via Höch, and Chli Höch to Heustock is marked white-blue-white. But it is not (yet) included as such on the...
Publiziert von Roald 21. Oktober 2018 um 19:24 (Fotos:23 | Kommentare:3 | Geodaten:1)
Okt 18
Davos   T5- I  
17 Okt 18
Strel (2843 m) - Nordgipfel/north summit
---English text below--- Da dies der erste hikr Bericht für Strel ist, schreibe ich den Bericht diesmal auch auf Deutsch. Strel (2843 m) ist ein Gipfel bei Sertig (Davos), welcher bis heute auf hikr.org nicht beschrieben wurde. Die Bezeichnung Strel bezieht sich wohl auf den ganzen etwa 1 Km langen Kamm(!) Es gibt zwei gleich...
Publiziert von Roald 18. Oktober 2018 um 13:55 (Fotos:39 | Kommentare:2 | Geodaten:1)
Sep 18
Oberhalbstein   T5- I  
17 Sep 18
Piz Settember (2727 m) - in September
Piz Settember (2727 m) is a mountain peak near Radons (Savognin). Possible routes are: east flank (T3), south ridge (T4), or north ridge (T5). On the west side there is a vertical rock wall, nearly 100 m high at the most. My ascent was on the north ridge, with descent in the east flank. I started my hike at 9:15 AM in Radons....
Publiziert von Roald 17. September 2018 um 22:46 (Fotos:29 | Kommentare:1 | Geodaten:1)
Jul 9
Bregaglia   T4 L  
8 Jul 18
Piz Piot (3052 m) and Piz Mäder (3000 m) - bike & hike from Bivio
Piz Piot (3052 m) and Piz Mäder (3000 m) are two mountain peaks which are quite far south of Bivio, but a day trip from Bivio is manageable when doing a bike & hike. There were already about 20 tour reports for Piz Piot, but this is the first one which does not start from Juf in Avers. Start of the hike at 8:30 in Bivio....
Publiziert von Roald 8. Juli 2018 um 21:21 (Fotos:39 | Kommentare:4 | Geodaten:1)
Mai 10
Schwyz   T5-  
6 Mai 18
Hike to Plattenberg (2081 m)
This was a very nice hike to Plattenberg (2081 m) in perfect weather. I followed the wrw marked trail from Wägitalersee via Aberli to Hohfläschenmatt. From there I ascended on the left side in the south flank directly towards the summit of Plattenberg. Between elevation 1800 and 1900 m, the average slope is actually 41°. But...
Publiziert von Roald 6. Mai 2018 um 17:15 (Fotos:33 | Kommentare:2 | Geodaten:1)
Sep 10
St.Gallen   T4 L  
8 Sep 17
Felsberger Calanda (2697 m) - bike & hike from Unterkunkels
Start of the hike in Unterkunkels at 08:30 in the morning. With the mountain bike I followed the road towards Kunkelspass. This road is paved all the way. Somewhere past Oberkunkels as it became steeper, I mostly walked the bike. Near Kunkelspass, I left my mountain bike behind, and continued on foot up the white-red-white...
Publiziert von Roald 9. September 2017 um 12:02 (Fotos:44 | Kommentare:4 | Geodaten:1)
Aug 27
Oberhalbstein   T5-  
25 Aug 17
Piz Calderas (3397 m) - hike from Alp Flix
In this hike to Piz Calderas (3397 m), I ascended through Tellers Davains, and the L-couloir on the west side of the mountain. Later I descended on the southeast side, and then I headed down a couloir towards Plang Lung. I started my hike in Alp Flix at elevation 1915 m. I followed the roads to Tgalucas, and then a trail in...
Publiziert von Roald 26. August 2017 um 20:06 (Fotos:45 | Kommentare:2 | Geodaten:1)
Aug 9
Davos   T4 L  
7 Aug 17
Piz Sarsura Pitschen (3134 m) - hike from Dürrboden
Start of the hike at 08:15 in Dürrboden. The temperature was only about 3°C, so it was a rather chilly morning. I had planned to do this hike already two weeks earlier while we were in Davos on vacation, but the weather was not that great then. From Dürrboden I followed thewhite-red-white marked trail to the Grialetsch hut...
Publiziert von Roald 8. August 2017 um 20:49 (Fotos:29 | Kommentare:2 | Geodaten:1)
Jul 6
Glarus   T3 L  
5 Jul 17
Siwellen, Tristli and Schilt - bike & hike from Ennenda
Start of the hike at 7:30 in Ennenda at the train station. I brought my mountain bike along. Going uphill, I mostly walked the bike though. The road to Ennetberg and even further up is paved and in excellent condition. I parked the bike at elevation 1325 m. From there, I continued on the white-red-white marked trail to...
Publiziert von Roald 5. Juli 2017 um 21:43 (Fotos:22 | Kommentare:4 | Geodaten:1)
Mär 27
St.Gallen   T4+ L  
9 Dez 16
Sichelchamm (2269 m) - bike & hike from Walenstadt
Sichelchamm is a remarkable sickle-shaped mountain which is easily spotted from Walenstadt, or from Flumserberg. After reading Delta's report Sichelchamm über die Sicheln, I wanted to ascend Sichelchamm through the sickles too. In addition, I planned to make a bike & hike out of it, using the roads to Lüsis and Vergoda....
Publiziert von Roald 9. Dezember 2016 um 23:23 (Fotos:37 | Kommentare:1 | Geodaten:1)
Mär 12
Schwyz   T2 WT2  
29 Jan 17
Snowshoe hike to Fidisberg (1919 m)
Start in Weglosen shortly after 8:00 in the morning. I followed the snow covered road up to Druesberghütte. This road is used for sledging, ski tours and hiking in the winter, but obviously nobody was coming downhill early in the morning. At Druesberghütte, I put on my snowshoes, and continued in direction Lehhütte. Somewhere...
Publiziert von Roald 29. Januar 2017 um 17:26 (Fotos:25 | Kommentare:2 | Geodaten:1)
Okt 18
Glarus   T4  
16 Okt 16
On the ridge from Fanenstock (2235 m) to Foostock (2611 m)
I started this hike in Elm right where the aerial cable way starts (Tschinglenbahn). It was only about 5° C when I started at 8:00 in the morning, and the first 1 h 20 min of the ascent took place in the shade. The trail to Fanenstock (2235 m) is marked white-red-white and is easy to follow (T2). After a short photo stop at...
Publiziert von Roald 17. Oktober 2016 um 22:03 (Fotos:46 | Kommentare:1 | Geodaten:1)
Sep 4
Surselva   T5 II  
23 Aug 16
Atlas (2927 m)
Since I had already been on many of the surrounding peaks close to Flims, it was time to pay a visit to the mountain called Atlas (2927 m). Even though this mountain is not as high as Piz Segnas or Piz Dolf, it still offers great panoramic views - especially on a day like this. The most difficult part of the hike was the...
Publiziert von Roald 25. August 2016 um 18:45 (Fotos:31 | Kommentare:2 | Geodaten:1)
Sep 2
Lenzerheide   T3  
10 Jun 16
Stätzer Horn (2575 m) and a few other peaks near Lenzerheide
After so many rainy days it was nice to go hiking in perfect weather again! On this hike I basically followed the ridge from Crap la Pala via Piz Scalottas, Piz Danis, and Stätzer Horn to Fulenberg. The panoramic view to other nearby mountains was absolutely fantastic! I spotted a few animals (a deer, numerous marmots, and...
Publiziert von Roald 10. Juni 2016 um 23:16 (Fotos:17 | Kommentare:2 | Geodaten:1)