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283 Tourenberichte

PMpm Sende mir eine Nachricht
Geburtstag25 Juli 1973
Kanton Bern
Land CH

"It is not the mountain we conquer but ourselves." Edmund Hillary

Most of my reports are in French, because this is the language I know best.
Most of my community entries are in English; like that most of you guys should understand what about we are speaking.

If you wanna contact me, feel free to write in one of the following languages: English, French, German or Spanish.


Freunde : Zaza, Felix, Baldy und Conny, Aendu, Bertrand, chaeppi, Cassenoix, laponia41, alpinbachi , Mel, bergpfad73, Pere, bidi35, Laura., poudrieres, Zoraya
Freund von : Aendu, Cassenoix, laponia41, spiralou, alpinbachi , Mel, CarpeDiem, Pere, bidi35, Zoraya, bergpfad73


Administrator der Communities : Panorama, Fungus, Mineral Beauties, Orchidaceae, Caving - Höhlenwandern - Spéléologie
Mitglied der Communities : Schneeschuhtouren, T6, Meta: Community über Hikr, Klettersteige, Botanik, Geo, Hütte / Cabane / Capanna / Chamanna, Water's songs, Annotated Pictures, Berg-Fauna, Gipfelkreuze / Gipfelpunkte, Panorama, Fungus, Mineral Beauties, Alleingänge/Solo, Toponomi, Ortsnamen, place names, Orchidaceae, Citytrip, Caving - Höhlenwandern - Spéléologie


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