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Roald » Tourenberichte (588)

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Schwyz   T3  
24 Jun 15
Mutteristock (2294 m) from Wägitalersee
Nice hike to the summit of Mutteristock, which is the second highest peak around Wägitalersee. It is only surpassed by the neighboring peak Redertenstock, which is 1 m higher. In the morning there were clear skies, but later on the clouds and fog appeared around the mountain tops. Fortunately, the view from the summit of...
Publiziert von Roald 10. Januar 2016 um 17:21 (Fotos:20 | Geodaten:1)
Albulatal   T3  
30 Jun 24
Murtels da Fallò (2557 m)
Die heutige Wanderung im Albulatal ging von Naz zu den Murtels da Fallò (2557 m). Relativ einfach und nicht zu lang, denn die Wetterprognose war heute etwas unsicher.   Start in Naz um 9 Uhr morgens. Ich folgte den markierten Wanderweg bis auf 2100 m ü. M. Nachher ging es weglos weiter. Es weiden Mutterkühe im...
Publiziert von Roald 30. Juni 2024 um 17:05 (Fotos:14 | Geodaten:1)
Schwyz   T3  
7 Mai 16
Gross Aubrig (1695 m) - the snow is gone
Time for the first hike of the season! Two days ago while biking at Wägitalersee, I saw that there was still a little bit of snow at the top of Gross Aubrig. Today that snow was all gone, and the ascent from Schrä via Bärlaui was possible without having to walk through snow. For the trail via Eggstofel it is another story. I...
Publiziert von Roald 7. Mai 2016 um 22:45 (Fotos:24)
Schwyz   T3+  
21 Mai 16
Schülberg, Biet, and Fidisberg - half spring, half winter
Schülberg (1930 m), Biet (1965 m), and Fidisberg (1919 m) - half spring, half winter Since there is still so much snow at higher elevations, I chose to go to Hoch-Ybrig and explore the area around Schülberg. The weather was perfect, but there was still a lot of snow even below 2000 m elevation. Route: From Weglosen on the...
Publiziert von Roald 21. Mai 2016 um 22:14 (Fotos:30 | Geodaten:1)
St.Gallen   T4-  
23 Jun 16
Wildhuser Schafberg (2373 m) via south ridge
I started this hike in Wildhaus, and went up to the summit of Wildhuser Schafberg via the south ridge. From Schäferhütte (1552 m) I followed the ridge on the left side, and not the marked trail. There are some rather steep grassy sections, which were now even more difficult due to sheep poop... I would say it's better to follow...
Publiziert von Roald 24. Juni 2016 um 08:43 (Fotos:29 | Geodaten:1)
Surselva   T3+  
1 Jul 16
Piz Mirutta (2604 m) from Bargis
Start in Bargis at 9:30 in morning (arrival with the earliest bus). The first part of this hike we followed the marked trail in the direction of Alp Mora. After the bridge at P.1872 we went straight on the unmarked trail through the mountain pine (Legföhren) area. If there was no trail, I think it would be impossible to get past...
Publiziert von Roald 2. Juli 2016 um 13:39 (Fotos:23 | Geodaten:2)
Oberhalbstein   T4  
8 Jul 16
Piz Toissa (2657 m) and Curvér Pintg da Taspegn
My first hike to Piz Toissa and Curvér Pintg da Taspegn. The weather was not quite as nice as the weather forecast had predicted, but it was a mix of sun and clouds. It was also quite hazy, so that it wasn't really possible to make nice panoramic photos. I started this hike at the Sars parking lot at elevation 1800 m, and...
Publiziert von Roald 10. Juli 2016 um 13:51 (Fotos:27 | Geodaten:1)
Oberhalbstein   T4  
9 Jul 16
Piz Curvér (2972 m) from Sars
My first hike to Piz Curvér. The weather forecast had predicted sunny conditions, but in the morning it was all overcast with patches of fog. In the afternoon it was a mix of sun and clouds. I started this hike at the Sars parking lot at elevation 1800 m, and followed the marked hiking trail in direction Ziteil. After reaching...
Publiziert von Roald 10. Juli 2016 um 16:42 (Fotos:24 | Geodaten:1)
Lenzerheide   T4+ I L  
29 Jul 16
Across Lenzer Horn (2906 m)
In this hike to Lenzer Horn (2906 m), I went up from Lenzerheide to Alp Sanaspans, bringing my mountain bike along. Then I left the bike behind, and followed the white-blue-white marked trail to the summit. Afterwards I descended a bit on the east ridge, and realized that a descent on the south-east ridge would be feasible....
Publiziert von Roald 31. Juli 2016 um 13:39 (Fotos:25 | Geodaten:1)
Oberengadin   T5- I  
30 Jul 16
Piz Albana (3100 m)
Inspired by the hike reports from ivo66, I wanted to visit Piz Albana. The weather was perfect, and it was really a nice hike. The view from the summit was magnificent! Surprisingly there were 4-5 other hikers who visited Piz Albana on the same day, but they had left the summit when I got up there, so I had it all for myself. I...
Publiziert von Roald 31. Juli 2016 um 17:43 (Fotos:17 | Geodaten:1)
Davos   T4+ I L  
8 Aug 16
Piz Murtelet (3019 m) - bike & hike from Sertig
With this hike I wanted to explore the area around Sertig pass and try to reach the summit of Piz Murtelet (3019 m). The weather was perfect, and it was a really nice hike. The view from the summit was magnificent! I did not meet any other hikers on Piz Murtelet, but on the marked trails there were quite a few others who enjoyed...
Publiziert von Roald 9. August 2016 um 21:09 (Fotos:39 | Geodaten:1)
Oberhalbstein   T5- I  
13 Aug 16
Piz d'Agnel (3204 m), Tschima da Flix (3316 m) and Piz Picuogl (3333m)
On this day the weather was perfect for a long hike to Tschima da Flix and other surrounding peaks. I started the hike at the parking lot on Alp Flix at 1900 m, and followed the road to Tigias (where the mountain restaurant and hotel Piz Platta is). Then I headed up the creek along Ava da las Tigias up to the flat area Plang Lung...
Publiziert von Roald 15. August 2016 um 14:25 (Fotos:35 | Geodaten:1)
Oberengadin   T4  
14 Aug 16
Piz Polaschin (3013 m) - ascent SW ridge, descent SE ridge
Another wonderful day in the mountains! After the long hike the day before I wanted to do a bit a shorter one, and my choice fell on Piz Polaschin. From the parking lot along the Julier pass road, I walked down along the main road for 300-400 m, to be able to cross the bridge over the creek. Soon after I reached the official...
Publiziert von Roald 15. August 2016 um 16:15 (Fotos:27 | Geodaten:1)
Davos   T4 I  
26 Aug 16
Älplihorn (3006 m) from Sertig
Again perfect weather for hiking! I started in Sertig, and followed the marked trail towards Fanezfurgga. The Ducan valley is very scenic, and I also spotted numerous marmots there. After reaching Fanezfurgga, I traversed into the Bärentälli valley. At the beginning it was very rocky and bumpy terrain, and it may be better to...
Publiziert von Roald 28. August 2016 um 14:17 (Fotos:37 | Geodaten:1)
Davos   T4 L  
27 Aug 16
Radüner Rothorn (3022 m) - bike & hike from Davos
I started this trip in Davos Dorf, riding my mountain bike up the Dischma valley to Dürrboden. The road is paved all the way, and in very good condition. After parking my bike, I continued on foot on the marked trail towards Chamanna da Grialetsch. About 20 minutes into the hike, I witnessed a cow being transported away hanging...
Publiziert von Roald 28. August 2016 um 16:11 (Fotos:28 | Geodaten:1)
Glarus   T4+ I  
2 Sep 16
A visit to Martinsloch from Elm
Martinsloch is a hole with 15 m diameter in the mountain range between Elm and Flims at an elevation of 2600 m. See also: https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Martinsloch I started this hike in Elm right where the aerial cable way starts (Tschingelbahn), but I did not take the gondola up. Instead I followed the marked trail in...
Publiziert von Roald 2. September 2016 um 22:40 (Fotos:28 | Geodaten:1)
Surselva   T3  
3 Sep 16
Nice hike from Naraus to the Segnas pass
This was a very nice hike to the Segnas pass together with my friend Stephen. We started in Flims, first taking the chair lift to Foppa, and then the next chair lift to Naraus. From Naraus, we hiked to the Segnas pass via Plaun Segnas Sura. At Muletg da Sterls it was time for lunch, and after that we hiked up to the Segnas...
Publiziert von Roald 6. September 2016 um 20:19 (Fotos:26 | Geodaten:1)
Surselva   T4+ I L  
9 Sep 16
Piz Avat (2910 m) - bike & hike from Sumvitg
In this area you will hardly meet any other hikers, and at the time of writing there was only one other report describing Piz Avat here on hikr.org. I started this hike at elevation 1380 m above the village of Sumvitg. Basically I drove up by car as far as it is allowed without any special permit. I brought my mountain bike along,...
Publiziert von Roald 11. September 2016 um 14:51 (Fotos:27 | Geodaten:1)
Surselva   T4+ I L  
10 Sep 16
Piz d'Artgas (2787 m)
Piz d'Artgas is a very nice viewpoint close to the mountain lodge Bifertenhütte, and it can be reached within a relatively short time from Brigels. This was important, since the weather forecast predicted scattered thunderstorms for the afternoon. I first took the chair lift from Brigels to Burleun, bringing my mountain bike...
Publiziert von Roald 11. September 2016 um 16:32 (Fotos:30 | Geodaten:1)
Albulatal   T3  
17 Jul 23
Chavagl Grond (2442 m) - ab Bergün
Heute stieg ich von Bergün hinauf zum Gipfel des Chavagl Grond (2442 m). Start in Bergün um 9:15 morgens. Ich folgte den Wanderweg in Richtung Chamona d'Ela. Entgegen den Wetterprognosen war es noch bewölkt, aber dafür wurde es beim Aufstieg nicht zu heiss. Bei der Verzweigung nahm ich den linken Weg, welcher am Chamanna...
Publiziert von Roald 17. Juli 2023 um 21:20 (Fotos:18 | Geodaten:1)