Wissigstock (2887 m) and Engelberger Rotstock (2818 m) with fresh snow in August

Publiziert von Roald , 12. November 2014 um 22:28.

Region: Welt » Schweiz » Obwalden
Tour Datum:17 August 2014
Wandern Schwierigkeit: T4 - Alpinwandern
Geo-Tags: CH-OW   CH-UR   Ruch- und Walenstockgruppe 
Zeitbedarf: 9:15
Aufstieg: 1600 m
Abstieg: 1600 m
Strecke:21 km
Zufahrt zum Ausgangspunkt:Brunni (Engelberg), cable car to Ristis

I began this trip by taking the cable car from Brunni (Engelberg) to Ristis. The first cable car left Brunni at 7:30 in the morning, which was great in order to get an early start. The hike took me past Rugghubelhütte (mountain lodge), which is a very popular destination in the summer. From there I continued up to Rot Grätli. Above 2400 m elevation the ground was snow covered, initially just 1-2 cm, but of course increasing with higher elevation. Luckily there had been a few other hikers going up towards Wissigstock before me, so that I could more easily follow the trail. On top of Wissigstock at 2887 m there was almost 20 cm of fresh snow!

On the way back from Wissigstock, I took a "detour" up to the summit of Engelberger Rotstock (2818 m). This was the most challenging part of the hike (T4), both because of the steepness and the snow cover. In fact, on the way down from Engelberger Rotstock towards Engelberger Lücke I met some other hikers at the steepest part, and they decided to turn around. My hiking sticks turned out to be very helpful, especially for the descent.
Afterwards I followed the same way back past Rugghubelhütte to Ristis where I took the cable car down again.
The GPS track is attached and covers almost the entire hike distance of 21 km, except for the last 1 km (no more battery). The total time for the hike was 9 h 15 min (moderate pace) and includes 45 min break on Wissigstock, and 15 min break on Engelberger Rotstock.

Tourengänger: Roald

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