Map style, Hikrcode, Geotags

Publiziert von Stani™, 24. September 2010 um 20:37. Diese Seite wurde 360 mal angezeigt.

Hello Hikrs!

New features every week! This time it's my turn to present them to you.


As you can see there is a new style for our mini-map (i.e. the map in your reports). It is more light, especially designed for modern browsers, IE users can still see the map, but they are missing the beauty (as usual :-))

There is a new list of external maps available via  "More maps..." button. There are new links like or geohack. We would like to add the wonderful, but we couldn't figure out how to link it (I mean link with coordinates and zoom). Someone knows how?

Waypoints on the photo

As simultaneously and independently suggested by genepi and bergpfad73, we modified the interface for adding places to the photo. Now, newly added points always appear on the top of the list, so it's easy to drag them to the photo. The search field is also always on top. The only remaining problem is that when the list is long it becomes unusable. To solve...


The proposition of dominik wasn't ignored and now we have a new hikrcode "post". For example there is this report:

You take the post27907 part, put it between brackets [post27907] then it gives this:

*Meiggelenstock 2416m

If you don't want the original title, you can add some text. So this [post27907 some title] gives that:

*some title.

We also remembered what whannes suggested in the same thread and cleaned photo titles from hikrcodes, see here.

Finally, nobody asked for it, but we did an experiment with the "p" hikrcode. Now if you write [p Piz Arina], it will render it like this:  Piz Arina. If the name is ambiguous, it will show it like that: Piz Nair, but then, if you add elevation, it will work again:  Piz Nair 3057m. This is an experimental feature, we don't know if it always works :-))

HTML Editor

We changed the config of the new editor, so it's again possible to paste Word text without cleaning it, like with the old one. Otherwise, what's your impression of this new editor? Should we keep it?

Well, that's all for this week.

Bon weekend a toutes et a tous!

PS: Translators willkommen!

Kommentare (15)

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felixbavaria hat gesagt: Zugspitze
Gesendet am 24. September 2010 um 23:06

I tried the following: Zugspitze - the name seems to be unique (you aren't redirected to the "Peak search" page), but there's no mountain icon?
Or is it because the peak "Zugspitzeck" also exists and you use partial string matching?

Best, Felix

Stani™ hat gesagt: RE:Zugspitze
Gesendet am 25. September 2010 um 00:07
> partial string matching

right, because of names like "Matterhorn/Monte Cervino". But if we change it to word boundary, it may work better

Stani™ hat gesagt: RE:Zugspitze
Gesendet am 25. September 2010 um 20:16
Test:  Zugspitze,  Zugspitzeck. Works now.

felixbavaria hat gesagt: RE:Zugspitze
Gesendet am 25. September 2010 um 20:24
ok, perfect! nice feature!

Henrik hat gesagt: Der alte Editor war bequemer!
Gesendet am 24. September 2010 um 23:18
....offenkundig ist der IE in eurer Gunst nicht mehr befriedigend genug ...ich bin Traditionalist ...vorerst sehe ich keinen Grund zu wechseln..

Danke wieder einmal für die grossartige Arbeit im Hintergrund.



Stani™ hat gesagt: RE:Der alte Editor war bequemer!
Gesendet am 24. September 2010 um 23:40
> Der alte Editor war bequemer!

It's more or less the same thing. What's missing?

> ich bin Traditionalist

IE6 Enthousiast .. hihi

Anna hat gesagt: RE:Der alte Editor war bequemer!
Gesendet am 24. September 2010 um 23:47
>offenkundig ist der IE in eurer Gunst nicht mehr befriedigend genug ...ich bin Traditionalist ...vorerst sehe ich keinen Grund zu wechseln..

I'm for the progress. I love to do some nice and modern layouts with new tools. They are only visible with modern browsers. Unfortunately, they are not supported in IE and I don't like the ugly interface produced by that browser... Nothing works with IE and I don't want to renounce to create some modern stuff because of this broken software.

A Firefox enthusiast

dominik hat gesagt: Great!
Gesendet am 25. September 2010 um 08:52
Thanks a lot, now I don't feel ignored anymore :-) I really appreciate the work you are doing to make Hikr such a nice place to be.


Mel hat gesagt:
Gesendet am 25. September 2010 um 10:11
nice stuff, this hikrcode "post" !
thanks a lot for your great work, admins!!!

bergpfad73 hat gesagt: Great job guys!
Gesendet am 25. September 2010 um 13:33
Keep going on like this!

Stani™ hat gesagt:
Gesendet am 25. September 2010 um 14:22
Hey, thanks everybody!

Beni71 hat gesagt: Ich finde die kleinen hilfreichen Hikrcodes Klasse.
Gesendet am 26. September 2010 um 19:32
Vielen Dank.

Jetzt sollte noch die Websitedokumentation auf Hikrcodes ergänzt werden. Ich würde es auf deutsch übersetzen, falls gewünscht?

Stani™ hat gesagt: RE:Ich finde die kleinen hilfreichen Hikrcodes Klasse.
Gesendet am 27. September 2010 um 13:13
> Ich würde es auf deutsch übersetzen, falls gewünscht?

Ja cool!

Beni71 hat gesagt: Question to the new editor functions
Gesendet am 26. September 2010 um 20:12
If I want to insert a picture or a table into my hike description by clicking the editors icon, i could set a stylesheet class. What stylesheets do i have to choose?

Stani™ hat gesagt: RE:Question to the new editor functions
Gesendet am 27. September 2010 um 13:16
> What stylesheets do i have to choose?

We don't have special class for tables

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