Remove old versions of a report?

Published by carpintero, 31 August 2016, 15h36. This page has been displayed 445 times.

Hi all

Does anybody know if there is a way to remove old versions of a report?


Comments (10)

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Kaj says: Kannitverstan
Sent 1 September 2016, 21h51
Hoi Simon,
I don`t understand, what exactly you want to do. The versions of a report are only visible, if you are the author of the report.
ciao Kaj

poudrieres says: History
Sent 15 September 2016, 22h11
It seems that old versions are automatically deleted. Just look into any older report that you have not edited for a while: it does not have older versions.

carpintero says: RE:History
Sent 16 September 2016, 08h52
Good news, thank you!

roger_h says: RE:History
Sent 16 September 2016, 08h59
Hi, I checked this and it seems that once a report is older than one year, all versions except the actual one will be deleted automatically.

kopfsalat says: RE:History
Sent 16 September 2016, 09h27
The oldest version of one of my reports is August 2009, the newest September 2012.

Nothing seems to have been deleted.

I don't quite see why I should want to delete an old version? It's only I who can see it anyway.

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roger_h says: RE:History
Sent 16 September 2016, 10h45
Wenn du zu einem Bericht von dir navigierst, findest du unterhalb des Titels den Link "Versionen". Wenn du darauf klickst, werden dir die Versionen deines Berichts angezeigt, die du dann miteinander vergleichen kannst.

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kopfsalat says: RE:History
Sent 16 September 2016, 11h51
Und was wäre das schlimme an einer Manipulation einer Version, die - ausser dem Ersteller - eh niemand ansehen kann.

Viel schlimmer wäre es, wenn die aktuellste Version verändert würde nur hat dies mit dem Löschen alter Versionen nichts zu tun.

Summa Summarum, ich verstehe immer noch nicht, weshalb carpintero seine alten Versionen löschen will? Die fressen kein Heu und tun niemandem weh.

poudrieres says: RE:History
Sent 16 September 2016, 13h30
Looking into my recent reports it seems that older versions are deleted if there are no changes during 3 months.

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