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Albanien   T2  
4 Aug 12
The lure of Lure
Everyone seems to have heard of the fabled Lure Lakes, but not many people seem to venture there. Lure village is considered remote, the road to the Lure Lakes is rumoured to be impossible, nobody talks about climbing Maja e Kunora e Lurës (the "Crown of Lure"). The park is said to be destroyed by excessive logging, the hotel...
Publiziert von detlefpalm 8. August 2012 um 21:30 (Fotos:7 | Geodaten:4)
Albanien   T2  
14 Mai 11
Mali e Dejës
Mali e Dejes dominates the landscape between Burrel, Peshkopi, Puka and Rreshen. It is visible even from further afar, weather permitting, such as from Dajti Mountain and Mount Korab. Most likely, it is one of the most striking mountains of Albania, because of its good visibility and position. It has a steep eastern side, dropping...
Publiziert von detlefpalm 8. August 2012 um 22:02 (Fotos:7 | Geodaten:1)
Albanien   T2  
15 Mai 11
Mali i Allamanit
Allamani mountain is not overly prominent, and more people climb it to look for minerals than simply enjoying its beauty and fresh air. There are many beautiful lakes on the plateau near the summit, inviting the visitor to stay longer. Allamani remains a great mountain, and the described combination of a 4WD track to some mines...
Publiziert von detlefpalm 8. August 2012 um 22:21 (Fotos:7 | Geodaten:2)
Albanien   T2  
19 Aug 12
Maja i Bukanikut
A hike to Maja e Bukanikut, the highpoint of the Mali i Shpatit (Shpat Mountain Range), From the summit of Bukanikut, one can see down to Elbasan and - depending on weather and visibility - the Adriatic Sea. Bukanik is for Elbasan what Dajti is for Tirana. It should be possible, in case no 4WD is available to reach the...
Publiziert von detlefpalm 25. August 2012 um 16:20 (Fotos:6 | Geodaten:2)
Albanien   T2  
18 Jun 11
Mali i Snoijt
We are not too sure about the correct name of this mountain, in the hinterland of Tirana. While it seems to be close to Tirana, it takes almost two hours to drive there. Mali i Snoijt can be seen - and it always visible as a distinct pyramid - from any part of the Martanesh area, and from mountains much farther away. The...
Publiziert von detlefpalm 25. August 2012 um 19:20 (Fotos:6 | Geodaten:1)
Albanien   T2  
8 Mai 11
The Mountain with Holes - Mali me Gropa
Mali me Gropa (the mountain with holes) is a major mountain in the hinterland of Tirana. Behind Dajti mountain, there are few villages and travel is generally difficult. New asphalt roads around thehighlands made travel through the mountains unncessary, and the old dirt roads are falling into disrepair. Mali me Gropa is a...
Publiziert von detlefpalm 26. August 2012 um 14:15 (Fotos:6 | Geodaten:1)
Albanien   T2  
26 Mär 11
Priske Mountain and Erzen Gorge
A perennial favorite for many people in and an around Tirana. The hike starts at the south end of Priske Mountain (the mountain south to Dajti, or right from Dajti when seen from Tirana). It climbs the south-end of the mountain, which affords good views towards Pellumba Cave which also is a worthwhile outing. From the top...
Publiziert von detlefpalm 26. August 2012 um 14:54 (Fotos:10 | Geodaten:1)
Albanien   T2  
21 Jul 11
Thethi Tour and Grunas Waterfall
Thethi is often referred to as the Chamonix of the Albanian Alps, and it is said that it receives up to 10,000 visitors a year. The upgrade of Albania by the Lonely Planet to a top destination in 2011 has certainly contributed to Thethibecoming a "boom" tourist destination. . While Thethi certainly is a top destination for...
Publiziert von detlefpalm 26. August 2012 um 15:34 (Fotos:13 | Geodaten:1)
Albanien   T3  
1 Sep 12
Cuka Partizan - Tomorri
Tomorri is probably the best known mountain in Albania. It has religious significance, and there is a shrine on the (lower) south summit, also called Mali i Kurbanit or Mali i Babait. The south summit is separated from the higher north summit - called Cuka Partizan - by a 10 kilometer long ridge. The ridge is difficult and the...
Publiziert von detlefpalm 4. September 2012 um 09:29 (Fotos:25 | Geodaten:2)
Albanien   T2  
8 Sep 12
Across Dhoksit and Lopës to Liqeni Zi - the Black Lake
The town of Bulqize is not known for its hiking potential, but for its chromium mines. Mali e Lopës, the mountain that looms large south of Bulqize, has been mined for many decades. Mining is hard work and often hazardous, and while it provides jobs, the conditions and remuneration will remain an issue until properly regulated...
Publiziert von detlefpalm 11. September 2012 um 12:28 (Fotos:10 | Geodaten:2)
Albanien   T2  
17 Sep 12
Maja e Zeze - highpoint of Jabllanica
The Shebenik-Jabllanica National Park is one of the largest National Parks in Albania. It is in a fairly remote corner along the border with Macedonia. The area has great touristic potential, but as of writing, infrastructure is minimal. There are some tourist huts being built in Stebleve, and we were told they will open in winter...
Publiziert von detlefpalm 24. September 2012 um 12:45 (Fotos:10 | Geodaten:2)
Albanien   T3  
30 Sep 12
Ostrovice Mountain
Hardly anyone seems to know where Ostrovicë Mountain is. There is even wild disagreement on various maps as to its altitude or the highest point of its long summit ridge. From all the mountains in the south of Albania, Ostrovicë must rank among the most remote, certainly among the most beautiful, and also among the most...
Publiziert von detlefpalm 3. Oktober 2012 um 11:12 (Fotos:14 | Geodaten:2)
Albanien   T2  
26 Okt 12
Mali i Munellës
From the distance, Mali i Munellës looks like a giant tooth, like a molar sticking out of the gums. That is, of course, if you know where Munelle is, and from where to look for it. Munelle is the highest point of Lezhe Region. It sits between Fushe Arrëz and the new Autobahn connecting Rreshen and Kukes. As the highway runs...
Publiziert von detlefpalm 28. Oktober 2012 um 21:52 (Fotos:16 | Geodaten:3)
Albanien   T2  
4 Nov 12
Sub-Urban Jungle in Tirana
A short stroll or a 3 hour hike, depending on where you start. Unlike most other hikes in Albania, this has the options of having a drink or a meal at the trailhead or somewhere around. There are superb views across Tirana, the Lake and towards Dajti and the mountain chain east of Tirana. We got the idea of this hike from...
Publiziert von detlefpalm 4. November 2012 um 22:12 (Fotos:3 | Geodaten:2)
Albanien   T2  
27 Jan 13
Zaranika Ramble
After two months inactivity, caused by rain, work and travel, we finally got a nice sunny winter Sunday. We opted for a slow start - a ramble - in the hills on the west side of the Durishit Ridge. We always thought to do this or a similar when nobody had a really good idea. But this hike is a good idea! It opens up to the hiker...
Publiziert von detlefpalm 31. Januar 2013 um 20:27 (Fotos:10 | Geodaten:2)
Albanien   T2  
2 Feb 13
Mali i Fagut (from the south)
January and February of 2013 were particularly rainy in Tirana, and it was difficult to catch a weekend with benign weather. At one of those, we "ticked" Mali i Fagut, a mountain that is not very visible from Tirana, as it hides behind the front range made up of Dajti Mountain, Priske Mountain and so on. For those who ventured...
Publiziert von detlefpalm 7. Februar 2013 um 13:52 (Fotos:11 | Geodaten:3)
Albanien   T2  
17 Feb 13
Two for One and Zhllima
This is a long trail of almost 16 kilometer, requiring good orientation, river crossings (in winter), and other obstacles. But then, you will be rewarded with many experiences and some good (in)sights into what must be the most remote area west of Tirana. Our original route-finding experience extended to 18.3 kilometer and more...
Publiziert von detlefpalm 19. Februar 2013 um 21:57 (Fotos:10 | Geodaten:1)
Albanien   T2  
23 Mär 13
Mali i Shpiragut
Mali i Shiragut - previously known as "Enver Hoxha Mountain" is the little brother of well known Tomorri. Shpiragut is seen prominently when approaching Berat, though the gaze of the visiting tourist is usually attracted to the much more dramatic Tomorri. But as so often, the best views are not to be had from the highest...
Publiziert von detlefpalm 28. März 2013 um 22:24 (Fotos:13 | Geodaten:2)
Albanien   T2  
30 Mär 13
Lake Rrove - in spring
The area west of Petrele (or west of the Tirana - Elbasan road) is not an area really known for its touristic attraction. Life is hard for the farmers everywhere except in the fertile valleys of the Zhulima Valley. The entire area is subject to heavy erosion, which makes it difficult to eak out a living. For the adventurous...
Publiziert von detlefpalm 31. März 2013 um 16:22 (Fotos:13 | Geodaten:1)
Albanien   T2  
1 Apr 13
Streamhopping and Bushwhacking near Krrabë
This hike to a beautiful waterfall near Krrabë is proof that you can't have your cake and eat it. The waterfall is only there after a good heavy rain - or an entire season of rain! But then, the trails are muddy, and it will not be easy to cross all those little streams that are in your way, and which make up the waterfall....
Publiziert von detlefpalm 2. April 2013 um 20:12 (Fotos:10 | Geodaten:1)