Streamhopping and Bushwhacking near Krrabë

Publiziert von detlefpalm , 2. April 2013 um 20:12.

Region: Welt » Albanien
Tour Datum: 1 April 2013
Wandern Schwierigkeit: T2 - Bergwandern
Geo-Tags: AL 
Zeitbedarf: 3:00
Aufstieg: 250 m
Abstieg: 250 m
Strecke:About 5.2 kilometer round trip
Zufahrt zum Ausgangspunkt:The village of Krrabë - the starting pint of many interesting mountain hikes

This hike to a beautiful waterfall near Krrabë is proof that you can't have your cake and eat it. The waterfall is only there after a good heavy rain - or an entire season of rain! But then, the trails are muddy, and it will not be easy to cross all those little streams that are in your way, and which make up the waterfall.

The waterfall can be seen when driving on the old road from Tirana to Elbasan, near the village of Krrabë. The waterfall is left (east) of the new tunnel of the new Tirana - Elbasan highway. We went there on 1 April 2013, and the tunnel and the road were still a construction site. Most likely by the time of the election in June 2013, much of the new road will be done. We hope that the waterfall will still be visible, most probably also from the new road.

Most of the trail follows old village paths - except for about 200 Meter or sonear the highest point of the hike where the paths are overgrown and orientation difficult.

And since the waterfall is best seen in the rainy season, the rocks might be slippery, and you may have to take off your boots at the many stream crossing! That's why we rate it T2: moderate-difficult for a mountain hike. Just keep going! 

Tourengänger: detlefpalm

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