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matbor » Tourenberichte (53)

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Aug 14
Schwyz   T3+  
14 Aug 16
Quick Sunday hike on the Zindlenspitz
So today it was supposed to be my quiet day... However the weather was so nice (and you do not really know how long this is gonna last...) that I decided for a little tour close by. I needed to go to the lab in the morning to check on my experiments, so I only reached my starting point in Innerthal at 10 am. I really like the...
Publiziert von matbor 15. August 2016 um 08:37
Aug 7
Bellinzonese   T4+  
7 Aug 16
"Arctic" view from the Chuebodenhorn
I have been on this trail 6 years ago... It still remains on my mind as one of the most beautiful, impressive scenery in the Swiss Alps but also as one of the most strenuous ascents I have experienced... I always wanted to go back there but I needed to be fit enough for this challenge! Last Sunday it was time... With Green Copper...
Publiziert von matbor 12. August 2016 um 14:49
Jul 24
Bellinzonese   T4 I  
24 Jul 16
Big rocks on the Gotthard (Fibbia e Valletta)
Third excursion since my Alps comeback, and first time in Ticino! After a horrible (weather wise) Saturday, Sunday seemed to be a great day for a hike. Due to my limited time, I opted for the Gotthard pass with my old friend Green Copper. We left the car at the top of the pass and basically started straight towards Fibbia. There...
Publiziert von matbor 25. Juli 2016 um 09:16
Jul 17
Glarus   T3+  
17 Jul 16
Ortstock from Braunwald (aborted because of snow)
Well let's start with saying that today's a shame, I was not able to reach the summit of the Ortstock. And now let's try to explain why this happened... I left Braunwald fully motivated and ready to encounter some snow on the ascent to the Furggele. Baerentritt was easy and went very well however once i arrived at Schoen Buel I...
Publiziert von matbor 17. Juli 2016 um 21:22
Jul 3
Berner Voralpen   T3+  
3 Jul 16
Morgenberghorn: First hike after 5 years of US-East coast
Coming back from almost five years of flat landscapes (well, there were some pretty nice hills, but nothing above 1900m), I needed a relatively easy and straightforward hike to get back in shape. The ascent to the Morgenberghorn from Aeschriedvia Brunni hut has been extensively described in numerous reports. I will therefore...
Publiziert von matbor 17. Juli 2016 um 21:24
Mai 10
Bellinzonese   T3  
10 Mai 14
Alpe Fronn and Valle Moleno
For this last hike during of my Spring vacation in Ticino I decided to explore a completely new region inspired by the reports recently posted on hikr. I only know the region around Moleno because of the Valegion and from the Gotthard highway… Like 2 days ago we opted to avoid the short steep variant and took the trail via...
Publiziert von matbor 12. Mai 2014 um 17:57
Mai 9
Locarnese   T2  
9 Mai 14
Back to Ticino and back to Monte Salmone
First time in Ticino since September 2013… Completely different conditions; o way this time to go too high (avoiding the snow). Monte Salmone seems an ideal peak for this first hike "ticinese" (and on a first try a few years ago I had to turn around because of the snow just after Legunc). Since my father was coming with me, I...
Publiziert von matbor 12. Mai 2014 um 17:49
Aug 26
New Hampshire   T3  
26 Aug 12
Cannon Mountain and Lonesome lake
It was time for another hike in the White Mountains... We started from the same place, the Lafayette Campground, but this time we hiked on the west side of the I93. We followed the easy trail to the Lonesome lake and continued along the Lonesome trail direction Kinsman Ridge path. Starting from the intersection with the Kinsman...
Publiziert von matbor 27. August 2012 um 22:18
Jun 24
New Hampshire   T2  
24 Jun 12
South mountain on Pawtuckaway state park
In the last weeks I was reading again and again Hikr reports really missing the Swiss mountains and the awsome hikes there.... Anyway as long as we stay here we have to enjoy the New Hampshire hills... This timme we decided to explore the Pawtuckaway State park, located closed to the already described Bear Brook state park....
Publiziert von matbor 26. Juni 2012 um 14:53
Mai 27
Massachusetts   T2  
27 Mai 12
2nd hike on the top of Mass state
My family visited us in Boston and it was my priority to show them a typical american hike.... Therefore we met them in North Adams to hike Mount Greylock. I chose exactly the same trail, I already described in my first Greylock report. This time the descent was by car... T2; some unusual animals; awsome weather.
Publiziert von matbor 28. Juni 2012 um 18:17
Apr 27
Sottoceneri   T2  
27 Apr 12
Winter conditions on the Monte Bar at the end of april...
I decided to hike the Monte Bar for the second time this year after the first of January. Already from at home I could see that this time the snow situation would have been much more challneging then at the beginning of the year. I started my hike again on the unofficial park slot just before Corticiasca. I followed the official...
Publiziert von matbor 28. April 2012 um 10:37
Apr 26
Sottoceneri   T2  
26 Apr 12
Afternoon hike to monte Ferraro
I came back from Boston in this last April week to get read of some administrative duties and of course to enjoy once per year some real mountain hiking... The weather in the last days was terrible, with snowfall even below 1000 m so I had to adapt my plans to the unexpected situation since I did not bring the entire winter...
Publiziert von matbor 28. April 2012 um 10:24
Apr 8
New Hampshire   T3  
8 Apr 12
Second time on the top of Monadnock
Once more weather forecasts, promising sun and mild temperatures, were completely wrong... Anyway we decided to hike Mt. Monadnock (it was my second time...). During the almost 2 hrs car drive from Boston to Jaffrey the weather changed from clouds to blue sky, clouds again and even snow... We started our hike under a heavy but...
Publiziert von matbor 6. Juli 2012 um 23:02
Mär 11
New Hampshire   T2  
11 Mär 12
For the second time on the top of Catamount hill
After a Winter that never started, this was definitevely the first Spring weekend on the US east coast. We decided to go hiking for the second time in the Bear Brook state park, close to Concord in New Hampshire. Like the first time we parked the car close to the park entrance and followed the Bear Brook trail along the river. At...
Publiziert von matbor 12. März 2012 um 22:30
Jan 1
Sottoceneri   T2  
1 Jan 12
New year on the Monte Bar
The 2012 started with nice weather and so we decided to go for our first hiking tour in the new year. Since we did not really wake up early in the morning we chose to hike the Monte Bar along the direct way starting from Corticiasca.There is not much to say about the path, which runs almost straight to the summit passing the...
Publiziert von matbor 4. Januar 2012 um 16:18
Dez 26
Sottoceneri   T3  
26 Dez 11
Christmas on the denti della Vecchia
Short afternoon hike today in the south of Switzerland. After having parked the car in Cimadera we followed the path through the small village and then the road direction Cappellina before we entered the forest. Since there is almost only one very large trail it is not difficult to find the way to the Pairolo hut. From the hut...
Publiziert von matbor 4. Januar 2012 um 17:20
Nov 13
Massachusetts   T2  
13 Nov 11
Hike to the highest Mass peak: Mt Greylock
Weather forecasts were once again very positive for this weekend; since last week we were blocked at home because of the dead car battery we decided to profit of the maybe last Indian summer weekend. After having left Boston on Saturday and having spent the night in Williamstown at 8.15 am on Sunday morning we started our hike at...
Publiziert von matbor 14. November 2011 um 01:49
Okt 23
New Hampshire   T2  
23 Okt 11
3rd peak in New Hampshire: Mount Kearsarge
Why did we choose to go to Mount Kearsarge? Simply because it was supposed to be one of the nicest peaks in New Hampshire... but nobody told us how ridicoulously easy it was to get up there. We started our relaxing walk at the official Rollins state park lot following the Rollins trail to reach the summit. 40 minutes and we were...
Publiziert von matbor 30. November 2011 um 03:31
Okt 9
New Hampshire   T3  
9 Okt 11
Second peak in New Hampshire
Summer comeback this weekend in New England! Perfect weather for my second american hike. Since I did not want to get up too early I decided to explore the region of the Mount Monadnock in New Hampshire. Only two hours away (by car)from Boston. I started my ascent to the summit at the state park main entrance, close to the park...
Publiziert von matbor 10. Oktober 2011 um 14:39
Sep 18
New Hampshire   T3  
18 Sep 11
First hike in the US: Mt Washington
After having spent our first month in Boston mainly by buying furniture and organizing everything it was finally time to leave the big city and look for some hiking trails... We decided to go to New Hampshire in the region of the White Mountains national forest. The highest summit of the White Mountains is Mount Washington, which...
Publiziert von matbor 19. September 2011 um 03:06