Feb 12
St.Gallen   WS-  
10 Feb 08
Häderenberg twice - a short and sweet skitour
How often can you say: I skied from “Arsch” down to “Hell” and it was like heaven? On this day I did say it!I started my short tour in Arvenbüel, I expected lots of people on a sunny Sunday morning like this, but was really surprised that I was the only skier in the first bus. From Arvenbüel I...
Publiziert von 360 12. Februar 2008 um 21:23 (Fotos:10 | Geodaten:1)
Jan 22
St.Gallen   T4 WT5  
20 Jan 08
Bläss Chopf and Stock – a springlike snowshoe hike from Nesslau to Amden
There are many ways from the Toggenburg to Amden or Arvenbüel. The most popular and sometimes quite crowded is probably from Stein or Starkenbach to Arvenbüel via Vorder Höhi. The snowshoe hike I describe here avoids the crowds, doesn’t always follow the path and is quite wild.When I arrived in Nesslau, it...
Publiziert von 360 22. Januar 2008 um 17:43 (Fotos:17)
Jan 15
St.Gallen   T2 WT2  
13 Jan 08
Tanzboden and almost Chli Speer - from Ebnat-Kappel to Kaltbrunn
Tanzboden is an example for a safe ski-/snowshoe tour even if the avalanche warning is very high. Since I knew there was no or almost no snow below 700m, I decided to take my snowshoes instead of my skis along; it was a very good decision. When I arrived in Ebnat-Kappel the situation didn't look very promising. The fog was very...
Publiziert von 360 15. Januar 2008 um 13:53 (Fotos:16 | Kommentare:3)
Dez 21
St.Gallen   ZS-  
19 Dez 07
Brisi – skiing a classic Churfirst
Due to the lack of snow last winter and a major knee injury, I wasn’t able to go on any ski tour. This winter seems to be blessed with oodles of snow and my knee is doing OK. For my first ski tour in almost two years I chose an old classic: Brisi. It is a little steeper than Selun (the other classic amongst the Churfirsten),...
Publiziert von 360 21. Dezember 2007 um 11:21 (Fotos:17)
Dez 17
St.Gallen   WT3  
15 Dez 07
Häderenberg, Vorder Höhi and Gulmen – The classic snowshoe hike from Stein to Amden
Even though you won’t be alone on a sunny winter weekend, the snowshoe hike from the Toggenburg to Amden is always joyful. Especially on a winter day like this, where deep powder and blue sky complement each other. There are many ways from Toggenburg to Amden or Arvenbüel; this is my favorite:Starting in Stein we walked...
Publiziert von 360 17. Dezember 2007 um 11:14 (Fotos:15)
Nov 29
St.Gallen   WT4  
28 Nov 07
Mutschen – a roundtrip from Wildhaus with a rewarding detour via Zwinglipasshütte
The Mutschen is a popular mountain in the summer but not visited very often in the winter, because it is not the best mountain for skiing: quite a long way from Wildhaus or Brülisau, the slopes are mostly quite flat and in addition the way down includes re-ascents. Sounds like a perfect tour for snowshoes. Since I don’t...
Publiziert von 360 29. November 2007 um 23:13 (Fotos:20)
Nov 21
St.Gallen   WT4  
18 Nov 07
Federispitz – A deep winter snow shoe hike in fall
I was actually not really ready for winter yet, but since it was here, why not make best use of it. The weather forecast was excellent and the avalanche warning only 2. So I decided to do something which can’t be done too often in the winter. The slopes of Federispitz are all quite steep so safe conditions are recommended,...
Publiziert von 360 21. November 2007 um 18:57 (Fotos:18)
Okt 18
St.Gallen   T6 I  
17 Okt 07
Following the footsteps of Alpin_Rise: Lütispitz – Stöllen – Schafwisspitz - Schwarzchopf
After reading Alpin_Rise’s report Ueberschreitung des westlichen Alpsteins, I realized that the peaks between Lütispitz and Stoss where still missing on my list of visited peaks in that area. So I decided to inspect the core of Alpin_Rise’s tour and maybe at a later point do the “whole shebang” too.I...
Publiziert von 360 18. Oktober 2007 um 20:47 (Fotos:17 | Kommentare:5)
St.Gallen   T5 II  
14 Okt 07
Another southern access to the Churfirsten ridge: From Weesen to Nägeliberg via Gocht
After an unplanned discovery of a southern access to the Churfirsten a few days ago, I decided to explore a well-known marked route this time. Since I’ve never been up the Gocht and wanted to enjoy the mild warm and sunny fall day in the mountains on a not too crowded peak, I decided to visit my favorite “extended/new...
Publiziert von 360 18. Oktober 2007 um 16:03 (Fotos:17)
Okt 15
St.Gallen   T6 II  
10 Okt 07
A foggy and adventurous hike up to Zuestoll
My original plan was to walk from Walenstadt via Tschingla to Palisnideri and from there up to Zuestoll. On Zuestoll I wanted to inspect the northwest groove of Schibenstoll, because I’ve heard from people who chose that route in order to get up there. Supposedly it is T6-isch/III, the right thing for a “desert”...
Publiziert von 360 15. Oktober 2007 um 14:46 (Fotos:8 | Kommentare:4)
Okt 5
St.Gallen   T5+ II  
3 Okt 07
Gonzen – Girenspitz – Gauschla, The well-known the wild and the scenic
It was a wonderful fall day, prefect weather and three diverse and interesting peaks. I started out in Sargans and went up to the Gonzen via the Leiterweg. In his report Schlumpf rated the hike up the Leiterweg as T2, however I would give it a T3 at least since the actual “Leiter” (see picture here) is quite exposed and...
Publiziert von 360 5. Oktober 2007 um 11:31 (Fotos:17)
Sep 26
St.Gallen   T6 II  
23 Sep 07
Goggeien Quartet
Alpin_Rise and Delta described the complete Goggeien quartet here and there. In this report youll find a version of all 4 Goggeien/ Schär, which doesn’t require ropes, repelling or climbing gear. Vorder Goggeien: up via North ridge and down via South ridge Starting in Stein you follow the hiking path towards Hinter Laad. At...
Publiziert von 360 26. September 2007 um 20:35 (Fotos:18)
Sep 14
St.Gallen   T5 II  
12 Sep 07
Wildhuser Schafberg via Vrenenchelen and East Groove
If you’ve been up on the Wildhuser Schafberg on a clear sunny day you probably know how nice the view is up there. Here is a report and some pictures of such a clear sunny “fall day” (I guess it’s still supposed to be summer…). I chose the not very common way up the Vrenenchelen and then the east grove up to the...
Publiziert von 360 14. September 2007 um 08:28 (Fotos:23)
Aug 29
St.Gallen   T5 II  
26 Aug 07
Gamsberg - The highest mountain between Ricken and the Rhine valley
This peak has been on my list of mountains to climb for quite some time. I planned to go up through the North wall (SAC Clubführer WS, “über Schutt und steilen Rasen”). However the North side of Gamsberg was still very wet and slippery, therefore I decided to climb up the “Normalroute” on the east groove instead. As...
Publiziert von 360 29. August 2007 um 20:03 (Fotos:16 | Kommentare:4)
St.Gallen   T4 II K1  
15 Aug 07
Speer - The highest conglomerate mountain in Europe
Together with a friend from a flat part of this world, who is not very experienced in climbing mountains, I went up to the highest conglomerate mountain in Europe. We started in Krummenau and wanted to take the cable car up to Wolzenalp, but unfortunately after the summer holidays they only run on weekends, so we had to walk...
Publiziert von 360 29. August 2007 um 19:31 (Fotos:12)
Aug 13
St.Gallen   T5 I  
12 Aug 07
Schnüerliweg: A delightful, interesting and lonely access to two (otherwise crowded) Churfirsten
There are many paths up to Hinterrugg and Chäserrugg from Selamatt. I like the “Schnüerliweg” the best. Also, if you choose to take this route you won’t be bothered by oodles of Sunday hikers, even on a sunny summer day. Alpin_Rise has a very nice description how to hike from Selamatt to...
Publiziert von 360 13. August 2007 um 21:19 (Fotos:14 | Kommentare:2)
Jun 18
St.Gallen   T6  
17 Jun 07
Glatt-/ Hikr-chamm (... at last)
The second attempt to climb Glattchamm was successful – no bruises this time ! Due to some time constraints (I had to be back home early) and the fact that there is no 14:21 Postauto in Arvenbüel, right Delta ;-) I decided to "cheat" a little bit: I took the Kistenbahn from Starkenbach to Strichboden. It's...
Publiziert von 360 18. Juni 2007 um 08:33 (Fotos:17 | Kommentare:6)
Jun 4
St.Gallen   T2  
3 Jun 07
Afternoon walk from Ricken to Wattwil via Tweralpspitz
Ricken - Hüttenberg -Tweralpspitz - Geisschopf - Stämisegg - Steintal - Wasserfall - Wattwil Vor dem Besuch in Wattwil noch schnell ein kleine Tüürli auf den höchsten Wattwiler. Start auf dem Ricken und via Hüttenberg zum Tweralpspitz. Hinunter nach Wattwil über den Geisschopf und zur Stämisegg. Danach ins Steintal und...
Publiziert von 360 4. Juni 2007 um 08:26 (Fotos:9)
Mai 23
St.Gallen   T5  
23 Mai 07
All the way around Hikr-Chamm
Since the Glattchamm (aka Hikrchamm) is the only peak in the greater Churfirsten region which is missing on my list, I planned to conquer the Alpin_Rise mountain today. Last night I checked the SAC book "Clubführer Säntis-Churfirsten" and found an alternate route than described by Alpin_Rise, Delta and ossi: 511 Über den...
Publiziert von 360 23. Mai 2007 um 20:43 (Fotos:17 | Kommentare:3)
Apr 25
St.Gallen   WT3  
28 Mär 07
Stein - Häderenberg - Vorder Höhi - Gulmen - Amden
Stein - Stofel - Häderen - Vorder Höhi - Gulmen - Hüttlisboden -Amden Vorderdorf Schneeschuhtour auf den bekannten Gulmen. Von Stein zum Stofel und danach rechts hoch zu den Häderen. Dem Gratweg folgend zur Vorder Höhi und danach via Hüttlisboden der Ski-Normalroute entlang hinunter zur Bushaltestelle Vorderdorf.
Publiziert von 360 25. April 2007 um 20:11 (Fotos:6)