Jul 27
United States   T2 4+  
27 Jul 14
"Kindergarten" - solo climbing on School Rock at Donner Summit
There's a very tempting piece of rock right at the old Donner-Summit Road, few Meters east on Tahoe Side. I couldn't withstand and started to boulder and scramble a little bit. Then, since I didn't have any rope with me, I decided to try some routes free solo. The rock is perfect solid and very adherent, so no worry about it....
Publiziert von Alpin_Rise 21. Dezember 2015 um 15:37 (Fotos:7)
Jul 10
California   T2  
10 Jul 14
Classic Yosemite Hike to North Dome and Indian Rock Arch
In Yosemite National Park exist quite a few popular trails. Some of them connect Tioga Road and Yosemite Valley. We chose one of them to "climb" North Dome - it's more a descent, the start at the parking on Tioga Road is about 500 ft higher than the actual summit. The hike is not to strenous and you get to see the typical Sierra...
Publiziert von Alpin_Rise 26. Oktober 2016 um 20:30 (Fotos:8)
Jul 3
California   T2  
3 Jul 14
"Fitness Challenge" on Lassen Peak
Wikipedia tells us that Lassen Peak is "the southernmost active volcano in the Cascade Range. Located in the Shasta Cascade region of Northern California, Lassen rises 3,500 ft (1,100 m) above the surrounding terrain and has a volume of 2 km3, making it one of the largest lava domes on Earth". Reason enough to visit this peak...
Publiziert von Alpin_Rise 14. Dezember 2016 um 23:25 (Fotos:16)
Jul 1
California   T5- III  
1 Jul 14
Castle Crag south ridge
Right after the fast track up Mt. Shasta I headed for my next goal. Due to tired legs and some driving that day I was forced to choose a small goal: Castle Crags. Well visible from Shasta Summit, I was litterally drawn down to these fantastic grantie spires. The only bad thing about was the unbearable heat down in the valley,...
Publiziert von Alpin_Rise 18. August 2015 um 10:04 (Fotos:16)
Jun 30
California   T5 WS- I  
30 Jun 14
Mount Shasta - the "big one" in Northern California
There's just one mountain in Northern California. At least one big mountain. The huge volcanic cone of Mt. Shasta can be seen from almost every place between Sacramento and the border to Oregon. Since the Mountain's base is at a mere 1000 m (~3000 ft) any climb on Mt. Shasta is strenuous with a huge height gain. The regular route...
Publiziert von Alpin_Rise 24. Oktober 2014 um 16:50 (Fotos:27 | Kommentare:2)
Jun 29
California   T2  
29 Jun 14
American superlatives on and around Mount Eddy
Americans seem to love superlatives, Summitpost describes Mount Eddy as "... one of the great mountains of Northern California. The trip to the summit is one of the finest hikes in the Northstate. In one hike, one has the opportunity climb a triple divide peak, the highest point in Trinity County, the highest peak west of...
Publiziert von Alpin_Rise 10. Januar 2017 um 10:06 (Fotos:15)
Jun 22
California   T3 III  
22 Jun 14
Pywiack Dome: a short free solo adventure
Piwiack Dome is a small, turtle-like rock neighboring Tioga Road. Therefore the approach is very short and inviting for a short try: We weren't sure to find a route to the top which is feasible for us without rope. To our surprise we found a line that offered 5.3/5.4 (UIAA III-IV) friction climbing in perfect rock with some...
Publiziert von Alpin_Rise 2. November 2016 um 17:16 (Fotos:16)
Jun 21
California   T5 IV  
21 Jun 14
Praising the Sierra's holy rock: Cathedral Peak & Eichorns Pinnacle
Toulumne Meadows is the second climbing gem in the Yosemite National Park. As soon as it gets too hot to climb down in the celebrated Valley, Tuolumne offers cooler spots due to its elevation around 9000 ft (~3000m). The only hard thing about it may be the pronunciation of "Tuolumne", all the rest is pretty easy going: The Tioga...
Publiziert von Alpin_Rise 31. August 2014 um 19:57 (Fotos:36 | Kommentare:5)
Jun 18
California   T5- WS- II  
18 Jun 14
Mount Whitney - Mountaineer's Route (Plus)
Mount Whitney is one of the most popular mountains in the US, most likely due to the fact that it is the highest point in the contiguous US and it has some rather easy paths to it's summit. It is so popular that the government decided to regulate the access and only allow a certain number of people per day to climb it. This would...
Publiziert von 360 11. August 2014 um 23:18 (Fotos:40 | Kommentare:4 | Geodaten:2)
Jun 16
California   T2 IV  
16 Jun 14
Science Friction at Lembert Dome
Lembert Dome is a perfect model for the numerous "Domes" that accompany Tioga Road. These interesting geologic phenomenona formed by glaciers ressemle turtle panzers and are made of compact granite rock. Therefore they are an invitation to parctise friction (slab) climbing. Lembert Domes southface is not too steep allowing several...
Publiziert von Alpin_Rise 21. Oktober 2016 um 15:23 (Fotos:16)
Jun 15
California   T5 V- K1  
15 Jun 14
Following the Snake: Dike climbing on Half Dome
Climbing Half Dome is a dream for almost everyone visiting the Yosemite Valley. Once you see that incredible granite monolithe from the right perspective, the question "why?" is already answered. "Climbing" Half Dome means to most people standing in a line for the (in)famous regular route via "the calbes" - if you were lucky...
Publiziert von Alpin_Rise 17. November 2014 um 20:37 (Fotos:40 | Kommentare:4)
Jun 13
California   T5 IV  
13 Jun 14
Chasing Waterfalls and a and "Devils Pool" after the Regular Route at Sunnyside Bench
After my 100k hike I arrived in Yosemite Valley, missing climbing gear as well as a partner. Nevertheless, I got to knew some nice people and I had the chance to do some easy climbing routes like After Six, Snake Dike and the Regular Route at Sunnyside beach. The last is regarded as one of the easiest routes in the Valley and...
Publiziert von Alpin_Rise 10. Januar 2017 um 10:03 (Fotos:8)
Jun 11
California   T2 IV  
11 Jun 14
Alternative Facts - or First hikr's report about the Nose on El Capitan, Yosemite
First report about the world famous Nose on El Capitan, Yosemite on hikr.org! Basically nothing more to write. I did the first few meters, no kidding, did it, impressive! That should be enough to produce some "alternative facts" like its currently normal in the US, regarding the current Pretender in DC. Stroll around the base...
Publiziert von Alpin_Rise 4. August 2014 um 01:12 (Fotos:8)
Jun 9
California   T3  
9 Jun 14
A 100k in Yosemite's Wilderness Part II: Lost Arrow Spire and Yosemite Point
Wilderness - the often discussed and disputet term describes "a natural environment that has not been significantly modified by civilized human activity". These areas have been fascinating to me, even more since the Alps don't have any "real" wilderness. To get a taste of the wilderness concept (that goes back to pioneers as the...
Publiziert von Alpin_Rise 12. August 2016 um 13:59 (Fotos:24)
Jun 5
California   T3  
5 Jun 14
Trekking a 100k in Yosemite's Wilderness: Part I from Twin Lakes to Harden Lake
Wilderness - the often discussed and disputed term describes "a natural environment that has not been significantly modified by civilized human activity". These areas have been fascinating to me, even more since the Alps don't have any "real" Wilderness areas. To get a taste of the Wilderness concept(that goes back to pioneers as...
Publiziert von Alpin_Rise 18. Dezember 2014 um 18:32 (Fotos:40 | Kommentare:5)
Jun 4
California   T4+ L I  
4 Jun 14
Matterhorn Peak - a "Sierra-Nevada-Must-Climb" for two Swiss
Matterhorn Peak was one of the very first mountains which I put on my Sierra Nevada "to-do-list", even before I moved to California. A mountain with such a legendary name is a must for a Swiss and in addition the routes to its top seemed quite interesting. It seems like every mountain range on this planet has to have some peaks...
Publiziert von 360 3. August 2014 um 20:13 (Fotos:32 | Kommentare:4 | Geodaten:1)
Mai 28
California   T6- III  
28 Mai 14
Emerald Point - Sierra Nevada warm-up for USAlpin_Rise
After Alpin_Rise arrived in California, we (obviously) started talking about potential goals for a hike. His 3 wishes for this weeks Wednesday outing were: 1. to get some scrambling in, 2. not too much of an altitude difference and 3. if possible some snow for sliding down the mountain. Still being a California novice myself, the...
Publiziert von 360 10. Juni 2014 um 02:21 (Fotos:14 | Kommentare:1 | Geodaten:1)