Unterengadin   T3+ L  
30 Jul 09
Piz Chöglias [Bike&Hike]
Unsere erste Bike&Hike Tour, einmal mussten wir auch das probieren. Unser Ziel - der Piz Chöglias  (2926 m)- würde ohne Velo zu weit und das Wetterbericht verspricht etwa Gewitter später am Abend. Wir starten um 6Uhr20 von Ramosch und steigen nach Vnà auf. Mal im Vnà, stehen wir auf...
Publiziert von Anna 3. August 2009 um 17:51 (Fotos:27 | Geodaten:1)
Surselva   T4 I L  
3 Jul 15
5 peaks hike around Crap Mats
Given the hot summer weather I wanted to go for a hike at higher elevations. In the area around Crap Mats there was relatively little snow left, even with an elevation of 2500 - 3000 m. The hike included visits to Crap Mats (2947 m), Morchopf (2943 m), Tschep (2943 m), Tschep Sura (2838 m), and Tschep Sut (2666 m). In addition...
Publiziert von Roald 5. Juli 2015 um 01:39 (Fotos:36 | Geodaten:1)
Unterengadin   S  
11 Jul 15
MTB Sesvenna Tour: dall'Engadina alla Val Venosta e ritorno
Sono le 4:00 di Sabato e già siamo in viaggio verso Scuol bassa Engadina. Lasciata l'auto partiamo in direzione S-Charl su strada asfaltata e poi sterrata. Ambiente fiabesco, S-Charl è una cartolina. Da qui prendiamo la forestale per l'Alp Sesvenna (2098 m) sempre ben pedalabile anche se a tratti faticosa per il fondo ghiaioso....
Publiziert von saldeg 13. Juli 2015 um 07:58 (Fotos:37 | Geodaten:1)
Oberengadin   L  
6 Aug 15
Abendliches Val Roseg
Schöne Abendtour mit sursass58 auf dem MTB von Punt Muragl ins Val Roseg. Bei Punt Muragl (1738 m) überqueren wir die Berninastrasse und fahren auf dem Veloweg zwischen den beiden Bahnlinien Richtung Station Pontresina (1773 m). Kurz nach dem Bahnhof folgt die Abzweigung ins Val Roseg. Die Fahrstrasse ist sandig, aber gut mit...
Publiziert von fuemm63 7. August 2015 um 09:51 (Fotos:32 | Geodaten:1)
Berninagebiet   ZS  
7 Aug 15
Bernina Suot
Biketour mit sursass58 auf der Route 673 "Bernina-Express" zwischen Punt Muragl und Bernina Suot. Start in Acla Muragl (1785 m). Zuerst bequem durch Pontresina (1805 m)und dann mit leichter Steigung entlang der Flaz bis zur Stn. Morteratsch (1896 m). Im Waldstück nach der Stn. Morteratsch folgt ein wunderschöner Aufstieg...
Publiziert von fuemm63 8. August 2015 um 22:18 (Fotos:32 | Geodaten:1)
Oberhalbstein   ZS  
19 Sep 15
MTB Savognin Ziteil Tour
Savognin è la mia seconda casa, sono anni che passo le vacanze in questo angolo dei Grigioni che adoro. Passare una giornata in sella in questi posti mi fa rinascere, ci passerei intere giornate senza mai scendere. Così in questo sabato già autunnale con i cari amici organizzo un bel giro che tra salite ripide, discese da urlo...
Publiziert von saldeg 24. September 2015 um 09:07 (Fotos:24 | Geodaten:1)
Davos   T4 L  
27 Aug 16
Radüner Rothorn (3022 m) - bike & hike from Davos
I started this trip in Davos Dorf, riding my mountain bike up the Dischma valley to Dürrboden. The road is paved all the way, and in very good condition. After parking my bike, I continued on foot on the marked trail towards Chamanna da Grialetsch. About 20 minutes into the hike, I witnessed a cow being transported away hanging...
Publiziert von Roald 28. August 2016 um 16:11 (Fotos:28 | Geodaten:1)
Oberhalbstein   T3+ WT3 L  
30 Dez 16
Bike & hike to Carungas (2622 m) in December
The mountain Carungas with an elevation of "only" 2622 meters is a rather small peak close to Savognin - at least compared to all the other higher and more famous peaks in the area. But Carungas offers a fantastic view to the surrounding mountains, especially on a day like this! Pizza Grossa, Piz Ela, Piz Salteras, Piz Bleis...
Publiziert von Roald 30. Dezember 2016 um 22:46 (Fotos:26 | Geodaten:1)
Calanda   ZS  
29 Mär 17
Pizalun mit Bike
Pizalun mit dem eBike via Bad Ragaz - Pfäfers, Singletrail runter via Jägeri. Ganz nach oben zur Aussichtsplattform Pizalun führt eine steile aber gut ausgebaute Treppe. Der Gipfel als schöner Aussichtspunkt über die Bündner Herrschaft. Technisch weniger geübte Biker nehmen ab hier den Forstweg nach Mastrils, technisch...
Publiziert von tricky 2. April 2017 um 09:51 (Fotos:1 | Geodaten:1)
Oberhalbstein   T3 WT3 L  
26 Mai 17
Bike & (snowshoe) hike from Savognin to Piz Mez (2718 m)
This tour was a great combination of mountain biking, hiking, and snowshoe hiking. It was also a tour going from summer to winter and back again! I started off with my mountain bike in Savognin where the chairlift valley station is located. Going uphill, I partially biked, and partially walked the bike. Unfortunately, I took...
Publiziert von Roald 27. Mai 2017 um 23:24 (Fotos:27 | Geodaten:1)
Lenzerheide   T4- L  
27 Mai 17
Bike & hike from Alvaneu to Piz Mulain (2625 m)
Piz Mulain is a peak above the village called Alvaneu Dorf. Until now it had not been described here on hikr.org, so I was rather unsure about the best way to hike there, and about the difficulties. I started my hike just above the village Alvaneu Dorf at elevation 1250 m. There is a small parking lot at the end of the road. To...
Publiziert von Roald 27. Mai 2017 um 23:29 (Fotos:31 | Geodaten:1)
Oberhalbstein   T4+ I L  
11 Jun 17
Bike & hike to Pizza Grossa (2939 m)
This hike was inspired by hike reports from ivo66 describing the ascent on the Pizza Grossa south ridge. It ended up being a wonderful hike in picture perfect weather! I started my hike & bike just above the village of Tinizong at elevation 1320 m. I followed the alp road in direction Alp d'Err, mostly walking the bike. At...
Publiziert von Roald 11. Juni 2017 um 23:35 (Fotos:38 | Geodaten:1)
Prättigau   T3 ZS  
14 Jun 17
Vilan - Bike n Hike
Mit dem Bike von Sargans hoch via Meienfeld - Jenins - Mittelsäss. Ab Hoch Carneli zu Fuss (Skyrunning) dem Alpinen Wanderweg hoch zum Messhaldenspitz und weiter zum Vilan. Zurück den gleichen Weg zum Bike. Runter ging ich via Älpli den Wanderweg der direkt unter der Bahn runterführt. Um dieser Zeit ist kein Wanderer mehr...
Publiziert von tricky 16. Juni 2017 um 11:21 (Fotos:8 | Geodaten:4)
Oberhalbstein   T4 L  
23 Jun 17
Piz Grevasalvas (2932 m) - bike & hike from Bivio
This hike covers the four peaks Motta da Sett (2637 m), Piz dal Sasc (2720 m), Piz Lunghin (2780 m), and Piz Grevasalvas (2932 m). During the ascent towardsPiz Grevasalvas, I tried out a new option for getting more easily up to the ridge between P.2724 and P.2794. During the descent from Piz Grevasalvas, I also tried out a new...
Publiziert von Roald 24. Juni 2017 um 23:31 (Fotos:36 | Geodaten:1)
Oberhalbstein   T4+ I L  
31 Jul 17
Piz Laviner (3137 m) - bike & hike from Tinizong
Piz Laviner (3137 m) is a peak which requires quite a long ascent/descent when you start from Tinizong or Savognin. But when making it a combination of bike & hike, it becomes much more manageable. Start of the hike just above the village of Tinizong at elevation 1320 m. I followed the alp road in direction Alp d'Err,...
Publiziert von Roald 2. August 2017 um 22:15 (Fotos:33 | Geodaten:1)
Albulatal   T3 L  
12 Okt 17
Muchetta (2622 m) - bike & hike from Filisur
Muchetta is a mountain east of and above the village Filisur. There is a white-red-white marked trail all the way from Filisur up to the summit, but this ascent implies a hefty 1600 m elevation gain. To at least make the descent a bit easier on the knees, I brought my mountain bike along. I mostly walked the bike uphill on the...
Publiziert von Roald 14. Oktober 2017 um 11:03 (Fotos:31 | Geodaten:1)
Schanfigg   T3+ L  
13 Okt 17
Tgapeala Cotschna (2712 m) - bike & hike from Alvaneu Dorf
Tgapeala Cotschna is a peak above the village called Alvaneu Dorf. Until now it had only been been described twice here on hikr.org, and in both cases it was a ski tour. I started my hike just above the village Alvaneu Dorf at elevation 1250 m. There is a small parking lot at the end of the road. To drive further up, a special...
Publiziert von Roald 14. Oktober 2017 um 08:16 (Fotos:31 | Geodaten:1)
Oberhalbstein   T5- L L  
15 Jun 18
Piz Val Lunga (3077 m) - bike & hike from Tinizong
Piz Val Lunga (3077 m) is a peak which requires quite a long ascent/descent when you start from Tinizong or Savognin. Start of the hike just above the village of Tinizong at elevation 1320 m. I followed the alp road in direction Alp d'Err, mostly walking the bike. The road is paved up to Tgant Pensa. In Val d'Err I spotted...
Publiziert von Roald 15. Juni 2018 um 22:49 (Fotos:24 | Geodaten:1)
Oberhalbstein   T4- L  
16 Jun 18
Piz Spegnas (2620 m) - easy, but steep and dangerous
Piz Spegnas (2620 m) is a rather unknown peak approx. 2 km NE of Piz Arblatsch. So far there was only one report here on hikr.org about Piz Spegnas, and it's already six years old! I chose to start at P.1427 at the main road between Rona and Mulegns. It is possible to park right where the unpaved forest road up to Nascharegnas...
Publiziert von Roald 16. Juni 2018 um 22:48 (Fotos:20 | Geodaten:1)
Oberhalbstein   T4- L  
23 Jun 18
Piz Turba (3017 m) - bike & hike from Bivio
Piz Turba is a mountain at the border between the regions Avers, Bergell, and Oberhalbstein. Start of the hike at 8:20 in Bivio. The weather was perfect with blue skies! I brought my mountain bike along. Going uphill, I partially biked, and partially walked the bike. The road to the Septimer pass is paved for 1.5 km, the rest...
Publiziert von Roald 23. Juni 2018 um 21:00 (Fotos:34 | Geodaten:1)