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matbor » Tourenberichte (53)

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Jul 12
Mittelwallis   T4 I  
9 Jul 11
Weekend on the top and around the Pointe d'Arpitettaz
The Pointe d'Arpitettaz was planned as one of the highlights of the Summer 2011. Simone, Green and me left Zurich on Friday evening and went to Lucerne, where we met Ponch. By car we travelled then to the Wallis and spent the night in a camping in Vissoie. Saturday morning we left Vissoie very early direction Zinal with the aim to...
Publiziert von matbor 12. Juli 2011 um 17:17
Jul 7
Uri   T4 I  
21 Jul 08
Second time Lochberglücke and first time Untere Bielenlücke
For this further weekend tour with my mountain friends I decided to go back to the very nice Göscheneralp region and repeat the crossing of the Lochberglücke, a trail that I particularly like. Day 1: as already described in my previous report (First time Lochberlücke) we started our ascent to the Alpergensee at p.1927...
Publiziert von matbor 7. Juli 2011 um 17:04
Uri   T4-  
12 Jul 07
First time Lochberglücke
Today we decided to visit the side valley close to Göschenen; we did not plan any particular tour since we did not know the region at all. Once arrived, we chose to explore the trail going up to the Lochberglücke. We followed the steeppath from the bridge at p.1927 up to the Alpergensee. From there ve continued direction...
Publiziert von matbor 7. Juli 2011 um 14:36
Jul 6
Schwyz   WT2  
24 Feb 11
Sunday afternoon tour in the Alpthal
The Furggellenstock is one of the quickest but also most crowded summits which can be reached from Zurich without having to wake up too early. The starting point of this tour is the bus stop at p.1089. From there we followed the snowshoes path (and actually all the other people going in the same direction...) to east via...
Publiziert von matbor 6. Juli 2011 um 16:20
Jul 4
St.Gallen   T3+  
2 Jul 11
Once more around in the Alpstein region
Today once more we planned a tour in the beautiful region of the Alpstein and, once more, we tried to avoid the crowded paths of the Säntis. We started our tour in Gamplüt and followed the road to Thurwis; at the first intersection we continued on the path via p.1308 and Laub. At the intersection in the wood basicallythe...
Publiziert von matbor 4. Juli 2011 um 17:20
Jun 27
Oberwallis   T3  
10 Jul 08
Day 2 of our short holidays in the Goms
After having been hiking on the sunny side of the valley yesterday, today we chose amountain on the north face of the Goms... Aim of the day was the summit of the Brudelhorn. We started our tour atthe train station Geschinen, passed the bridge and followed the path up to Unnerwalij. Here we crossed again a bridge reaching...
Publiziert von matbor 27. Juni 2011 um 19:16
Oberwallis   T3  
9 Jul 08
Day 1 of our short holidays in the Goms
Starting from the train station in Oberwald we first followed the road and then the path to p.1778 passing Turitschi and Bawald. At p.1778 we continued on the left and went up to p.1918, then p.2034, p.2102 and p.2166. Here finally a real mountain path started... We continued to go up in direction west reaching the nice Jostsee...
Publiziert von matbor 27. Juni 2011 um 18:43
Jun 25
St.Gallen   T2  
25 Jun 11
The Leistchamm was one of that summits that I wanted to do before leaving for the US; not because the hike is particularly nice and not because it is technically demanding but just because the view from the top is amazing! Since today Green Copper had to be at home early and so we did not have a lot of time, we decided that it was...
Publiziert von matbor 25. Juni 2011 um 20:41
Jun 24
Oberwallis   T4 I  
30 Jul 09
Quick 3000 summit in the Wallis
Eveline and me were looking for a quick 3000m summit to be done in one day without having to wake up too early. Today's choice was the Jegihorn! From Chrizbode we followed the horrible path (prepared for alpine skiing in Winter...) to the Weissmies hut, via p.2526 and p.2596. From the hut we continued to the small bridge and...
Publiziert von matbor 24. Juni 2011 um 11:49
Jun 23
Schwyz   WT2  
6 Jan 10
A few easy summits around Rothenthurm
Today was a typical bad winter day... Incredibly cold and with compact fog and clouds covering mostof theSwiss territory... The only possibility to go outwas to perform aneasy tour avoiding alpine terrain, so we decided to go in the region of the Sattelpass. We started our tour in Rothenthurm close to the church, and went out...
Publiziert von matbor 23. Juni 2011 um 12:56
Schwyz   WT2  
12 Feb 09
From Willerzell to the Züri Lake
Since we did not wake up very early, the only remaining possibility for today was aa typical sunday afternoon tour... So we took the train to Einsiedeln and the bus to Willerzell. At the first intersection after the bridge over the Sihlsee we went on the left direction Studenweidli and Grosshusweid following the nice path to...
Publiziert von matbor 23. Juni 2011 um 10:29
Jun 22
Oberwallis   T3  
12 Okt 09
Trip to the Augstbordhorn to avoid the fresh snow in the north
While in the north of the Alps the mountains were covered with snow even below 2000 metres, in the Wallis it was still possible to go up to 3000m. It was one of the last weekend with a "summer" bus connection to the Moosalp, so we decided to profit from this. From the Moosalp we followed the path via p. 2120 and p.2201. At...
Publiziert von matbor 22. Juni 2011 um 20:39
Glarus   T4-  
15 Jul 08
From Schwyz to Glarus via Glatten
Although we started very early from Zurich, at the arrival at the end of the Bisisthal there was already a lot of people waiting for the cablecar.... The only solution was to walk up to the Glattalp and then see what could be done. We followed the alpine trail via p.1280, p.1371, p.1522 and crossed the Bockalpeli reaching the...
Publiziert von matbor 22. Juni 2011 um 07:58
Jun 20
Bellinzonese   T4 I  
19 Jun 11
Easy climbing variant at the Pizzo Centrale
This was my second ascent to the Pizzo Centrale. Today I was accompanied byPonch and Green Copper. Since, as realized last time, the ascent to the summit via the official path is somehow a little bit boring, we tried to find out an alternative trail... We started by following the official signed path till the intersection to...
Publiziert von matbor 20. Juni 2011 um 13:56
Jun 13
Uri   T4+  
12 Jun 11
The panorama trail on the Leidseepass
Today we chose to explore th region of the Arnisee and the moutains between Amsteg and Erstfeld. We started our tour at the cablecar station at the Arnisee and decided to follow the direct way to the Leutschachhütte, which we reached in approximately two hours. Unfortunately the weather in the valley was not so nice with a...
Publiziert von matbor 13. Juni 2011 um 12:38
Jun 7
Locarnese   T3  
2 Jun 11
Lunch with view on the Poncione d'Alnasca
Today it was finally time for a tour in the beautiful Verzasca valley. I started with Simona and Eveline in Piee close to Brione, choosing the path direction Pianesch and Matar. From Matar we continued to the Alpe di Sgiof avoiding the steep, more difficult path ascending to the lake Starlaresc (the terrain was also wet and...
Publiziert von matbor 7. Juni 2011 um 14:33
Mai 30
Glarus   T3+  
9 Aug 07
From Glarus to Schwyz via Glattalp
This is for sure one of my favourite tours; there is almost everything a hiker can desire! We started in Braunwald and followed the trail direction Ober Stafel; we crossed two bridges and after the second one we turned on the path on our right. From Ober Stafel we continued to p.1644, where we took the path on the right direction...
Publiziert von matbor 30. Mai 2011 um 12:02
Uri   T3+  
28 Mai 11
From Bristen to Gurtnellen with overnight stay in the Etzli hut
(see also report from 26.05.2011) Only two days after the 9 hours walk from Gurtnellen to Bristen I was back on the same region to basically repeat the hike with following differences: overnight stay in the hut, start in Bristen and 10 cm of fresh snow above 2000m. We started in Bristen and reached the Etzlihut in 2 hrs 45 min...
Publiziert von matbor 30. Mai 2011 um 08:24
Mai 27
Prättigau   T4-  
10 Jul 10
For the first time during Summer and not in Winter wetook the bus to St. Antönien; aim of the day was to reach the summit of the Sulzfluh, the wonderful mountain we wereadmiring everytime in Winter during our snowshoes tours. Unfortunately the bus stops far away from the last car parking, so that for the first kms we were...
Publiziert von matbor 27. Mai 2011 um 19:43
Uri   T3+  
26 Mai 11
From Gurtnellen to Bristen via Pörtlilücke
The trail starts at the bus stop Gurtnellen/Fellital. First there is a car road to follow direction Felliberg. Before reaching Felliberg, exactly at the site of a prominent chapel, a small steep path enters the wood on the left side of the road. Following this path we entered the wonderful Fellital, passed the Treschhütte (1h...
Publiziert von matbor 27. Mai 2011 um 14:00