With "Why Wait?!" to Round Top

Published by 360 Pro , 12 May 2019, 20h50.

Region: World » United States » California
Date of the hike:10 May 2019
Hiking grading: T4+ - High-level Alpine hike
Snowshoe grading: WT4 - High-level snowshoe hike
Ski grading: PD-
Geo-Tags: USA   US-CA   Mokelumne Wilderness 
Height gain: 700 m 2296 ft.
Height loss: 700 m 2296 ft.
Access to start point:Woods Lake Road access road, off of Carson Pass Highway (88)

DG aka "Why Wait!?" and I wanted to go for a "hike" a long time already, but for one and the other reason it never happened yet. Today it did and it was a fun showshoe/back country ski outing on a wonderful spring day in the Sierras.

We did the loop from Woods Lake to Round Top and back, like Donnie Darko and I did here pretty much a year ago, she with snow shoes and me with back-country skis.

Fun day

Still plenty of snow left in this zone!

Hike partners: 360

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