Backpack stinks

Publiziert von genepi, 6. Juni 2011 um 15:07. Diese Seite wurde 353 mal angezeigt.

I did not have this problem a long time ago when anti-perspiration clothing was not available. Back then, sweating was only soaking my cotton t-shirts. Since I am wearing these special sport-clothes (which are, no doubts, more comfortable than cotton shirts), I have the feeling that perspiration is soaking my backpack (especially belt and straps) more than back then. Consequence of it: my backpack stinks.
Now it looks that there is a solution: "wash" it with a product called MiraZyme. It was designed for Neoprene diving suits, but it seems that it works also for backpacks.
I ordered this stuff and waiting for it... I will keep you updated when I will have made the first tests...

Kommentare (5)

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Bombo hat gesagt: deep freezer
Gesendet am 6. Juni 2011 um 15:48
I had the same problem but than I washed it by washing maschine and the stench was gone. If you have a deep freezer you can put the backpack in it and the "stinky" bacteria should die. I do this with my windsurfing neoprene and fortunately it works.


CarpeDiem hat gesagt: RE:deep freezer
Gesendet am 6. Juni 2011 um 17:56
Thanks for the tip. I'im running to my deep freezer ;-))))


Fenek hat gesagt: stinken....
Gesendet am 6. Juni 2011 um 20:23
ich habe auch so ein Stinksack dem ich den Geruch nicht mehr abgewöhnen kann. Mehrmaliges waschen half auch nicht.
Danke für den Tipp mit dem Gefrierschrank. Mal sehen, obs nützt.

kopfsalat hat gesagt:
Gesendet am 6. Juni 2011 um 20:54
I bought a bottel of mirazyme a while ago and used it for my trailrunners. It worked but only temporarily.

Normaly I don't care if my rucksack smells a bit, however if it becomes unbearable I turn it inside out and put it into the washing machine with ordinary washing powder at 30° C with pre-wash and no spin.

pizflora hat gesagt:
Gesendet am 8. Juni 2011 um 11:31
spraying shirts and stinking things with cleaning vinegar before washing them (with detergent) in the machine works fine for my stinky sports clothes. never tried backpacks though. and don't worry, the vinegar smell disappears as well...

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