"iPhone" "App" v0.2

Published by Stani™, 17 February 2011, 22h30. This page has been displayed 1296 times.


Thanks to everyone who sent us screenshots and feedback, that's really cool! We actually learned that our "app" can run on much more devices that we first though. For example, it runs on my computer if I use Chrome, however it shows that I'm in Zürich :-) Also it runs on many iphones, androids, ipods and ipads. Doesn't run on some Nokia phones.

So, we were happy of all this help and did some progress. Many things.

1) We modified the layout of the page, but normally you should always see the same thing: a page with only a map on it.

2) There is a new "Connect" button on the top of the map. If you click it you will share your position with all other connected users (people who also pushed the "Connect" button). So, you will see the other people as green "hikrs" and yourself as red "hikr". You will always see Zina in the center of Zürich :-)
You can then disconnect and eventually remove yourself from the map.

Right now, the only information shared is the position, so you cannot see the username of the other people on the map, only the anonymous icon.

You need to login in order to see the map and eventually connect.

The map is updated every 20 sec or when your position changes.

When you disconnect using the "Disconnect" button, you can choose to keep your icon on the map or hide it. If you choose to keep it, then other people who connect later will see your last position.

You can test this new feature on your phone/... and report the results, eventually send us a screenshot, so we can see everything is looking as expected.

Open in your phone: http://www.hikr.org/g.php

Now, three questions: Price, Power and Privacy.

Price. When connected, the map will update every movement or 20 sec. That means your phone will be connecting to internet all the time. As we don't have any phone, we don't know if this is OK or it will cost you a fortune. How does it work? You pay connection time, traffic or what?

Power. It seems that the GPS uses a lot of battery, true or false?

Privacy. The actual demo only shares the position but no user name. Which privacy options you need? For example, it can be like this:

Who can see my position: everybody, friends
Who can see my name: everybody, friends, nobody

Maybe some other possibilities, like "share my position/name with who appears on the map near of me". Or something else? Which options will you use personally?

That's all for the moment.

PS: And yes, it's not really an App and it's not only for iPhone. It's just a web page and it runs in any modern browser.

Comments (16)

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Mel says:
Sent 18 February 2011, 09h54
hehe, funny thing. works also with my laptop & firefox. see some green hikrs in the area of zurich, but nobody yet in bern :-(

the privacy options

Who can see my position: everybody, friends
Who can see my name: everybody, friends, nobody

would be fine, i think!

Stani™ says: RE:
Sent 18 February 2011, 10h19
Yesterday Chrome shown me in Zürich but today it cannot find my position anymore. I think it uses your IP to approximate your location. There is also a "accuracy" parameter that tells how far you can be from the location, mine was 160km :-) but people with GPS have about 15m.

Sent 18 February 2011, 10h06
maybe it would be good to reflect that someone would like to share a hike, snowshoe or.. with similar interests..

Bombo says:
Sent 18 February 2011, 16h57
Unfortunately with Nokia "N97 mini" it doesn't work (because of the browser) but sounds like a nice tool.

Anna says: RE:
Sent 18 February 2011, 18h43
Maybe, it can work with Opera Mobile 10.1. Here they say that it works: [www.applicationsnokian97.com/opera-mobile-10-1-final-for-nok...]

Bombo says: RE:
Sent 18 February 2011, 18h49
ok fine, i'll install and try it again. thx.

Bombo says: RE:
Sent 18 February 2011, 19h14
cool, works! it's funny, actually i'm swimming in the lake of zug :-) i'll try it tomorrow on my next skitour. well done!

Anna says: RE:
Sent 18 February 2011, 19h32
>actually i'm swimming in the lake of zug :-)

Yep, Zina is in Limmatstrasse, Zurich, Stani is somewhere in Cupertino, CA and I'm nowhere because my computer refuses to locate me :-)

>well done!

Thank you, but actually there is still a lot of work before it will be really done.

Stani™ says:
Sent 19 February 2011, 14h30
I've seen somebody going to  Wissmilen (at 13:36 on top). Who was this? :-)))

xaendi says: RE:
Sent 20 February 2011, 17h35
That was actually me! But I think it was rather 11.36 than 13.36...

Stani™ says: RE:
Sent 20 February 2011, 18h38
Cool!!! So, how does it work? Do you have ideas about which features would be interesting to add?

xaendi says: RE:
Sent 20 February 2011, 21h26
Hi Stani,
it works great, even if the radio reception is not too strong.
Power: It is a common problem that batteries are nearly flat after a long day in the mountains. I can imagine that a web page which reloads every 20 seconds uses a lot of power.
Price: I think that is not an issue since most of the contracts have a flat fee for mobile data (e.g. 250 MB per month)
Privacy: It would be nice if I could see who else is nearby where I am and if I could contact him/her.
Additional features: Do you know 'Foursquare'? It is a social community where you can virtually 'log in' to the place where you are. For Hikr, this would mean that you can 'log in' to a summit, hut, etc. and 'record' your waypoints of a hike. When you come home in the evening, your waypoints would already be recorded and it would be much faster to prepare the hiking report. But I am not sure whether hikr's really want to be online on their hikes - or if they just want to enjoy the nature ;-)

Stani™ says: RE:
Sent 21 February 2011, 14h56
Hi, thanks for the info!

>I can imagine that a web page which reloads every 20 seconds uses a lot of power.

In fact the version you used reloads even more frequently, every time there are new coordinates. We already changed that in next version. Probably it would be better to specify the refresh interval as a parameter, like every 30s, 1min ,5min, ...

> Price: I think that is not an issue since most of the contracts have a flat fee for mobile data (e.g. 250 MB per month)

Do you know how much data your phone used that day? It seems that Google Maps consume a lot of data. We think we can add a mode where only the markers (users and hikr-map) are shown, without satellite image/roads. That will reduce the traffic a lot. Also, it would be interesting to have a text-only mode, like people and peaks near you as a list.

> Privacy: It would be nice if I could see who else is nearby where I am and if I could contact him/her.

Good idea too

>Additional features: Do you know 'Foursquare'?

Yes, a little bit. Never really used because don't have a phone, but I understand how it works. I think it's perfect for places like huts where people stay relatively long time.

> But I am not sure whether hikr's really want to be online on their hikes - or if they just want to enjoy the nature ;-)

Good point, we will see. For us it's ok to make it even if just few people use it, because it's interesting to do :-)
But one can also use the app just for himself, after all it's just a kind of GPS connected to hikr.org

stephen says:
Sent 21 February 2011, 23h10
It shows my position (at home !) perfectly on my iMac with Safari. Not in Zürich, not swimming in the lake :-)

Anna says: RE:
Sent 21 February 2011, 23h12
Do you have maybe a wifi? That could explain. Anyway strange, but not the first to report it.

stephen says: RE:
Sent 22 February 2011, 07h46
I do have wifi but the computer was not connected to it - I was using a normal network cable.

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