Mai 15
Wales   T2  
15 Mai 14
5 giorni lungo il Pembrokeshire Coast Path (Wales)
Era nel cassetto da tempo, dopo la bella esperienza fatta in Cornovaglia. Messo da parte a causa di tutti i problemi avuti in questi ultimi due anni, un barlume di ottimismo mi ha spinto a riesumarlo……e a riesumarmi! L’ho ripreso, ho preso atto che non avrei potuto realizzarlo come l’avevo pensato, cioè da Marloes...
Publiziert von grandemago 29. Mai 2014 um 19:46 (Fotos:128 | Kommentare:36)
Nov 30
Wales   T1  
30 Nov 13
Pembrokeshire National Park: Coast of Dreams
Unfortunately I didn't have all that time as one would love to have; nor did I have the through walking ambitions as our fellow Hikr Stephen. But the mythical coast of medieval fairy tales had been in my mind for a while. Even just a glimpse would be enough and be tempting for more... the place offers some of the best coastal...
Publiziert von MicheleK 4. Dezember 2013 um 00:20 (Fotos:21)
Mai 19
Wales   T2  
19 Mai 13
Sur le Pembrokeshire Coast Path : Neuvième étape, de Solva à Whitesands Bay
English version here Dans le bed & breakfast où je dors à Solva, selon la feuille d'informations que je trouve dans ma chambre, le petit déjeuner est servi "vers 8 heures ou 8 heures et demie". Cette attitude cool est admirable, visiblement ils n'ont pas trop souvent affaire à des gens qui exigent de savoir quand ils...
Publiziert von stephen 6. Juli 2013 um 16:44 (Fotos:33 | Kommentare:2)