Davos   T4 I  
25 Jun 08
Seehorn – Hüreli – Pischahorn and down to Tschuggen via South Rigde
I planned my hike from Davos Dorf to Seehorn, Hüreli and Pischa Horn. From the top of the Pischahorn I wanted to go down to a bus stop along the Flüela pass, but possibly not along the Southwest Ridge, the way I decided to go up but another route. Therefore, I looked at my options in the SAC guide. The South Ridge down...
Publiziert von 360 27. Juni 2008 um 14:45 (Fotos:14 | Kommentare:6 | Geodaten:1)
Davos   T4 I  
9 Jul 08
Pischahorn south ridge revisited
On my way down from the Pischahorn two weeks ago, I took the south ridge which is rated ZS in the SAC guide. I found it not difficult at all, but rated it a T4 only. On this hike I revisited the Pischahorn south ridge together with Anna, Stani and Zina (see their report here), this time the other way around from Tschuggen up to...
Publiziert von 360 13. Juli 2008 um 12:52 (Fotos:24 | Kommentare:1 | Geodaten:1)
Davos   T3  
21 Mai 17
Hike to Seehorn & Hüreli (Davos)
Seehorn (2238 m) and Hüreli (2444 m) are two peaks very close to Davos. In fact, I started my hike at the lake in Davos. I followed the marked trail to Chaltboden, and then to Seehorn. Just before the summit, I had to cross 2-3 snowfields, but it was easy since I could follow the tracks of others who had been there yesterday(?)....
Publiziert von Roald 21. Mai 2017 um 20:16 (Fotos:26 | Geodaten:1)
Davos   T3  
11 Okt 23
Gratüberschreitung Pischahorn bis Seehorn - 3 Gipfel Tour
Das Pischahorn ist zum einen ein Gipfel, den ich schon lange im Visier hatte, aber gleichzeitig auch aufgeschoben hatte, da ich wusste, wie anstrengend er ist. Heute kam also der Tag, an dem ich meinen Schweinehund überwinde. Angefangen hat die Tour in Tschuggen, wo mich das Postauto ausspuckte. Es ging dann direkt in den...
Publiziert von LA_Tarasp 11. Oktober 2023 um 21:41 (Geodaten:1)