Davos   L  
24 Mär 18
Fanezfurgga & Ducanfurgga - ski tour
This was a ski tour going from Davos Monstein to Fanezfurgga and Ducanfurgga, and back the same way. I started my ski tour at 8:30 in the morning in Monstein, first walking up through the village of Monstein. (There is a small parking lot for skiers at the upper end of the village, but I didn't know about it, and it was anyway...
Publiziert von Roald 25. März 2018 um 08:55 (Fotos:29 | Geodaten:1)
Davos   WS-  
4 Apr 10
Baslersch Chopf
Schöne Abschlussskitour zum Osterwochenende in Davos-Laret. Wir sind den bekannten Weg ab Tschuggen bis ins Tälli hinauf gelaufen. An den windexponierten Stellen war die Schneedecke bereits dünn. Aber für den Aufstieg und die Abfahrt hat es gereicht. Im Tälli sind wir mehrheitlich der Aufsteigsroute...
Publiziert von joe 8. April 2010 um 15:24 (Geodaten:1)
Davos   WS-  
21 Apr 17
Backcountry ski tour to Sentisch Horn (2826 m)
I started off at the Flüela pass road in Tschuggen (close to Davos). The parking lot was already quite full at 8:30 when I arrived there, with several cars parked along the road as well. The temperature was around -7°C with a little bit of wind, so it felt quite cold. Finally at 9:00 o'clock I was ready to go, and I quickly...
Publiziert von Roald 21. April 2017 um 18:59 (Fotos:16 | Geodaten:1)
Davos   WS-  
5 Mai 17
Ski tour to Jörihorn (2844 m)
Start at Wägerhus (elevation 2000 m) at 09:30. The temperature was around freezing, or slightly below. My initial plan was to park at Wägerhütta (elevation 2200 m), but that parking lot was partially covered with snow and there were no parking spots left when I arrived. So I turned around and parked further down, and made a...
Publiziert von Roald 5. Mai 2017 um 22:19 (Fotos:21 | Geodaten:1)
Davos   WS-  
18 Nov 17
Pischagrat and Mattjisch Tälli - ski tour
Early season opener ski tour in the Pischa area. Perfect weather with blue skies and light winds. Mixed snow conditions, but quite a lot of powder after all! I started my ski tour at 9:00 in the morning at the parking lot for the Pischa aerial cable car. The temperature was -4°C when I started. I followed the (snow-covered)...
Publiziert von Roald 18. November 2017 um 21:59 (Fotos:21 | Geodaten:1)
Davos   WS-  
28 Feb 22
Büelenhorn (2513 m) - Skitour
Escursione con le pelli di foca in Prettigovia, nel Comune di Davos, il secondo più esteso di tutta la Svizzera. Inizio dell’escursione: ore 8.40 Fine dell’escursione: ore 13.35 Pressione atmosferica, ore 9.00: 1032 hPa Temperatura alla partenza: -15,5°C Isoterma di 0°C alle 9.00: 1000 m...
Publiziert von siso 3. März 2022 um 22:15 (Fotos:30 | Kommentare:2 | Geodaten:1)
Davos   WS  
21 Feb 19
Passhöreli (2961 m) - ski tour from Sertig
Start of the ski tour at 8:35 AM from Sertig Sand. After so many days of nice sunny weather, there was of course a well established ski track all the way to the Sertig pass. On the way, I met a skier who had been on Passhöreli yesterday, so I got first hand information about the conditions. Just before the Sertig pass I mounted...
Publiziert von Roald 21. Februar 2019 um 20:10 (Fotos:35 | Geodaten:1)
Davos   WS+  
16 Mär 13
Büelenhorn (2808 m.)
La finestra di bel tempo del fine settimana ci porta nei Grigioni nel villaggio diMonstein (1619 m.). Dal piccolo parcheggio ci si inoltra nella stradina forestale che porta agli alpeggi diLaubenalp 1850 m.,Unteralp 1877 m., Mitteralp 1930 m.dove per arrivarci oltrepassiamo delle zone slavinate oramai sicure. Giornata...
Publiziert von pm1996 17. März 2013 um 19:49 (Fotos:5 | Kommentare:13 | Geodaten:1)