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gabiavram » Tourenberichte (55)

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Mai 8
Muntii Bucegi   T2 WT2 ZS  
8 Mai 10
Moeciu de Sus_Valea Popii_Varful Coltii Bisericutei(1322m)
Am plecat de la una din numeroasele pensiuni din statiune pe valea Popii . Aici am mers circa 30-45min pe drumul forestier, pana cand s-au terminat grajdurile de pe coline.Cand am intrat in padure, am urcat imediat la stanga traversand Moieciul Rece si dupa circa 15min am ajuns pe creasta dealului la marginea padurii, de unde am...
Publiziert von gabiavram 11. Dezember 2010 um 21:43 (Fotos:119)
Aug 29
Masivul Parang   T2 S  
29 Aug 09
Telescaun_Hotel Rusu_Complex Turistic Parang(1685m)_Varful Parangul Mic_2074m
Traseul incepe de la Telescaun cu 2 variante de urcare: se urca direct cu telescaunul pana la Complex Turistic Parang sau se urca cu masina pe drum asfaltat pana la hotel Rusu apoi pe drum forestier pe coasta pana la Complex Turistic Parang (iarna impracticabil). De la Telescaun sosire incepe urcus direct spre varful Parangul Mic...
Publiziert von gabiavram 7. September 2009 um 11:13 (Fotos:68)
Jun 26
Masivul Rodnei   T2 WS-  
26 Jun 09
Traseul Complex turistic Borsa - telescaun - Lacul Stiol - Cascada Cailor
Se pleaca cu telescaunul de la Complexul turistic Borsa si dupa 17min se ajunge sus, aici drumul se bifurca in doua :la dreapta se coboara in 20min la Cascada Cailor , iar drept se urca spre platoul Stiol relativ usor. In circa 30min se ajunge pe platou apoi se face dreapta pe drum forestier si dupa 15min se ajunge in dreptul unor...
Publiziert von gabiavram 16. Juli 2009 um 07:48 (Fotos:59 | Kommentare:1)
Mai 9
Baile Olanesti   T1  
9 Mai 09
Route Baile Olanesti resort - Suta village - Frasinei Monastery
The route begins with a fairly hard climb next President Hotel from Baile Olanesti resort and ends on the summit hill after about 45min-1hr, where there is a trinity and a small stoppage. From here you can admire the panorama on the Suta village and to the Fagaras mountains. The following is a descend by small village and...
Publiziert von gabiavram 14. Mai 2009 um 14:51 (Fotos:62)
Mär 26
Obcinele Bucovinei   T2 ZS  
26 Mär 09
Tour of Bucovina monasteries
Traseul se face cu masina plecand din orasul Gura Humorului spre Suceava, dar de la Paltinoasa se intra pe drumul spre Cacica_Solca_Marginea (se deviaza sau nu la Radauti)_Vicovu de Jos_Putna. Aici se viziteaza manastirea Putna. Se pleaca inapoi spre Vicovu de Jos_Mraginea dupa care se alege drumul spre Sucevita.Se viziteaza...
Publiziert von gabiavram 1. April 2009 um 18:00 (Fotos:141 | Kommentare:2)
Mär 22
Masivul Capatani   T3  
22 Mär 09
Route Pension Hunters House - Olanesti Relay
The route begins with a climb very hard on the hill behind the Pension Hunters House. The path is unmarked, it reaches the crest of the hill in 30min and 10min before you go into a clearing with a beautiful panorama to the Mountains Capatani & Baile Olanesti resort. Further still get 5min to relay. From here the road starts...
Publiziert von gabiavram 29. März 2009 um 12:07 (Fotos:33)
Mär 21
Masivul Capatani   T1 L  
21 Mär 09
Valley Cheia and Hermitage Iezerul
It goes by car from the Pension "Hunters House" to Popesti village. Forest road is accessible to the hermitage, but the route on foot from village Cheia to hermitage is only 2km with a very beautiful landscape.From Hermitage Iezerul, follows a climbing approximately 20 minutes in Paraclis Sf.Antonie found in a Cave. From...
Publiziert von gabiavram 29. März 2009 um 09:18 (Fotos:50)
Masivul Capatani   T1 L  
21 Mär 09
Hunters House Pension - Baile Olanesti resort
Departure is from the courtyard Hostel walking around the hill. After 300m reach the bridge over the river Olanesti, can pass the bridge and then continue to go right, or you can go ahead without the bridge.Distance move to City is 1km. Circuit city can be done in 1-2 hours on foot or slightly less cycling . Plecarea se face de...
Publiziert von gabiavram 30. März 2009 um 12:17 (Fotos:40)
Mär 1
Prahova Valley   T2 WS+  
1 Mär 09
Route Predeal_Cioplea - Polistoaca Valley - Clabucet - Garbova
Sus la Cioplea se ajunge cu masina, de la gara cu un taxi in max.10min sau pe jos in cca 45min. Traseul Cioplea-Clabucet se poate parcurge si cu ATV-ul. Se pleaca de la Cioplea pe traseul comun spre cabana Susai, dupa 10min se face dreapta pe langa vile si se coboara pe valea paraului Polistoaca prin padure.Se ajunge in zona...
Publiziert von gabiavram 2. April 2009 um 14:46 (Fotos:22)
Feb 28
Prahova Valley   T2 WT1 L  
28 Feb 09
Route Predeal resort_Three Firs hut_Secuilor Glade hut
Three Firs chalet is located at 5km from Predeal, at the foot of the mountain Postavarul, atop Morarului at an altitude of 1128m. Predeal road is paved up here. Poiana Secuilor chalet located at the bottom to 1070m, the forest road is reached in about 30min. It is an easy route for all ages and with a charming landscape of...
Publiziert von gabiavram 14. Dezember 2010 um 19:16 (Fotos:37)
Aug 24
Masivul Piatra Craiului   T1  
24 Aug 08
Route Hut Brusturet_Hut Pietricica
Leave the Hut Brusturet in the zone with tents, on the path that climbs through behind them. Climb on a forest road about 30-40 minutes, after which follows a path with no level difference to Pietricica Chalet located in a beautiful glade. (Plecare de la cabana Brusturet, din zona cu corturi, pe cararea ce urca prin spatele...
Publiziert von gabiavram 4. Februar 2009 um 11:29 (Fotos:18)
Aug 23
Masivul Piatra Craiului   T1  
23 Aug 08
Route Brusturet chalet_Seaca valley_Glade Grind
The route starts at the Hut Brusturet, climbing gently in canyon from Valley Seaca. After going out of canyon, the path is largest and is bordered by trees. Is reached in Glade Grind located just below the massive Piatra Craiului (Traseul incepe de la cabana Brusturet , urca domol spre cheile din Valea Seaca. Dupa ce iesim din...
Publiziert von gabiavram 3. Februar 2009 um 19:38 (Fotos:38)
Jul 5
Masivul Iezer-Papusa   T1  
5 Jul 08
Route Voina hut_Cuca hut
The route is on forest road 5km long on Cuca Valley, marked withblue tape, level difference 200m relatively small. (Traseul este pe drum forestier lung de 5km pe Valea Cuca, marcat cu bandaalbastra , diferenta de nivel relativ mica 200m)
Publiziert von gabiavram 4. Februar 2009 um 13:00 (Fotos:38 | Kommentare:2)
Jun 26
Masivul Ceahlau   T2  
26 Jun 08
Route Durau resort_Duruitoarea Cascade
I left the hotel Brandusa on the asphalt road between Durau-Izvoru Muntelui.Se go on the road to the intersection with a red cross marking the coming of all Durau Salvamont. It goes through the forest, it emphasizes panta easy reach and in Glade Viezuri(1195 m) where the intersection with the path marked with yellow triangle comes...
Publiziert von gabiavram 6. Februar 2009 um 13:43 (Fotos:44)
Jun 24
Masivul Ceahlau   T2 WT3  
24 Jun 08
Route Durau resort-Fantanele chalet-Dochia chalet
At first, easy climbs on foot among of brook Fantanii and brook Nican ,through a forest of spruce and beech, and some small glades. After several minutes, to cross road that connects between Durau and Izvoru Mountain (closed road cars) and you ascent through the woods, more slowly at first and increasingly more difficult at...
Publiziert von gabiavram 8. Januar 2009 um 19:27 (Fotos:55 | Kommentare:4)