Bellinzonese   T4 I  
5 Sep 09
On the top of the Pizzo Centrale and the Gamsspitz, almost 3000m!
Unfortunately the first few kilometres of this trail till the Lago Sella are along a car road. The region is however full of marmots; this makes the walk nicer. From the Lago Sella a path turns on the right and goes up to the intersection direction Gloggentürmli. At the intersection at p.2468 we took the path on our right,...
Publiziert von matbor 25. Mai 2011 um 07:44
Bellinzonese   T4 I  
29 Jun 10
The weather forecasts were just fantastic for that day, so I decided to take holidays to go hiking. It was time to do the first 3000 summit of the season, so I chose to travel to Val Bedretto to reach the top of the Chüebodenhorn, which is quite famous because of the glacier lake usually full of icebergs. I started my tour in...
Publiziert von matbor 17. Mai 2011 um 07:37
Bellinzonese   T4 I  
19 Jun 11
Easy climbing variant at the Pizzo Centrale
This was my second ascent to the Pizzo Centrale. Today I was accompanied byPonch and Green Copper. Since, as realized last time, the ascent to the summit via the official path is somehow a little bit boring, we tried to find out an alternative trail... We started by following the official signed path till the intersection to...
Publiziert von matbor 20. Juni 2011 um 13:56
Bellinzonese   T3  
10 Mai 14
Alpe Fronn and Valle Moleno
For this last hike during of my Spring vacation in Ticino I decided to explore a completely new region inspired by the reports recently posted on hikr. I only know the region around Moleno because of the Valegion and from the Gotthard highway… Like 2 days ago we opted to avoid the short steep variant and took the trail via...
Publiziert von matbor 12. Mai 2014 um 17:57
Bellinzonese   T4 I  
24 Jul 16
Big rocks on the Gotthard (Fibbia e Valletta)
Third excursion since my Alps comeback, and first time in Ticino! After a horrible (weather wise) Saturday, Sunday seemed to be a great day for a hike. Due to my limited time, I opted for the Gotthard pass with my old friend Green Copper. We left the car at the top of the pass and basically started straight towards Fibbia. There...
Publiziert von matbor 25. Juli 2016 um 09:16
Bellinzonese   T4+  
7 Aug 16
"Arctic" view from the Chuebodenhorn
I have been on this trail 6 years ago... It still remains on my mind as one of the most beautiful, impressive scenery in the Swiss Alps but also as one of the most strenuous ascents I have experienced... I always wanted to go back there but I needed to be fit enough for this challenge! Last Sunday it was time... With Green Copper...
Publiziert von matbor 12. August 2016 um 14:49