Jul 13
Bellinzonese   T3  
11 Jul 07
Strada Altissima Leventina (part one)
What probably comes to your mind first if you hear “Leventina” is: A lot of traffic or even “Stau”. Be it the A2 highway, the bicycle path from Airolo to Biasca, “Strada Alta Leventina” (one of the most popular hiking routes in Switzerland), or even the busy railway across the Gotthard,...
Publiziert von 360 12. Juli 2007 um 22:46 (Fotos:17 | Kommentare:2)
Bellinzonese   T4  
30 Aug 06
Bellinzona - Corno di Gesero (ritorno)
Bellinzona - Mto della Croce - Alpe Albino - Alpe di Gesero - Alpe di Cadinello - along NW ridge to Corno di Gesero - direct descent south to Capanna Gesero - Sasso Guida - Arbinetto - Mti di Ravecchia - Ravecchia - Bellinzona
Publiziert von 360 17. Januar 2007 um 10:27 (Fotos:5)
Locarnese   T2  
21 Mär 07
Locarno - Cardada - Locarno - Ascona
Locarno - Mad. d. Sasso - Orselina - S. Bernardo - Cardada Rekonvaleszenztour und Test für das lädierte Knie. Von Locarno dem markierten Weg entlang nach S. Bernardo und weiter zur Cardada. Locarno - Maggia Delta (down and up) - Ascona Von Locarno aus dem markeirten Weg ach Ascona mit "Umweg" das MAggia Delta runter und...
Publiziert von 360 25. April 2007 um 19:51 (Fotos:8)
Locarnese   T2  
9 Mai 07
From Brissago to Vergeletto, Day 1
5 day hike from Brissago to Vergeletto. Inspired by Alpinwandern Tessin, Einsame Touren südlich des Gotthards, by Marco Volken et al. Stages 23-27 (in reverse order) Day 1 “Warm up”, Brissago - Incella – Piodina –Borej – P. 1018.9 – Cortaccio – Vantarone – Avaiscia –...
Publiziert von 360 16. Mai 2007 um 15:15 (Fotos:16)
Locarnese   T3  
10 Mai 07
From Brissago to Vergeletto, Day 2
Day 2 “Sunrise on Gridone” Rifugio Al Legn – Bocchetta di Valle - Gridone - Bocchetta di Valle – P. 1594 – P. 1433 – P. 1146 – P. 789 – Bordei – Terra Vecchia – Rasa – Verdasio – Monte di Comino Remarks: Excellent view from Gridone. Long, pretty steep and...
Publiziert von 360 16. Mai 2007 um 15:42 (Fotos:19)
Locarnese   T4  
11 Mai 07
From Brissago to Vergeletto, Day 3
Day 3“Great wildlife and hot springs at the end”Monte di Comino – Madonna della Segna - Pianascio – Pizzo Ruscada – P. 1737 – P. 1705 - Alpe Lombardone – Costa del Guald – Pianone – P. 1066.4 – P. 856 – Comologno – Spruga – Bagni di Craveggia –...
Publiziert von 360 16. Mai 2007 um 16:19 (Fotos:16)
Locarnese   T3  
12 Mai 07
From Brissago to Vergeletto, Day 4 and 5
Day 4 “Heavy load”Spruga – Tabid – Pian Secco – Alpe Pesced – Alpe Salei – Laghetto dei Salei –P. 2006 – P. 2079 – Pilone - P. 2079 – Pian del Pepon – Piei Bachei – Capanna Alpe ArenaRemarks: A friend and his 1 ½ year old daughter joined me in...
Publiziert von 360 16. Mai 2007 um 16:46 (Fotos:15)
Locarnese   T4  
15 Mai 07
Berzona - Sassariente - Cima Sassello - Riazzino-Cugnasco
Another hike inspired by the book Alpinwandern Tessin Stage 33 Berzona – Lignasca – Corte di Sopra – Chignolo – Monti di Motti – Monti della Scesa – Alpe di Foppiana – Sassariente – “Polish wall” – Cima di Sasello – Alpe di Sassello – Monti di Colla - Monti della Gana – Monti Vellone – Alpe Ronchi...
Publiziert von 360 16. Mai 2007 um 21:40 (Fotos:11)
Bellinzonese   T5 I  
18 Jul 07
Strada Altissima Leventina: the story continues
This time I decided to combine the Altissima together with an old pending peak: Pécian. It is the prominent peak which can be seen from the Leventina North East between Piotta and Faido – it has a big cross on top. Whenever I went south to, or came back north from the Ticino with the train, I always thought “it...
Publiziert von 360 19. Juli 2007 um 19:43 (Fotos:20)
Locarnese   T3  
5 Dez 07
Pizzo Leone – from Corcapolo in the Centovalli to Ascona
What to do if the avalanche risk in the Alps is rather high and the weather forecast not very promising for northern Switzerland: a trip to the Ticino of course. Since there is some snow in the Ticino above about 1500m as well, I chose a goal which wasn’t too high up. Pizzo Leone, it is very popular in the summer, but I not very...
Publiziert von 360 7. Dezember 2007 um 15:10 (Fotos:25)
Locarnese   T3  
12 Dez 07
Cima della Trosa and Madone – from Locarno to Mergoscia
I arrived at 9:19 AM in Locarno and had about 7 ½ hours until it would get dark. My plan was rather ambitious: about 2000m gain and 1500m loss in altitude and approximately 16km to walk: from Locarno to Mergoscia via Cima della Trosa and Madone. I made it without major problems; however I didn’t give myself many...
Publiziert von 360 13. Dezember 2007 um 17:25 (Fotos:16)
Bellinzonese   T4  
5 Mär 08
Claro - Piz de Molinera – Roveredo: carrying the snowshoes for 8 hours on the backpack
Inspired by Ale84’s snowshoe and hike report to Piz de Molinera, I decided to go there too. There was a minor problem though, the cable car to Monti Savorù only runs twice a day in March on weekdays. For me this meant I had to start down in the valley and hike up more than 2000m of altitude (and of course back down...
Publiziert von 360 7. März 2008 um 08:49 (Fotos:18 | Geodaten:1)
Locarnese   T3  
12 Mär 08
Colma – Spring has arrived in southern Ticino
For an unstated reason I had to go to Golina. Golina is a little village at the beginning of the Centovalli, right before Intragna. After I was done with what I had to do there I did a little hike. I had no plans whatsoever, the only thing I knew was, that I had to be in Locarno shortly before 5PM. At first I thought I could...
Publiziert von 360 13. März 2008 um 12:02 (Fotos:15)
Locarnese   T4  
30 Sep 08
From Monte Brè to Lavertezzo – a foggy affair
My plan was to follow the peaks and ridges between the Maggia and Verzasca valley from Monte Brè all the way to Madom da Sgiòf. The weather forecast for this day wasn’t all that bad and because I was in the Ticino already, I wanted to prolong my stay for at least another day, especially since the forecast for...
Publiziert von 360 22. Oktober 2008 um 17:25 (Fotos:13)
Bellinzonese   T3 WT5  
11 Feb 09
Cima di Medeglia and Matro - a sunny but windy snowshoe hike from Rivera to Isone
The weather forecast was bad for northern Switzerland, rather sunny for middle & southern Ticino for this day and the risk of avalanches high more or less everywhere. I decided to escape the bad weather in the north and took the train south once again. This time I decided to explore the hills east of Rivera between Val d'Isone...
Publiziert von 360 13. Februar 2009 um 11:21 (Fotos:14)
Sottoceneri   T3 WT3  
11 Mär 09
Cima di Screvia, Monte Bar, Caval Drossa and Motto della Croce – a hike from Isone to Tesserete
When I ended up in Isone on my last snow shoe hike in this area, the mountain called Cima di Screvia caught my attention. Even though it is less than 1500 meters high, it dominates the whole Val d’Isone and looks rather impressive if you look at it from the valley. So back home I wanted to find some information on how to get up...
Publiziert von 360 12. März 2009 um 23:36 (Fotos:19)
Locarnese   T2 WT4  
25 Mär 09
Monte Gambarogno – from spring to winter and back
Even though the weather forecast wasn’t all that great for this day for southern Switzerland I decided to go there anyway, because the forecast for northern Switzerland was really miserable to say the least. In addition the avalanche situation dangerous again, but I didn’t feel like staying home. For my goal I chose the...
Publiziert von 360 26. März 2009 um 15:24 (Fotos:14)
Bellinzonese   T5  
20 Mai 09
Cima Cioltro via old and almost forgotten paths - or when 360 meets Zaza
“I can probably take Wednesday off. I have a tour in the Valle di Cresciano in mind, which might be interesting for you too!” said Zaza in an email to me. Of course I was interested in an adventure on old and forgotten paths in the Ticino and finally meet Zaza in person! Here’s how it went: Due to the fact...
Publiziert von 360 25. Mai 2009 um 06:43 (Fotos:16)
Sottoceneri   T4  
11 Nov 09
Die Schneewühlerei am Camoghè hat sich gelohnt!
Eigentlich hatte ich für diesen Tag geplant den Westgrat des Camoghè via Cima Calescio zu besteigen und anschliessend via Gazzirola hinunter ins Valcolla zu gehen. Da die Gegend um Isone aber militärisches Schiesstummelfeld ist, wollte ich vorgängig herausfinden, ob es denn an diesem Tag möglich...
Publiziert von 360 12. November 2009 um 16:16 (Fotos:23)
Sottoceneri   T3 WT3  
3 Feb 10
Im Banne des Monte Tamaro – Schneeschuhtour auf zwei eher Unbekannte
Heute fühle ich mich eigentlich nicht besonders wohl, denn irgendwelche "Bazillen" versuchen mich zu übermannen. Lust zu Hause zu hocken und im Schlechtwetter-Norden den Tag zu verbringen habe ich trotzdem nicht. Ich mache mich deshalb auf ins sonnige Tessin und plane dort so gut wie möglich ein paar auf...
Publiziert von 360 4. Februar 2010 um 13:51 (Fotos:15)