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United States » Wandern (mit Geodaten)

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↑950 m↓950 m   T6 II WT3  
23 Apr 14
Thimble Peak - A True Sierra Gem
On my tour to Thunder Mountain at the beginning of January, I peeked over to Thimble Peak and noted it as an interesting project in this area. After reading up on it on summitpost and Bob Burd's page, I knew that getting to it's highest point wouldn't be easy. After Thimble Peak I also planned to visit the Covered Wagon Peak...
Publiziert von 360 25. April 2014 um 05:34 (Fotos:22 | Kommentare:3 | Geodaten:1)
↑1050 m↓1050 m   T4+ I WT3  
16 Apr 14
Hawkins and Pickett Peak - There's still some snow left in California's Sierra
On my hike to Pyramid Peak (my first Sierra hike after moving to California last October) I noticed an interesting looking mountain in direction southeast which looked like a volcanic peak. I asked the person who was on the summit of Pyramid Peak together with me what the name of that mountain was, but he could not tell me. After...
Publiziert von 360 21. April 2014 um 06:54 (Fotos:20 | Geodaten:1)
↑250 m↓250 m   T2  
26 Mär 14
Hidden Falls Regional Park - lots of blooming flowers and wonderful wildlife
Hidden Falls Regional Park is a popular local recreation area. It offers 30 miles of natural surface trails suitable for hiking, running, biking and horseback riding. I explored about a third of the trails on this rainy day in Northern California and saw lots of beautiful flowers and wildlife. The Park Map at the parking lot shows...
Publiziert von 360 27. März 2014 um 19:32 (Fotos:15 | Geodaten:1)
↑1000 m↓1000 m   T1 WS+  
19 Mär 14
Mount Tallac, a classic ski tour in the Tahoe area - I encountered some obstacles
Mount Tallac is a favorite destination for Tahoe’s backcountry ski crowd and it's also popular with boarders. According to some sources it's actually rated one of the "top 10" backcountry skiing destinations in the US. My plan to get to the top via N-Ridge (which used to be the standard) and ski down the NE bowl had to be...
Publiziert von 360 20. März 2014 um 23:09 (Fotos:15 | Geodaten:1)
↑1600 m↓1600 m   T5+ II  
19 Feb 14
Mount Diablo - or - that's why they call it the "Thicket of the Devil"
Mount Diablo, the "center peace" of Mount Diablo State Park is an isolated peak which is visible from most of the San Francisco Bay Area and much of northern California. It's "only" 3557 feet high (1178m) but has a remarkable visual prominence. On a clear day one can see many of the Sierra peaks, a lot of the Central Valley and of...
Publiziert von 360 21. Februar 2014 um 18:00 (Fotos:28 | Geodaten:2)
↑1300 m↓1300 m   T4- I  
19 Jan 14
Robinson Peak and Sawmill Ridge - more snow than expected
My plan on this day was to climb Sawmill Ridge and Robinson Peak, they are both north of Twin Lakes (Mono County). I chose these peaks due to the fact, that they have steep south facing flanks, where the little snow which the Sierra got this season should have melted away again in order to allow the ascent without any 'snow-toys'....
Publiziert von 360 21. Januar 2014 um 19:32 (Fotos:15 | Geodaten:1)
↑100 m↓100 m   T3  
18 Jan 14
Mono Lake and Panum Crater - visiting a truly unique place in the Sierra Nevada
As Delta showed not too long ago the Mono Lake Basin is definitely worth a visit if you happen to be in California. It was on my to-do list even before I moved here. As a "local" it is now "just around the corner" (for US standards only!). On this weekend I combined the trip to Mono Lake with a hike to the nearby Robinson Peak and...
Publiziert von 360 21. Januar 2014 um 19:31 (Fotos:17 | Kommentare:6 | Geodaten:2)
↑700 m↓700 m   T5+ II  
15 Jan 14
Thunder Mountain and some other peaks and ridges northeast of Silver Lake
When I drove to Carson Pass for this adventure, I knew I would be back soon again. Not only because I liked my snowshoe hike a lot then, but also because I saw many other potential and interesting goals in this area. The view of Thunder Mountain and in fact the whole ridge northeast of Silver Lake made such a good impression to me...
Publiziert von 360 17. Januar 2014 um 20:20 (Fotos:17 | Geodaten:1)
↑700 m↓700 m   T2  
8 Jan 14
Mount Saint Helena - an interesting trip to the Napa Valley
A good hikr-buddy of mine gave me a hiking book as a farewell present before I left Switzerland. The book was written by no one less then Daniel Anker himself and is called "Wanderungen in Kaliforniern". It covers 54 hikes (ranging from very easy to serious expeditions) all over the state of California. It has been out of print...
Publiziert von 360 10. Januar 2014 um 04:26 (Fotos:13 | Geodaten:1)
↑850 m↓850 m   T4+ I WT4  
18 Dez 13
The Sisters Elephants Back (is) Round (on) Top - Snowshoe Hike in the Mokelumne Wilderness
The Sierra Nevada hasn't gotten much snow so far this season. In fact it looks like this will be the driest year on record (all over California). Therefore the amount of snow in the Sierra is rather meager and after my last weeks test of the snow up there, I decided to not scratch my skis any further until some serious snowfall...
Publiziert von 360 21. Dezember 2013 um 01:57 (Fotos:18 | Geodaten:1)