Fun with maps V

Publiziert von Anna, 15. Januar 2008 um 20:24. Diese Seite wurde 139 mal angezeigt.

Hoi zäme,

Still some new development with maps: the new minimap with the new map type "terrain", new icons and  new powerful map engine from hikr team.  We had a lot of fun implementing it, hope you too will enjoy to use it.


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360 Pro hat gesagt: personal taste
Gesendet am 16. Januar 2008 um 09:51
I like the new icons (made with love :-) on the minimap a lot. However, I preferred the satellite view of the map, because I can see the forest and buildings there.
This is a personal taste though and I can see how others would like the terrain map better.
So my question: would it be possible to add the option to switch to the satellite view on the map, or does the minimap get too cluttered then?

Stani™ hat gesagt: RE:personal taste
Gesendet am 16. Januar 2008 um 16:20
Done. Now there is a "T" button next to the "X" on the minimap, click on it to switch between terrain and satellite views; preference is stored in a cookie.

PS: TNX very much for the translation!!!

360 Pro hat gesagt: RE:personal taste
Gesendet am 16. Januar 2008 um 21:36
Wow that was quick, perfect, thanks!

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