New Feature: Projects

Publiziert von Anna, 9. Oktober 2010 um 21:56. Diese Seite wurde 638 mal angezeigt.

Buna saira hikrs

A lot of hikrs show their projects on their homepage here.
We have then thought that it could be useful to have a feature called „Projects“ direct in the system. This feature may be helpful in order to plan your hikes and connect with other hikrs who have the same goals.

So now in your user menu you find a link „Projects“ which brings you to your projects page. For example, this is mine. From here you can manage (create, edit, remove) all your projects. You can add a project with date or without (if you don't know exactly when to go). You can also add a waypoint more than one time.

You can also add a waypoint to your projects from the waypoint page. Take for example the page of Piz Ajüz. Here on the right side you can see the list of people who wants to go there. By clicking on the link “Projects” you see all the projects for this waypoint.

If you want to see the all the projects for the next days or in a specific date range or that match your projects, or in general all existing projects, go in the menu “People” (Leute) and click on “Projects” link. There are different options on the right.

Finally, all projects are also visualized on a map, check the link “Map view” on the top of the project pages. There is a map of all existing projects.

Hope that helps.

Comments and translations are welcome.

PS: Quick fix: set default mode for all projects to "New projects", fixed order

PPS: We didn't succed to translate "Match my projects" to German. This feature simply looks for the projects of other people who match yours (same summits). So how should we translate this label?

Kommentare (29)

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Pfaelzer hat gesagt: Genial
Gesendet am 10. Oktober 2010 um 13:35
Great new feature!

Viele Grüsse,

marvel hat gesagt: Cool feature!
Gesendet am 10. Oktober 2010 um 14:52
Hi Anna, this is a really cool feature. It can also form the basis for a kind of "joint tour" market, which I found has been a relatively week point of hikr so far, and tends to be a problem in the mountaineering community in general. (I.e. if you want to do some exotic tour, it is always difficult to find the people who want to do the same one.)

Suggestions for "Match my projects":

1) "Übereinstimmungen mit meinen Projekten"
(a little long, but precise and easy to understand)
2) "gleich meinen Projekten" or "ähnlich meinen Projekten"
(depending on how exact the match is intended to be)

Also, there is one typo in the German version, "Abgelaufe Projekte", should be "Abgelaufene Projekte".


Anna hat gesagt: RE:Cool feature!
Gesendet am 10. Oktober 2010 um 19:14
Hi Marvel

Thank you very much for your comment.

>It can also form the basis for a kind of "joint tour" market, which I found has been a relatively week point of hikr so far, and tends to be a problem in the mountaineering community in general.

You perfectly got the idea of the feature. We hope that this will also reduce the number of accidents.

Thank you very much also for the translations and corrections.

It would be great if someone could write a short text in German about this feature, so that we could send it with the newsletter to all circa 5'000 users of We think that this feature deserves to be widely promoted.


felixbavaria hat gesagt: RE:Cool feature!
Gesendet am 11. Oktober 2010 um 20:09
Hi Anna,

I also think it's a great feature that deserves some publicity, especially if you want to find partners for non-standard tours. Right now, probably most people are too busy with hiking, so you don't get that much feedback :)

I'll prepare a German translation of the above text, so you can send it via newsletter.

Best wishes,


Anna hat gesagt: RE:Cool feature!
Gesendet am 11. Oktober 2010 um 21:03
Hi Felix,

Thank you for the message.

>Right now, probably most people are too busy with hiking, so you don't get that much feedback :)

Actually, if you look to the project page , the feedback is greater than usually :).
However, I think too that with this wonderful weather and the fall holidays a lot of people are on vacation.

>I'll prepare a German translation of the above text, so you can send it via newsletter.

Thank you very much.

Chars salüds

Lone Ranger hat gesagt: Nice feature
Gesendet am 11. Oktober 2010 um 21:55
This is a excellent feature. Thanks for working on this.

I have a suggestion.

People posting projects broadly fall in three categories:

1. "need partners". This means they want to climb that peak, but can only do so if they find a partner, otherwise they won't/can't

2. "will accept partners". This means they probably already have one or more partners or are willing to go solo if necessary, but will be happy to take additional partners if they find.

3. "just posting here for publicity". This means they already have a team, and will not accept new partners.

As a person searching, if the feature is there to select only the first two categories, it will make for a more focussed search process. I would not want to waste my time or the posters time by contacting people in category 3.

Summitpost has this feature; when people post their plans they have to select one of the categories. I find it very useful when I have to sift through a large volume of plans.

But I have no idea how much coding effort it takes, and whether it is worth it.

Anna hat gesagt: RE:Nice feature
Gesendet am 11. Oktober 2010 um 22:03
Thank you for the feedback.

In principle, it's not difficult to develop. But, I don't think that there is a meaning on to publish projects just for publicity. We have already a lot of feature for that goal, beginning from the principal hikr feature - the report !- and continuing with lists, etc.

Lone Ranger hat gesagt: RE:Nice feature
Gesendet am 11. Oktober 2010 um 22:13
Ah, OK, so do I understand that anyone posting a project is necessarily open to partners?

Actually I agree with the reasoning that why would anyone bother to post if they are in category 3, they would rather be out climbing, right? In fact my own experience with hikr so far supports this view: most people who have posted projects were indeed open to partners.

Hikr is a smaller, stronger community than summitpost, so maybe the feature I proposed doesn't make much sense here...

Anna hat gesagt: RE:Nice feature
Gesendet am 11. Oktober 2010 um 22:09
Actually, we've developed this feature with the idea to create a "matchmaking" tool. We didn't think that someone could use it only to publicize their future tour without looking for some company.
Maybe is this not clear from the presentation? Should we improve this?

Lone Ranger hat gesagt: RE:Nice feature
Gesendet am 11. Oktober 2010 um 22:22
Ok, maybe it is already clear to most hikrs; the way I interpreted it was shaped by my experience with summitpost.

To me "report" is posted after I do the hike/climb, and a project/plan is posted before the hike. Both are just for information/publicity (am I don't mean publicity with any negative connotation) and don't necessarily mean they wanted/want partners.

Maybe the word "project" can be replaced with something more indicative of its true purpose, which is "matchmaking" as you clarified now?

Anna hat gesagt: RE:Nice feature
Gesendet am 11. Oktober 2010 um 22:33
>Maybe the word "project" can be replaced with something more indicative of its true purpose, which is "matchmaking" as you clarified now?

I agree we should specify better the concept. Unfortunately, we can't modify the title "project" with something like "matchmaking", just because there is no word like this, for example, in Italian. But, I think it's worth to add an explanation as subtitle clarifying the goal of the feature.

Lone Ranger hat gesagt: RE:Nice feature
Gesendet am 11. Oktober 2010 um 22:40
Yes, that would be the simplest solution: automatically filters category 3 :-)


Anna hat gesagt: RE:Nice feature
Gesendet am 11. Oktober 2010 um 22:48
Yes, this would solve the ambiguity.

Moreover, even people that are looking for hiking partners, can refuse a partner: maybe it's a difficult hike and they don't know if this person will be able to do it, maybe they want before to make a test of going together with this person on an easier you see, nothing is automatic in the mountain world...

Lone Ranger hat gesagt: RE:Nice feature
Gesendet am 11. Oktober 2010 um 22:56
Of course one narrows down further based on many other search criteria of both parties before eventually settling to hike with anyone.

I was merely referring to the "first level of search", which is what were were discussing until now.

Thanks for the clarifications Felix, I agree.

felixbavaria hat gesagt: Wording
Gesendet am 11. Oktober 2010 um 22:45
I think "project" is hikr-lingo. Every person who reads hikr for a longer time understands it, because a lot of people talk about "projects" on their homepages, but I'm not sure a new user would get it at first glance.

In German you could also say "Wunschziele" or "Wunschtouren", which would probably be understood by a larger group of users.

I think the community aspect of hikr should be preserved as it is, or even more. And just as hikr is not a place to say "I've been there", it's also not a place to just say "I want to go there". For me there is no need to specify the "matchmaking", because a "Wunschziel" implies to me that I'm happy to do the tour together with anyone who is suited for the tour.

Anna hat gesagt: RE:Wording
Gesendet am 11. Oktober 2010 um 22:56
I like your formulation of the hikr-philosophy! You are a very good writer!

However, I think that a longer explication on the 'project' page cannot disturb and will avoid misunderstanding with new users.

marvel hat gesagt: RE:Nice feature
Gesendet am 11. Oktober 2010 um 23:00
No, "matchmaking" wouldn't be so good. (Would sound like either a dating agency or a zündhölzli manufacturer.) "Project" is just fine.

Anna hat gesagt: RE:Nice feature
Gesendet am 12. Oktober 2010 um 10:02
Exactly, and as I've already said there is no correspondent word in Italian, for example.

The same problem would be for "Wunschlist": it will be "wish-list" in English, but not correspondent in Italian ("lista dei desideri" makes me laughing) or in French.

In Italian or French, the right word is "project" (it's used also in the climbing context); lot of German-speakers users write "Projekt" in their homepage, so I assume it's also this the right one for this language.

felixbavaria hat gesagt: Deutsch (freie Übersetzung)
Gesendet am 11. Oktober 2010 um 22:19
Viele hikrs schreiben auf ihrer Homepage von "Projekten", d.h. Gipfeln, die sie in naher Zukunft besteigen wollen. Wir haben uns gedacht, dass dies ein nützliches Feature von sein könnte - direkt im System, nicht auf einzelne Homepages verteilt.

Dadurch könnt Ihr in Zukunft viel einfacher Touren mit anderen hikrs planen, die dieselben Ziele haben, egal ob es sich dabei um eine Genusswanderung oder eine selten begangene T6-Tour handelt.

Nun zu den technischen Details:

Im Benutzermenü findet man einen Link "Projekte", der zur eigenen Projektseite führt. Z.B. ist dies die Projektseite von Anna. Von dort aus kann man die eigenen Projekte verwalten (erstellen, bearbeiten, löschen). Es besteht die Möglichkeit, ein Datum für die Projekte zu vergeben (für eine konkrete Planung), oder nicht (für langfristige Wunschziele).

Eine weitere Möglichkeit besteht darin, einen Wegpunkt von der Wegpunktseite aus zu den eigenen Projekten hinzuzufügen, wie z.B. hier:  Piz Ajüz 2788m. Dazu benutzt man den Button "Zu meinen Projekten hinzufügen". Auf der rechten Seite sieht man die Liste der Leute, die dorthin gehen wollen. Über den Link "Projekte" kann man alle Projekte für diesen Wegpunkt anzeigen.

Um alle Projekte innerhalb der nächsten Tage bzw. in einem festgelegten Zeitrahmen anzuzeigen, oder Projekte, die mit den eigenen Projekten übereinstimmen, oder überhaupt alle bestehenden Projekte, wählt man den Menüpunkt "Projekte" im Menü "Leute". Es gibt verschiedene Optionen auf der rechten Seite.

Schließlich werden alle Projekte auch auf einer Landkarte dargestellt: siehe den Link "Kartenansicht" oben auf den Projektseiten. Es gibt auch eine Landkarte mit allen bestehenden Projekten.

Anna hat gesagt: RE:Deutsch (freie Übersetzung)
Gesendet am 11. Oktober 2010 um 22:34
Danke sehr!

I like your free introduction, get right the point!

Mel hat gesagt:
Gesendet am 14. Oktober 2010 um 20:53
hallo zusammen
ich find das neue feature toll, würde es aber gerne auch als modul auf meine homepage (zb unter den fotos) einbauen. ist dies technisch möglich?

Bombo hat gesagt:
Gesendet am 15. Oktober 2010 um 10:35
Mir gefällt die Idee "Projektliste" grundsätzlich sehr gut. Mir persönlich würde es jedoch sehr hilfreich sein, wenn man die Projekte noch gliedern (sortieren) könnte. Folgende Punkte wären aus meiner Sicht wichtig:

- Gebiet (z.B. Urner Alpen, Walliser Alpen, etc.)
- Saison (z.B. Sommer, Winter)
- Schwierigkeit (z.B. T1, T4, WS, Klettersteige, etc)

Ich das etwas, was die Allgemeinheit auch wichtig findet oder ist dies mehr ein persönlicher Wunsch? Geht mir nur darum, ob wir dies als Vorschlag einbringen sollen oder das Bestehende sein lassen.

Danke und Gruss

alpinos hat gesagt: RE: großartige Sache!
Gesendet am 16. Oktober 2010 um 09:15
Wir sind von dem neuen Feature "Projekte" sehr begeistert. Es ist eine tolle Ergänzung zur Hikr-Webseite und wird die Community sicherlich lebendiger machen. Vielen Dank für diese Idee und die Umsetzung!
Wir fänden es auch nützlich, wenn man die Projekte sortieren oder in Kategorien einteilen könnten. Das würde die Verwaltung der Einträge vereinfachen. Eine Idee wäre auch, mehrere Wegpunkte zu einem Projekt zusammen fassen zu können. Wäre das eine Option bzw. technisch überhaupt machbar?
Viele Grüße,

felixbavaria hat gesagt: RE:
Gesendet am 16. Oktober 2010 um 21:35
Hi Bombo,

ich fände es auch sinnvoll, nach Gebieten filtern zu können (z.B. Region, Geo-Tag, Wegpunkt + Radius x km, ähnlich wie bei Explore). Bei der Vielzahl von Usern aus verschiedenen Ländern, die hikr mittlerweile hat, wird es sonst schnell unübersichtlich.

Schwierigkeit wäre auch nett, damit könnte man Punkt 2 (Saison) gleich mit erschlagen (Suche nach Skitourenschwierigkeit/Wanderschwierigkeit etc.)

Grüße, Felix

Bombo hat gesagt: RE:
Gesendet am 16. Oktober 2010 um 23:19
Gute Idee! Danke!

Sputnik Pro hat gesagt: Meine Projekte
Gesendet am 16. Oktober 2010 um 23:59
My projects:

xaendi hat gesagt: RE:Meine Projekte
Gesendet am 30. Oktober 2010 um 12:18
Hallo Sputnik,
darf man sich für das eine oder andere deiner Projekte in die Kanditatenliste eintragen lassen? ;-)

Sputnik Pro hat gesagt: RE:Meine Projekte
Gesendet am 31. Oktober 2010 um 10:52
Aber sicher! .-)

Gruss, Andi

mde hat gesagt: Ordered lists
Gesendet am 30. Oktober 2010 um 09:57
Hi Anna & Stani,

[Sorry for double posting, placed it in the wrong thread before...]

Have you ever thought about the possibility to order the project list. I mean just the personal project page, according to the users preferences - you could give the users the same freedom as on their personal page.

The preferences could then either be regions, they could be different activities (hiking, skiing, climbing, mountaineering), or just a personal preference with the "most wanted" summits on top of the ordered list.

Or is it just me who finds the unordered project lists a little disorganized? Just saw here that there are more hikrs who would find ordered lists useful.

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