Waypoint editing not working anymore

Published by gbal, 31 July 2022, 16h21. This page has been displayed 407 times.

Hi all.
Few days ago I wanted to modify some detail of a waypoint.
I saw that it was impossible; so I got a look to the Help/FAQ to check if my operation was correct.
Yes, it was. One of the FAQ explains that you have to do: Hikr/Map/Tools/Waypoint editor.
Unfortunately the above procedure stopped at Hikr/Map; I coukd not find neither Tools or Waypoint Editor.
Where am I wrong?
I wrote to admin (Stani) about the drawback but I had no answer till now.

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Nyn says:
Sent 2 August 2022, 12h18
Can you give us more details?
Which Waypoint?
From your own tours? or from others?

If it is one made by yourself you can do a modification easy from your journal post
(i think this is the best method)

Open your own journal
Go to the entry, where the waypoint is included, you want to change
Hit "Modify this entry"
Then go to the waypoint list there (my optic: they are at the right side)
Hit "Modify Waypoints" below
Hit the waypoint in this List, you want to change with "Modify"
Change the value of this special waypoint
Save the new value
Don't forget to save the whole waypoint list AND the whole entry again also!!!!
(If you don't do all, the waypoint rests unchanged)


gbal says: RE:
Sent 2 August 2022, 19h09
Hi Nyn.
Thank you for your answer. When I want to modify one of my own waypoints I know the correct procedure, but I forgot that I had to do a double click on the wrench symbol and I clicked just once, so my effort vanished. But I would like to change something on a waypoint, not mine. So I found the FAQ to follow: Hikr/Map/Tools/Waypoint editor but I could not access Tools/Waypoint Editor. Maybe that FAQ has to be updated?

Nyn says: RE: FAQ s are not uptodate
Sent 2 August 2022, 22h45
Hello gbal,
I got the same Stop if I try it your way over the FAQ/Map>...
There is a link, who says "here go ahead" or something like this but this goes dead end at the german site, too...NO CONTENT

I think, some features on the hikr-website are not functional any longer
(same prob p.e.with the former foto competition tool)

maybe, that if you want to change waypoints, which are first done from others you cant do that at all. So to write a Note at the original poster or an admin may help.

gbal says: RE: FAQ s are not uptodate
Sent 3 August 2022, 18h18
Hy Nyn.
Thank you again.
Yes it could be and in the second case I will write to the admins, then will see what it happens.

Stani™ says: RE: FAQ s are not uptodate
Sent 3 August 2022, 18h51
You can edit waypoints in the report editor, same window you use to add them to your report. There's a little wrench icon near the waypoint name, that's how you edit it. It was like that since few years already, judging by the number of new and modified waypoints I thought everybody understood it by now.
Old "big map" doesn't work anymore, mostly because it used a lot of the old google map features which was removed by google. Maybe one day we will make it work again.

gbal says: RE: FAQ s are not uptodate
Sent 3 August 2022, 19h02
Thank you for your intervention Stani

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