Nevada   ZS-  
14 Apr 17
Rose Knob Peak - Not your average mid April day in California*
The precipitation of the storm on the days before this tour shattered the all-time high of the wettest water year on record in the Northern Sierra Nevada. The new record is now at 89.7 inches of water (2.24 m)... and growing & the current snow pack is about twice of the historic average! For my tour toady, I actually had...
Publiziert von 360 17. April 2017 um 23:12 (Fotos:16 | Kommentare:4 | Geodaten:1)
Nevada   WS+  
20 Apr 18
Relay - and Incline Peak - a very scenic backcountry ski tour
Same setup as last week with the difference that I wanted to ski a little more. Almost the same start, just "the other" pull-out on Highway 431 at Incline Lake. My goal today was Relay Peak via the west ridge, ski down to Ginny Lake, skin up to Incline Peak and then back to the car via the same route as last week to Incline Lake....
Publiziert von 360 30. April 2018 um 20:12 (Fotos:10 | Geodaten:1)
Nevada   WS+  
2 Jun 17
Slide Mountain - "backcountry skiing" in the Mount Rose Ski Resort
Even though almost all of the ski resorts in the Sierra Nevada are closed for the season by now, a lot of places still have more than enough snow left for skiing. I usually avoid ski resort not only because the day passes in the ski resorts around Lake Tahoe are outrageously expensive (typically > 100$), but also because I...
Publiziert von 360 5. Juni 2017 um 22:26 (Fotos:11 | Kommentare:2 | Geodaten:2)
Nevada   WS  
12 Mär 14
Tamarack Peak, Mount Houghton and Relay Peak - Peak Bagging in Nevada's Sierra
My original plan for this day was to do a ski or snowshoe tour up to Mount Rose. This mountain is very close to the California - Nevada border and relatively easy to get to from the Mount Rose Summit, the pass on Highway 431 between Reno and Tahoe. The goal was to first climb Tamarack Peak and via it's northern hour-glass-bowl get...
Publiziert von 360 15. März 2014 um 19:07 (Fotos:16 | Geodaten:1)
Nevada   WS  
13 Apr 18
Incline Peak
After a very slow start to the winter 2017/18 with very little precipitation, the Sierra Nevada received a lot of snow in the last weeks to reach an almost average snow-pack by now. This finally gave me the chance to open the ski tour season. This tour had to be short and sweet for many reasons and was also meant to find out what...
Publiziert von 360 24. April 2018 um 17:45 (Fotos:4 | Geodaten:1)