Romania   VI+  
26 Aug 09
Climbing in "Cheile Turzii"
We spent in there only two days. But i must say that is a splendid region. You can find there lots of climbing routes vary from 5 to 10- in the UIAA scale. Here is a web site where you can find all the routes and some maps of the region -   > chose "Cheile Turzii" ;)....
Publiziert von Sergiu Stoica 6. September 2009 um 20:56 (Fotos:23 | Kommentare:1)
Romania   V+  
18 Aug 09
Climbing in "Cheile Aiudului"
Some images from the "Cheile Aiudului". You can find here lots of climbing ways from 5- to 8 in the UIAA scale. I will add a web site where you can find all this routes -     . The acces to the region is very easy, from the city of AIUD you take on a road...
Publiziert von Sergiu Stoica 6. September 2009 um 09:42 (Fotos:15)
Romania   T3+ WS+ V+  
23 Apr 10
Grota lui Hili 3A, 5+, 5lc
Couple of pictures from the route called "Grota lui Hili', from the region of Cheile Turzii, near Cluj Napoca. This is one of the most interesting route from this region, it consist of a 150 m climb inside a cave without a roof.
Publiziert von Sergiu Stoica 25. April 2010 um 19:23 (Fotos:10)
Muntii Vilcan   T1 V WT3 WS  
25 Apr 11
Cheile Sohodolului - Sohodolului Canyon
Cheile Sohodolului se intind pe aproximativ 10 kilometri in interiorul Muntilor Vilcan si au aspectul unui canion sapat in stanca. De data aceasta, insa, apa este arhitecta frumusetilor pe care le vezi in jur. In schimb, acele formatiuni de roci care au aspectul unui inel, sunt creatia vantului.De fapt, Inelul pare ca se aseamana...
Publiziert von gabiavram 12. November 2011 um 16:44 (Fotos:25)
Romania   T3 ZS+ III  
14 Jul 07
Piatra Craiului - 2244m
Here are some images taken into the Piatra Craiului mountain near the city of Brasov
Publiziert von Sergiu Stoica 25. März 2008 um 16:47 (Fotos:26)
Masivul Piatra Craiului   T1 III WS  
7 Nov 10
Papastiile Zarnestilor - (Zarnestilor ravines)
Prapastiile Zarnestilor reprezinta un impresionant defileu lung de 3-4 km, situat in partea de nord-est a masivului Piatra Craiului. Accesul in defileu se face din localitatile Zarnesti si Pestera. In apropierea cheilor se afla situata cabana Curmatura, importanta baza de plecare in traseele din Piatra Craiului. In plus,...
Publiziert von gabiavram 6. Dezember 2010 um 19:40 (Fotos:17)
Romania   T2 II WT2  
7 Nov 08
Mtii Retezat 2509m
My hike starts in Cabana CARNIC, where you can let your car in a safe place. From here you start walking and you have around three hours until you reach at the Gentiana hut, If you want you can stay here over the night (it cost around 5 euro/pers). From here you start your climbing on the blue stripe way until you reach the...
Publiziert von Sergiu Stoica 21. November 2008 um 09:54 (Fotos:25 | Kommentare:4)
Romania   T3 S+ II WT3  
14 Mär 09
Rodnei Mountains - Peak Pietrosul 2303m
We started this hike from the city of Borsa, situated in the north of Romania, in the region called Maramures. In our first day we manage to arrive at the meteo station "Iezer" at 1600m (we needed for this climb 3 hours and 30 min)., where we slept during the night, and the next day we climbed to the peak Pietrosul...
Publiziert von Sergiu Stoica 16. März 2009 um 11:20 (Fotos:19 | Kommentare:3)
Romania   T2 II  
22 Sep 09
Hike to Fagaras Mountains, Peak Moldoveanu - 2544m
Hello to all. This is my hike to Fagaras mountains, i started it on "Vistea Mare" and we set camp to 2400m. The second day we climb up on Peak Vistea Mare 2527m and from there another 15 minutes to Peak Moldoveanu 2544m. From here we went east on the ridge until we reached at "Fereastra mare" right on top of...
Publiziert von Sergiu Stoica 25. September 2009 um 14:06 (Fotos:16 | Kommentare:2)
Dobrogea   T1 II WT1 L  
20 Nov 10
Cheile Dobrogei - Dobrogei Gorge
Rezervatia Cheile Dobrogei este situata in judetul Constanta si se intinde pe o suprafata de 285 de hectare. În Peştera Liliecilor şi Grota lui Adam s-au găsit urme vechi de locuire, datand din paleolitic. Formaţiunile muntoase din zonă sunt foste recifuri coraliere ale Mării Thetis. **** Dobrogea Gorge Reserve...
Publiziert von gabiavram 7. Dezember 2010 um 07:42 (Fotos:17)
Romania   T2 I WT2  
17 Feb 09
Hike to Calimani mountains
This was a three days hike. We manage to drive on a mountain road from the city of Lunca Bradului to a point which is situated at 1400m. From here the climb was not very hard, but it was long. And because of the snow, which was deep (2m in some places), it was somehow difficult. We set our tent somewhere at 1700m where there was...
Publiziert von Sergiu Stoica 21. Februar 2009 um 09:33 (Fotos:20)
Romania   T4- I  
29 Apr 09
Vârful Viştea Mare 2527m und Vârful Moldoveanu 2543,5m
HÖCHSTER BERG RUMÄNIENS: VÂRFUL MOLDOVEANU. Der Vârful Moldoveanu (2543,5m) liegt ziemlich Genau im Zentrum von Rumänien in den Carpaţii Meridionali (Südkarpaten) die auch Alpii Transilvaniei (Transsilvanische Alpen) genannt werden. Er liegt im östlicheren Teil dieses Gebirgszuges im etwa...
Publiziert von Sputnik 6. Mai 2009 um 10:38 (Fotos:76 | Kommentare:8)
Romania   T3 I  
26 Sep 12
Moldoveanu (2544m) - Langer Auf- und Abstieg auf den höchsten Berg Rumäniens
Allgemeines: Ich habe die Tour während einer zweiwöchigen Osteuropa-Reise in der zweiten Septemberhälfte 2012 unternommen. Ich war allein unterwegs. Die Fagaras-Kette bildet den höchsten Teil der rumänischen Karpaten und verläuft ziemlich exakt in West-Ost-Richtung. Nach Norden ist der Abfall hin zur transsilvanischen...
Publiziert von DonPico 30. September 2012 um 22:55 (Fotos:37)
Romania   T4 I  
7 Sep 18
Moldoveanu, 2544m - top of Rumania in 1 Tag
eine der letzten Reisen zu Europäischen Landeshöhepunkten führte mich nach Rumänien. Es sollte wiederum eine intensive Reise werden mit vielen schönen Begegnungen und einer wunderbaren Landschaft. Und die Besteigung des höchsten rumänischen Berges wurde (für meine Verhältnisse) zu einer Monstertour; doch der Reihe nach...
Publiziert von Linard03 20. September 2018 um 06:59 (Fotos:64 | Kommentare:6 | Geodaten:1)
Romania   T2 I  
30 Nov 09
One day to Zespezel Peak
Just one day trip to the mountains of Gurghiu, more exactly to the Zespezel peak (1278m). We started the route from the village Stanceni Neagra. It is a two hours up trip. I consider redo this route on winter because i find it very good for sky and snowboarding. Regards.
Publiziert von Sergiu Stoica 3. Dezember 2009 um 10:46 (Fotos:11)