Romania   T3 S+ II WT3  
14 Mär 09
Rodnei Mountains - Peak Pietrosul 2303m
We started this hike from the city of Borsa, situated in the north of Romania, in the region called Maramures. In our first day we manage to arrive at the meteo station "Iezer" at 1600m (we needed for this climb 3 hours and 30 min)., where we slept during the night, and the next day we climbed to the peak Pietrosul...
Publiziert von Sergiu Stoica 16. März 2009 um 11:20 (Fotos:19 | Kommentare:3)
Romania   T3 ZS+ III  
14 Jul 07
Piatra Craiului - 2244m
Here are some images taken into the Piatra Craiului mountain near the city of Brasov
Publiziert von Sergiu Stoica 25. März 2008 um 16:47 (Fotos:26)
Romania   T2 WS+ WT1  
23 Mär 08
Muntii Ceahlau - 1904m
Trough Ceahlau Mountains, Point Toaca and also Hut Dochia, Hut Fantanele
Publiziert von Sergiu Stoica 25. März 2008 um 14:12 (Fotos:14 | Kommentare:2)
Romania   T3+ WS+ V+  
23 Apr 10
Grota lui Hili 3A, 5+, 5lc
Couple of pictures from the route called "Grota lui Hili', from the region of Cheile Turzii, near Cluj Napoca. This is one of the most interesting route from this region, it consist of a 150 m climb inside a cave without a roof.
Publiziert von Sergiu Stoica 25. April 2010 um 19:23 (Fotos:10)
Romania   T2 L WT1 WS  
3 Mär 10
semne de primavara?!
impreuna cu amicul meu Bobita,am urcat la Lacul Vulturilor,initial pentru doua zile,dar vremea fiind foarte schimbatoare am fost nevoiti sa coboram in aceeasi zi. am parcurs pe jos traseul Gura Urlatorii-Urlatoarea Mare-Poarta Vanturilor-Lacul Vulturilor-total 10 km. dimineata zapada era inghetata si am mers foarte lejer...
Publiziert von TEO 3. März 2010 um 20:32 (Fotos:19)