Feb 10
California   T1  
10 Feb 19
Mount Davidson 283m, hoechster Punkt von San Francisco county, CA
Nach der Karibik landeten wir in Kolumbien und Panama, durchquerten den Panamakanal und besuchten Costa Rica, Nicaragua, Guatemala und Mexico, um letztendlich in San Diego CA den Boden der USA zu betreten. Uber Los Angeles ging es wieter nordwaerts nach San Francisco, wo uns der Winter wieder einholte. Bis ca 800 m lang zwar kein...
Publiziert von stkatenoqu 28. April 2019 um 14:36
Jul 13
California   T2  
13 Jul 16
Twin Peaks - A prime viewpoint in San Francisco
There are quite a few mountains called "Twin Peaks" in the US, but the "double hill" in San Francisco is most likely the one which is known best. It is located near the geographic center of SF and offers spectacular views over the city, the many bridges, the Bay and the Pacific ocean. The hike up to the tops is very short because...
Publiziert von 360 22. August 2016 um 16:38 (Fotos:7 | Geodaten:1)