Mär 26
Zürich   T2  
12 Mär 17
Ice Age I in Hombrechtikon - Tobelbach and Eichwistobel
Getting prepared My project is to find and take pictures of waterfalls. Many of them in the canton of Zurich cannot be found on a normal map. My sons gave me the book "Wasserwunder" as a birthday present. They are glad that their mother has finally found a hobby and no longer tries to persuade them to come along on hiking tours....
Publiziert von iuturna 24. März 2017 um 14:06 (Fotos:70 | Kommentare:2)
Apr 10
Zürich   T2  
15 Mär 17
Ice Age II in Hombrechtikon - Chlausbachtobel and Sageli (SG)
The aera of Zürcher Oberland (Zurich Uplands) was shaped by Ice Age. Glaciers have left behind plains, terraces, ravines, and creeks. They have had a great influence on industrial and economical culture as well as on the agriculture of the area. My project is to document waterfalls, and there are many to be found in this...
Publiziert von iuturna 9. April 2017 um 13:05 (Fotos:42 | Kommentare:2)
Jul 25
Bellinzonese   T3  
23 Jul 17
Piz de Molinera (2288m) from Lumino
Piz de Molinera straight from the Netherlands After driving through the night from the Netherlands (10 hours) we arrived in Val Calanca early in the morning. Our initial plan was to drive up to Alp di Stabveder and climb Pizzo di Claro like we did earlier; back in 2008. To our surpise the road starting from Arvigo was closed by...
Publiziert von Lodewijk 24. Juli 2017 um 21:17 (Fotos:34 | Kommentare:2)
Aug 9
Davos   T4 L  
7 Aug 17
Piz Sarsura Pitschen (3134 m) - hike from Dürrboden
Start of the hike at 08:15 in Dürrboden. The temperature was only about 3°C, so it was a rather chilly morning. I had planned to do this hike already two weeks earlier while we were in Davos on vacation, but the weather was not that great then. From Dürrboden I followed thewhite-red-white marked trail to the Grialetsch hut...
Publiziert von Roald 8. August 2017 um 20:49 (Fotos:29 | Kommentare:2 | Geodaten:1)
Zürich   T1  
23 Apr 17
Large round Uster-East
23.4.2017 Grosse Runde Uster-Ost On this Sunday, at 10 o'clock I decided to go for a hike. The weather was beautiful and there was no hurry. I didn't really have a plan where I would go to. Just wanded to find out how far I could walk in one day. As there are plenty of hiking guideposts as well as bus and train stations, it's...
Publiziert von iuturna 6. August 2017 um 21:22 (Fotos:64 | Kommentare:2)
Aug 27
Oberhalbstein   T5-  
25 Aug 17
Piz Calderas (3397 m) - hike from Alp Flix
In this hike to Piz Calderas (3397 m), I ascended through Tellers Davains, and the L-couloir on the west side of the mountain. Later I descended on the southeast side, and then I headed down a couloir towards Plang Lung. I started my hike in Alp Flix at elevation 1915 m. I followed the roads to Tgalucas, and then a trail in...
Publiziert von Roald 26. August 2017 um 20:06 (Fotos:45 | Kommentare:2 | Geodaten:1)
Jun 30
Berner Voralpen   T5 I  
15 Okt 16
Chrummfadeflue (from Gurnigel to Stockhorn)
The Chrummfadeflue ridge is already well-documented here on Hikr (see e.g. Ka's report). Nevertheless, it's a very quiet route (the last entry in the Gustispitz log book is already 11 days old), especially when you compare it with the tourist magnets of Gantisch to the west and Stockhorn to the east. Since it had rained the day...
Publiziert von Stijn 17. Oktober 2016 um 20:12 (Fotos:59 | Kommentare:2 | Geodaten:2)