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Aug 19
Nidwalden   T4  
16 Aug 14
Lost on the Pilatus Nordwestpassage
While waiting for my brother Mats to finish his MountainMan half marathon, I have a couple of hours to spare on Pilatus. A great opportunity to check out an interesting route from the SAC guidebook "Alpinwandern/Gipfelziele Zentralschweiz Vierwaldstättersee". The Nordwestpassage traverses from Pilatus Kulm to the Tomlishorn on a...
Publiziert von Stijn 19. August 2014 um 12:30 (Fotos:17 | Kommentare:5)
Prättigau   T4 I  
10 Aug 14
Rätschenhorn (descent over Sant Jaggem and Bärnet)
The little Madrisa Land amusement park is still deserted as we start our walk from the Madrisa cable car. The first target of the day is the Geisshorn. The summit is marked with a wooden post, a little to the west of the marked path. A nice view rewards those who make the small detour to reach it (T3-T4 depending on the exact...
Publiziert von Stijn 19. August 2014 um 11:10 (Fotos:50)
Aug 4
Oberwallis   T4 K3  
27 Jul 14
Bettmerhorn and Eggishorn: high above the Aletsch Glacier
It takes some careful analysis of the weather forecast, plus commitment to travel long distances, if you want to find sunshine in the mountains this summer. This brought Abbi and myself to the Bettmeralp in the Oberwallis. Even then, when we reached the Bettmergrat cable car station, there was fog all around. We lingered about for...
Publiziert von Stijn 4. August 2014 um 21:08 (Fotos:49)
Jul 31
Uri   WS III  
23 Jul 14
Gross Spannort above the clouds
Monday to Friday last week, I attended an mountaineering course at the Spannorthütte. The course was organized for SAC section Uto by mountain guide Tom Rohrer. I learned a lot during the five days (and also leaned that there is still so much more to learn). The highlight of the course, which is organised several times each...
Publiziert von Stijn 31. Juli 2014 um 19:22 (Fotos:43)
Jul 26
Uri   K2  
16 Jul 14
Via Ferrata del Diavolo
The Via Ferrata del Diavolo in Andermatt is a rather short route without much interesting possibilities to extend it with a longer hike. Hence it is a perfect Feierabendtour, even coming from as far as Zürich. Pascal had responded to a message I posted on kletterportal.ch, and we met up at 6.30 pm at the Teufelsbrücke on the...
Publiziert von Stijn 26. Juli 2014 um 21:52 (Fotos:22)
Jul 10
Waadtländer Alpen   L  
6 Jul 14
Le Sommet des Diablerets
After two via ferratas on Saturday (Cascade du Dar and Tête aux Chamois) and a night at the Diablerets SAC hut, our SAC Uto group prepared for an easy glacier hike onto the eponymoussummit of the Diablerets massif. At 3210m, it is also the highest point of canton Vaud. --- We are blessed with a well-timed spell of good...
Publiziert von Stijn 10. Juli 2014 um 20:23 (Fotos:37)
Waadtländer Alpen   K5  
5 Jul 14
Via ferrata de la Tête aux Chamois
After doing the via ferrata Cascade du Darat the pass, our SAC Uto group took the Glacier 3000 cable car up to the Tête aux Chamois, where another via ferrata was waiting. We first checked into the SAC Diablerets hut, where we would spend the night. There was some fog hanging around the cliff of the via ferrata and the wardens of...
Publiziert von Stijn 10. Juli 2014 um 20:23 (Fotos:34)
Waadtländer Alpen   K5  
5 Jul 14
Via ferrata Cascade du Dar
I had signed up for a SAC Uto weekend in the Diablerets massif. Our group consisted of Tourenleiter Michael Stockmeyer and eight others. Originally the plan was to spend the night in the Refuge de Pierredar and on Sunday do the Pierredar via ferrata and continue to the summit of Les Diablerets. After some confusion with the...
Publiziert von Stijn 10. Juli 2014 um 20:23 (Fotos:10)
Jul 7
St.Gallen   T5 I K2  
3 Jul 14
Speer at sunset
With daylight until late in the evening, I was hoping to get in some after-work hikes this season. Proper hikes I mean, not just a stroll on the Uetliberg. Until now however, either the weather wasn't right, or I had other commitments such as work or watching football games... Last Thursday, everything finally came together, and I...
Publiziert von Stijn 7. Juli 2014 um 23:07 (Fotos:41 | Kommentare:2)
Jun 29
Solothurn   T2  
28 Jun 14
Hasenmatt - Stallflue - Wandflue
Trying to make the most of the dry Saturday morning, before the rain would ruin the rest of my birthday weekend, I joined David and Petra for an easy hike in canton Solothurn. ---- We set off at Oberdorf SO railway station and ascend Hasenmatt, at 1445m the highest point in the canton of Solothurn. Ominous clouds are hanging...
Publiziert von Stijn 29. Juni 2014 um 17:10 (Fotos:7)
Jun 17
Neuenburg   T4 I  
15 Jun 14
Creux du Van via Dos d'Ane
There was the idea of doing a via ferrata on Sunday, but with an unstable weather forecast for the Alps and much more sun in the Jura, plans were changed. I already wanted to hike the famous cirque of Creux du Van earlier in the year, but hadn't yet got around to it. Now was as good a time as any to make up for it.Together with...
Publiziert von Stijn 17. Juni 2014 um 21:15 (Fotos:16)
Jun 16
Schwyz   T4  
14 Jun 14
"You know that the Hoch Ybrig cable cars are still closed, right?" inquires the bus driver when we board the bus to Weglosen. Well, we didn't know, but we had planned to start walking from the valley in Weglosen anyway. The fact that the cable cars are still closed, should mean that it's going to be nice and quiet in the Hoch...
Publiziert von Stijn 16. Juni 2014 um 19:18 (Fotos:23)
Jun 2
Appenzell   T4  
31 Mai 14
I was looking forward to a quiet weekend, recovering from the Rigimarsch. But if the weather is good at the start of the summer hiking season, then that just needs to be taken advantage of. This hike marked exactly one year since I moved to Switzerland, and it's a route that's been on my wish list since day one: the Marwees ridge...
Publiziert von Stijn 2. Juni 2014 um 21:28 (Fotos:40)
Mai 29
Schwyz   T2  
28 Mai 14
Rigimarsch 2014
It's been almost two years since my last proper 'challenge hike', the Lakeland 50 in the English Lake District. That was 50 miles with a total ascent of 3000 meters. So the Rigimarsch (http://www.rigimarsch.ch/), with its 50 km and total ascent of 1550 meters should be easy, right? The fact that all of the ascent is concentrated...
Publiziert von Stijn 29. Mai 2014 um 19:38 (Fotos:18)
Mai 26
Unterwallis   K5+  
25 Mai 14
Via Farinetta (witnessing a helicopter rescue)
My first via ferrata this year: Via Farinetta in Canton Valais. On Saturday, I attended an "Aktiv Tag" organised by my heath insurance Atupri, that included a very interesting visit to the hypermodern Rega base in Zweisimmen. Little did I know, that wasn't going to be the last I was to see of helicopter rescue for the weekend....
Publiziert von Stijn 26. Mai 2014 um 21:58 (Fotos:40)
Mai 20
St.Gallen   T3  
18 Mai 14
Hirzli and Planggenstock
My brother was visiting over the weekend. With his Berlin running club, he participated in the SOLA estafette run on Saturday. Not tired yet, we went for a hike on Sunday, to the popular panorama summit of Hirzli. The subsequent ridge to the Planggenstock had more snow than expected, and became a little more difficult than...
Publiziert von Stijn 20. Mai 2014 um 21:11 (Fotos:40)
Mai 13
Luzern   T5 I  
10 Mai 14
Schimbrig (with Hengst)
I met up with Abi for the first time in almost a year, and together with his friend Takuya we headed to the Schimbrig (1815m), near the Glaubenpass in Kanton Luzern. The Schimbrig ridge path is a worthwhile objective, especially for this time of year. Optionally, things can be spiced up with a short but thrilling bit of scrambling...
Publiziert von Stijn 13. Mai 2014 um 22:48 (Fotos:36)
Apr 28
St.Gallen   T4  
26 Apr 14
Lütispitz and Neuenalpspitz
Tom and me met up on Saturday for our second hike together, after our snow shoe ascent of the Schnebelhorn. The goal this time was the Lütispitz in the southern Alpstein, with the possibility of doing the ridge towards the Neuenalpspitz afterwards. Tom left his nine months pregnant girlfriend at home, so there was always a risk...
Publiziert von Stijn 28. April 2014 um 19:27 (Fotos:29)
Apr 1
Schwyz   T2 WT2  
30 Mär 14
Rigi Kulm from Küssnacht
Through the website Spontacts, I ran across some other hikers who are planning to do the Rigimarch in May as well. They had planned a training/reconnaissance hike on Rigi last Sunday, along the final part of the Rigimarch route. What better way to spend a sunny Sunday? A large group (eleven of us, though not everybody training...
Publiziert von Stijn 1. April 2014 um 22:49 (Fotos:11)
Mär 31
Zürich   T4  
29 Mär 14
An exploration of the Fallätsche traverse
I first heard about the Fallätsche (alternatively spelled Falletsche) from a colleague at work, who recommended it to me as "a patch of Alpine hiking within the city of Zürich". The route of the "Fallätsche traverse" has been described on Hikr many times, including a six years old report in English by 360. Update...
Publiziert von Stijn 31. März 2014 um 21:22 (Fotos:28 | Kommentare:4)