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Stijn » Tourenberichte (mit Geodaten) (90)

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Jun 17
Simmental   T6 II  
2 Jun 18
Die Runde um die Walop-Alp, von Widdergalm über Stierengrat, Kaiseregg und Schafberg bis zum Rotenchaste, ist eine grossartige Überschreitung für gute Alpinwanderer. Die T6-Schüssstellen (der Felsgrat von Stierengrat zu Hasensrpungspitzen und die Annäherung vom Rotenchaste) sind kurz aber dürfen nicht unterschätzt werden....
Publiziert von Stijn 5. Juni 2018 um 21:25 (Fotos:101 | Kommentare:1 | Geodaten:2)
Jul 20
Mittelwallis   T5 II  
14 Jul 19
Becs de Bosson
Zustieg: die landschaftlich schöne Variante via Pas de Lona und Mittagessen auf der Cabana des Becs de Bosson (sehr freundlich und empfehlenswert).   Gipfelbesteigung Becs de Bosson (T5, II): Erste Schlüsselstelle ist ein senkrechtes Wändchen mit Fixseile. Über ein guter Wegspur weiter bis ein Fels am...
Publiziert von Stijn 18. Juli 2019 um 22:35 (Fotos:41 | Kommentare:1 | Geodaten:1)
Jun 30
Berner Voralpen   T5 I  
15 Okt 16
Chrummfadeflue (from Gurnigel to Stockhorn)
The Chrummfadeflue ridge is already well-documented here on Hikr (see e.g. Ka's report). Nevertheless, it's a very quiet route (the last entry in the Gustispitz log book is already 11 days old), especially when you compare it with the tourist magnets of Gantisch to the west and Stockhorn to the east. Since it had rained the day...
Publiziert von Stijn 17. Oktober 2016 um 20:12 (Fotos:59 | Kommentare:2 | Geodaten:2)
Okt 5
Surselva   T6- II  
29 Sep 18
Piz Vallatscha (Hikr-Erstbesteigung), Piz Miez, Scopi, Pizzo del Corvo
Piz Vallatscha gibt es in Graubünden zwei mal. Piz Vallatscha am Ofenpass wird wohl noch regelmässiger besucht. Piz Vallatscha am Lukmanierpass ist deutlich weniger bekannt. Auf Internet findet man nur Infos auf gr3000.ch sowie im eBook "Einsame Gipfelziele Graubünden". Auch in Strahlerkreisen hat der Berg offenbar ein wenig...
Publiziert von Stijn 2. Oktober 2018 um 20:47 (Fotos:48 | Kommentare:3 | Geodaten:1)
Mär 9
Oberwallis   II WS  
25 Feb 18
Elwertätsch (3208m), Birghorn (3243m) und Petersgrat (3202m), Abfahrt durch's Uisters Tal
Der Hockengrat bietet phantastische Möglichkeiten, von einem hochgelegenen Ausgangspunkt aus einige aussichtsreiche 3000er zu besuchen. Die Kombinationsmöglichkeiten sind vielfältig, und es bieten sich mehrere Abfahrtsvarianten an. Da das angesagte Schönwetter Startschwierigkeiten hatte, mussten wir unseren ursprünglichen...
Publiziert von Chrichen 4. März 2018 um 18:38 (Fotos:136 | Kommentare:4 | Geodaten:1)
Feb 14
Sottoceneri   T3  
10 Feb 18
Monte Brè, Monte Boglia, Gandria
Already in January, I had planned a hike onto Monte Boglia via the southwest ridge (or "Igor's secret ridge", as the Italian Hikrs call it). My backpack was already packed, but I fell ill overnight and had to cancel the trip. One month later, there is another chance to escape the bad weather in the north and enjoy some sunshine in...
Publiziert von Stijn 13. Februar 2018 um 21:40 (Fotos:42 | Kommentare:4 | Geodaten:1)
Jan 18
Uri   WS  
13 Jan 18
Rottällihorn, Gross Leckihorn, descent Witenwasserenpass-Oberwald
Day 1 Realp - Rottällihorn - Rotondohütte 1400m ascent, 350m descent, 4h45, PD The weather is perfect and skiers have come to Realp by the dozens to take advantage of the conditions. Around Höhenbiel, the "summer route" is passable on skis as well, with the exception of the debris of one avalanche, which needs to be...
Publiziert von Stijn 17. Januar 2018 um 21:00 (Fotos:70 | Kommentare:3 | Geodaten:2)
Dez 5
Surselva   WS-  
3 Dez 17
Fil de Cassons
Until 2015, a cable car made the Fil de Cassons accessible to skiers in the Flims-Laax area. There are already big plans for a futuristic replacement cable car. However, in the meantime, the superb south-southwest slopes of the Fil de Cassons are much quieter, making them an interesting goal for a ski tour. Though there is snow...
Publiziert von Stijn 4. Dezember 2017 um 23:44 (Fotos:51 | Kommentare:2 | Geodaten:1)
Okt 18
Obwalden   T5+ II  
14 Okt 17
Schafnase NW ridge + Rossflue
The northwest ridge on the Schafnase summit of the Giswilerstock is a popular route on Hikr, and rightfully so. The nearby Glaubenbielen pass means that you can complete a worthwhile and challenging scrambling route in less than 3 hours. Including the traverse of the Rossflue gives you even more fun, while the total time stays...
Publiziert von Stijn 18. Oktober 2017 um 19:07 (Fotos:52 | Kommentare:1 | Geodaten:1)
Aug 25
Hinterrhein   T5 II  
17 Aug 17
Pizzo Tambo (via north ridge)
Almost a whole year after meeting Chrichen at the Hikr Treff, we finally meet up for our first hike together. We drive up towards Splügenpass, an area that is new to both of us. Our goal is the Pizzo Tambo north ridge. The information on the internet about this route is very limited. On Hikr there was only one report by...
Publiziert von Stijn 24. August 2017 um 21:11 (Fotos:66 | Kommentare:2 | Geodaten:1)
Aug 16
Oberwallis   T4  
12 Aug 17
Ochsehorn, Simelihorn, Mattwaldhorn (with Perseids-watching bivouac)
It's starting to become a tradition of mine to do a bivouac-tour somewhere far far away from Zürich on the Street Parade weekend. Also this year, the weather was friendly enough. My night under the stars also coincided with the highlight of the Perseids meteor shower, so I was looking forward to seeing lots of "shooting stars"....
Publiziert von Stijn 15. August 2017 um 21:13 (Fotos:123 | Kommentare:2 | Geodaten:2)
Aug 4
Uri   T5 I  
22 Jul 17
I only have Saturday morning available for a hike, but plenty motivation for a decent tour. The result: a 3.20am alarm and a 5.10am start at the end of the Chlital (Isenthal). A large traffic sign lists the times when the Postauto uses the narrow road from Bauen to Isenthal. It might be advisable to wait a couple of minutes,...
Publiziert von Stijn 3. August 2017 um 20:27 (Fotos:54 | Kommentare:2 | Geodaten:1)
Aug 3
Glarus   T5+ II  
19 Jul 17
Rautispitz Trosweg + Wiggis Nordgrat
The Trosweg onto the Rautispitz saw a couple of Hikr ascents in 2015 after PStraub first wrote about it. Since then, things have gotten quiet again about this route. The Trosweg had stayed on my ToDo-list, though. When looking for a route not too far from Zürich and preferably shadowy for a hot summer day, this north-sided...
Publiziert von Stijn 2. August 2017 um 22:27 (Fotos:58 | Kommentare:5 | Geodaten:1)
Jul 17
Uri   ZS 5a K3-  
7 Jul 17
Galenstock SE ridge
With the weather forecast predicting good weather on Saturday, but thunderstorms all day on Sunday, we went looking for a hut that could be reached within a couple of hours from Zürich already on Friday afternoon. Our choice fell on the Sidelenhütte. My idea for Saturday would have been the Galenstock SE spur, but my rope...
Publiziert von Stijn 9. Juli 2017 um 15:36 (Fotos:64 | Kommentare:8 | Geodaten:1)
Jun 23
Glarus   T6- II  
17 Jun 17
Mürtschenstock Ruchen
When driving below on the A3, the Mürtschenstock doesn't look like a mountain that can be scrambled up. Yet while the full ridge traverse is indeed a highly regarded undertaking for climbers, the normal route onto the highest summit (Ruchen) is actually within reach of alpine hikers. The starting point of Talalp can be reached by...
Publiziert von Stijn 21. Juni 2017 um 20:16 (Fotos:45 | Kommentare:4 | Geodaten:1)
Mär 3
Bellinzonese   T4  
24 Sep 16
Pizzo Forno
"Of all the excellent viewpoints in this guidebook, the Pizzo Forno might be the number one," writes SAC Alpinwandern/Gipfelziele Gotthard. "The ascent is best left for an autumn day with clear weather." Check and check. Or so we thought, until a cloud came out of nowhere to reach the summit Pizzo Forno summit at exactly the same...
Publiziert von Stijn 2. Oktober 2016 um 14:33 (Fotos:72 | Kommentare:2 | Geodaten:2)
Okt 18
Obwalden   T2  
30 Sep 16
Der Fondueflüsterer am Hikr Treffen
Der Fondueflüsterer Damit keine Missverständnisse entstehen: ich bin nicht der Typ, der sich mit falschen Titeln schmückt. Das überlasse ich prominenten Politikern. Es war Prof. Dr. Hikronimus Wopo persönlich, der die Universität Flachlandhausen beauftragt hat, mir diesen Titel zu verleihen. Voraussichtlich werde ich...
Publiziert von laponia41 3. Oktober 2016 um 10:57 (Fotos:49 | Kommentare:8 | Geodaten:1)
Sep 20
Simmental   T5 I  
11 Sep 16
Cheibehore (Gurbsgrat + Chirelgrat)
I have already been a fan of the "Schweiz 3000" and "Ostalpen 3000" books published by Rother Selection. When I noticed the new "Gratwandern Schweiz" guidebook by some of the same authors (congratz Pit, t2star and Omega3), I did not hesitate. There are plenty of great hiking ideas in there. Many routes were already known to me,...
Publiziert von Stijn 19. September 2016 um 21:46 (Fotos:31 | Kommentare:2 | Geodaten:1)
Aug 23
Obwalden   T5- I  
9 Jul 16
Brienzergrat XL (Kaiserstuhl OW - Harder Kulm)
36km, 3500m ascent, 2900m descent, some 20 summits, 16h45, following the spine of the Brienzer Rothorn massif, including some of the best grass ridges in the Alps. Preface There's a fun exchange of comments in another Hikr report:   Übernachtet habe ich im Hotel Rothorn-Kulm, wie das wohl alle tun (Nik...
Publiziert von Stijn 10. Juli 2016 um 16:45 (Fotos:87 | Kommentare:4 | Geodaten:1)
Aug 1
Oberwallis   T5 WS II K1  
23 Jul 16
Färichhorn / Bigerhorn-Balfrin-Ulrichshorn / Nadelhorn
The Nadelhorn: not a bad goal for my first 4000m peak :). Day 1 Gasenried - Bordierhütte 4h15, 1250m ascent, 50m descent, T4 The ascent from Gasenried to the Bordierhütte("Bordier" pronounced in a French way)is relatively long but pleasantly varied. The path first goes up through the forrest, then through a fascinating...
Publiziert von Stijn 31. Juli 2016 um 19:21 (Fotos:123 | Kommentare:2 | Geodaten:6)